Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Season's Greetings!

The Ski Chalet is once again open! Rip your hair out trying to get the skiing badges! Click on presents! Sell candy canes for big bucks! The Winter Event is live!
I just wanted to take a moment to wish all DBers (and friends) a very happy holiday and a joyous New Year! You've all been a very special part of my life so thank you!
And in closing, here are some ideas if you have someone you're having a tough time shopping for!
For Sunbathing on the Beach in Warburg
Forget the Chest Slider! He'll love you more in this!
DEBT BRIGADE! or I love Az! Eat your words in your favorite color!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Cmon Out and Play!

The PvP event was great fun, and thanks to the help of good Empath (Generic Healer Guy!), the squishees stayed upright and laid the smack down.
I encourage all to join up for these, we have a lot of fun with them. I am looking at doing the Leviathan Strike Force for villains (lvl 25 min) and if someone wants a lowbie event on either side, I will be glad to help. Shout out if want something.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Eighteen, what a magical number!

NEWFLASH! An extra bonus of prestige was accidently awarded to live servers again today! Woot! We just got an EXTRA three million!!
First off a big congratulations to everyone! The SG Registrar tells me that after the prestige boost, Debt Brigade is #18 in the top 100 prestige earners. Great job to all! Please feel free to use this information to recruit new people (especially those who want to base raid!) The base padders will be removed this week. Captains still have the authority to kick them as needed!
I am very excited to tell you the base is being remodelled and once we hit the 750 PvP kills, we will be sitting VERY pretty! Baba and Mrs K were kind enough to come over and test some new weaponry yesterday. The Rikti Plasma cannon is nice, but its energy usage might be a bit steep since it's recharge is very slow. The repel field *might be useful, but color me disappointed it did not work at all like the force bubble does.
Hopefully our next raid will be nothing like the last one. Suffice it to say, it was a disaster. I thank Garl, Colder and Baba for coming out and trying vainly to protect our stuff. We just didn't have the numbers we normally do so we were outgunned big time. New raid will be scheduled in January! After the holidays!

Have you tried it? The new TF? If not, you're going to! This weekend! Saturday at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern! Cap, Deep, Violet and I tried our hand at it and we need reinforcements! So get out your heaviest hitters cause this one is a doozy!
Saturday, December 08, 2007

Today at 4pm pacific! Be there! :)
Any TF/SFs anyone wants to do? Baba had one he wanted to try OR we could so a flashback arc? We could try one with one of the special settings perhaps? Apparently, there are some badges associated with them.
Grats to Peace on hitting 50! Grats to the group for earning the Rikti Plasma Cannon!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Hot Blooded...check it and see...
The City of Heroes website has a link to an article by covering the recent Q and A Az and Chica attended. I was throughly enjoying my read when suddenly I saw a pic in the article that I had to share with the SG.
Az, you didn't tell me they had CoX karaoke going on:

I am sooooo getting a lump of coal from you this year aren't I? :P:::
Az, you didn't tell me they had CoX karaoke going on:

I am sooooo getting a lump of coal from you this year aren't I? :P:::
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
New Computer suggestions
The guy I get to work on my computer is paranoid about building me a new one. Mostly cuz he doesn't want me to yell at him if it doesn't work lol. He wants me to find out what a good motherboard and graphics cards would be for CoH. I looked on the forum but I'm not getting anything good either due to ignorance at what I'm reading or I'm not using the right search.
Any suggestions on a good system?
Any suggestions on a good system?
Monday, December 03, 2007
Dum Da Dum Dum
Well I11 may have finished me off. My mother board sockets won't support any of the newer Graphics cards that manufacturers are bothering to update. Just listen to these other happy asus customers.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Meet and Greet
I must confess I had more fun at the M&G than I had anticipated. This is probably in part due to the wonderful company I kept in the amazing, gorgeous, lovely, insane Chica Vaga!

We got there around 6:30pm and the registration line was out the door. Fortunately, the bar was close and adult beverages made our wait less taxing. We got to meet Lighthouse and ExLibris at this time. The following is a photo of them that someone on the boards took since mine did not turn out. (ExLibris and LH in the middle)

The night mainly consisted of mingling with fellow players, an "autograph" event with the developers, a preview of the new City Vault (searchable online database of players' information such as costume, slotting, powers, bio) and new costume sets. They also had a Q&A and a big raffle. Chica and I did not win anything, but they had gift bags for everyone so we were happy not to stumble back to the hotel room empty handed.
Myself and Manticore
Ghost Falcon finally moves from his spot in PI
Az puckers up with Sexy Jay
Az gets cozy with Positron
I think GW is gonna kill Chica in the next STF
Back Alley Brawler and Castle
We also went to the after-party for a bit with some of the devs and a ton of the players. I mostly talked about the state of PvP with people and drank Ex's Jagermeister. All in all, it was fun to meet up with people I'd known from in-game and on the boards, especially some of the Triumph Crew. They applauded very loudly when I mentioned I was from Triumph when I asked my question over the microphone of Positron. It was a riot. Fun times. Thanks so much to Chica for coming out and making it awesome!

We got there around 6:30pm and the registration line was out the door. Fortunately, the bar was close and adult beverages made our wait less taxing. We got to meet Lighthouse and ExLibris at this time. The following is a photo of them that someone on the boards took since mine did not turn out. (ExLibris and LH in the middle)

The night mainly consisted of mingling with fellow players, an "autograph" event with the developers, a preview of the new City Vault (searchable online database of players' information such as costume, slotting, powers, bio) and new costume sets. They also had a Q&A and a big raffle. Chica and I did not win anything, but they had gift bags for everyone so we were happy not to stumble back to the hotel room empty handed.

We also went to the after-party for a bit with some of the devs and a ton of the players. I mostly talked about the state of PvP with people and drank Ex's Jagermeister. All in all, it was fun to meet up with people I'd known from in-game and on the boards, especially some of the Triumph Crew. They applauded very loudly when I mentioned I was from Triumph when I asked my question over the microphone of Positron. It was a riot. Fun times. Thanks so much to Chica for coming out and making it awesome!
Raiders Riotous Reunion Ruined...
Last weekend we had an impromptu Air Pirate Strike Force, and as always, it is a lot of fun. Starting one is always interesting when you have people from outside the VG and then the fun just keeps coming. Unique map instances (well for villains anyways), a cool AV, and easy mishes. Looking to run it with my wife's new villain, Planty Girl, on Dec 9 say 3:00 EST/12:00 PST, unless anyone else needs a better time.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Get Well Soon Garl
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Issue 11 Hits Wednesday

Yep, you heard me! Roll your Dual Blades or Willpower scrappers/tanks and get 'em in the SG! For more info on the announcement, click here!
I know most of you were awesome enough to come work the Haunted House, but if you missed it, I posted a pictorial of it here.
I think we will be getting rid of the MUNST room. While many people drop off their SOs, according to the log, no one is taking any. So either tell me not to delete it, or help me empty out the bins by selling off the enhancements in them so I can delete the storage items.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
DB News

Ebon and I would like to do Faathim the Kind TF on 12/2 at 12:30 pm pacific/3:30pm eastern. If we kill the AV at the end 2 more times in SG mode, we will earn the Rikti Plasma Cannon for the base!
Base Raid with our villain friends! December 8th at 4:00pm pacific/7pm eastern!
Prestige bonus! We will be padding the SG roster to get as big a bonus as we can get. If you have any unused slots, generate a hero and get 'em in the SG. You can delete them later! Or if you are really motivated, get yourself a temp account by using the "Refer-a-Friend" feature! This account will be active for only 10 days and you will have to use an email that is not the one on your main account.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Holidays from the Kanooshs
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Happy Birthday Chaud
She doesn't love us anymore so probably won't see this, but I thought I'd wish Chaud Woman a very happy birthday!
Saturday is the final day for villains in the Haunted House so if you can manage to come work it with me at 5:45 pm pacific, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Next raid! Villains again! Saturday, December 8th at 4pm. How's that sound?
Saturday is the final day for villains in the Haunted House so if you can manage to come work it with me at 5:45 pm pacific, it'd be greatly appreciated.
Next raid! Villains again! Saturday, December 8th at 4pm. How's that sound?
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Haunted House Final Days
Well all, we will need some volunteers to staff the Haunted House on test for tonight and for next Saturday! Only villains can staff the Haunted House, but if you have a hero you want to use, bring them tonight and try to make your way out alive! The Haunted House is a ton of fun no matter which side you are on!
Incidently, we are still trying to gain the SuperGroup badge for the third tier generator! It is 750 PvP kills in SG mode so get into the zones and kill some people. We might set up a farm for this in Warburg if you all want, where we can stand around and kill each other for credit! If we have 2 teams of 8, for team wipe, that's 64 credits (one credit for everyone on the team). We can bring a tray full of awakes to make the process go quicker. Just a thought....
Anyone have anything they want to do? MS raid? TF?
Incidently, we are still trying to gain the SuperGroup badge for the third tier generator! It is 750 PvP kills in SG mode so get into the zones and kill some people. We might set up a farm for this in Warburg if you all want, where we can stand around and kill each other for credit! If we have 2 teams of 8, for team wipe, that's 64 credits (one credit for everyone on the team). We can bring a tray full of awakes to make the process go quicker. Just a thought....
Anyone have anything they want to do? MS raid? TF?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Presents for Everyone!
Dec 10th Prestige Gift Awarded
Issue 11 is nearly upon us. As many of you know, the roster for SGs will be bumped up to 150 people. On December 10th, for every member in your SG you will be awarded 20k prestige. With 150 people, that amounts to 3 million prestige!
Suffice it to say with the cost of a fusion generator looming near at 7.5 million, that would come in mighty handy. Clever people have started a network for base padding. People from the community on other servers will drop toons into your SG while you drop yours in there. So I can drop 12 toons on pinnacle for someone and they will return the favor. After the prestige gift, all these toons can be kicked and we will be wealthy! So if you have slots left on Triumph and want to drop them into the SG please do so. I will also be getting a temporary trial account to further pad. Should you choose to help out this way, make sure all the toons have similar names (EG: Azrhiaz1, Azrhiaz2, Azrhiaz3) so we know who to kick after. :)
Issue 11 is nearly upon us. As many of you know, the roster for SGs will be bumped up to 150 people. On December 10th, for every member in your SG you will be awarded 20k prestige. With 150 people, that amounts to 3 million prestige!
Suffice it to say with the cost of a fusion generator looming near at 7.5 million, that would come in mighty handy. Clever people have started a network for base padding. People from the community on other servers will drop toons into your SG while you drop yours in there. So I can drop 12 toons on pinnacle for someone and they will return the favor. After the prestige gift, all these toons can be kicked and we will be wealthy! So if you have slots left on Triumph and want to drop them into the SG please do so. I will also be getting a temporary trial account to further pad. Should you choose to help out this way, make sure all the toons have similar names (EG: Azrhiaz1, Azrhiaz2, Azrhiaz3) so we know who to kick after. :)
Touchdown! Fumble!

Great raid to everyone! We had 11 show up to kick some villain bootie and kick it we did!

It might have been me, but they really stepped up their game this time around and while they didn't function well as a raid team, they certainly made their prescense felt in the base! We did a pretty sound job of defending so kudos to all.
Round 2 led us into the Bandit's Brigade base and we quickly dispatched their generator. However, most of us, including myself, forgot to keep components to make pylons stocked on their person so we ran out. What a tragedy! /em kick self. The day could have been ours had we just planned ahead. But we were golden anyway and I'm proud of everyone who participated.
A few of us might want to build our toons a bit more specifically for raids, and Metoid might want to just delete his blaster and roll another scrapper maybe. LOL We also need some emps, I suspect, since we didn't have any. And a rad to debuff those dominators would have been nice. :)
They suggested Saturday, December 1st for the next round. How's that sound? And if it works for you, what time?
Friday, November 09, 2007
This Weekend

looking at the Book of Rularuu (debt protection status)
Well first and foremost, BASE RAID! Against our villain friends! Sunday at 2:30pm pacific/5:30pm eastern.
Saturday, if there's a bunch of us on in the early afternoon, let's head to the RWZ for a Mothership Raid!
Sunday Night, there'll be some "Kickball" in the arena around 6pm pacific. Just a way of picking teams essentially. Incidently, if you are looking to up your skills, the PvPEC has created a PvP League on Test. It will run for 6 weeks in January and is geared towards all skill levels. More information here!
Congrats to Powersurge' and Silicdan for reaching 50!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Independence and the end of the Reserve
NCSoft acquires full COH rights from Cryptic
NCsoft® Corp, the world’s leading developer and publisher of online computer games, today announced the formation of a new development studio in Mountain View, California. The announcement comes as the company begins a renewed push to further develop the City of Heroes® property, which is now 100 percent owned by NCsoft. Previous to today, ownership of the intellectual property was split between NCsoft and Cryptic Studios, the original developer of the project.
This means lots of good stuff for us players and a team that is devoted exclusively to us. Statesman (Jack Emmerit) will no longer be part of that team. I'm hoping they kill his character off! :)
With the advent of issue 11 and the supergroup settings going up to 150 members, I feel it is no longer useful to have the Debt Brigade Reserve, unless it's for absent players to park their toons. Since we will be getting a 20k prestige bonus for every member shortly after 11 hits, it will pay for us to have all our alts in the main SG. This does not mean you can let them languish however, so please keep them logged in at least once every 30 days. Colder, Garl, this means you!
What are we doing this weekend? A Mothership Raid perhaps?
NCsoft® Corp, the world’s leading developer and publisher of online computer games, today announced the formation of a new development studio in Mountain View, California. The announcement comes as the company begins a renewed push to further develop the City of Heroes® property, which is now 100 percent owned by NCsoft. Previous to today, ownership of the intellectual property was split between NCsoft and Cryptic Studios, the original developer of the project.
This means lots of good stuff for us players and a team that is devoted exclusively to us. Statesman (Jack Emmerit) will no longer be part of that team. I'm hoping they kill his character off! :)
With the advent of issue 11 and the supergroup settings going up to 150 members, I feel it is no longer useful to have the Debt Brigade Reserve, unless it's for absent players to park their toons. Since we will be getting a 20k prestige bonus for every member shortly after 11 hits, it will pay for us to have all our alts in the main SG. This does not mean you can let them languish however, so please keep them logged in at least once every 30 days. Colder, Garl, this means you!
What are we doing this weekend? A Mothership Raid perhaps?
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Base Raid!! Sun. November 11 @2:30pm Pacific
You heard me! Polish up the armor and assemble! It's villain beat-down time once again! Max team size is 16, so get there early!
I'm also working on getting a raid going with our old pals, Riders of Apocalypse!
I'm also working on getting a raid going with our old pals, Riders of Apocalypse!
Bat'Drool pwnzd again

Wanted to thank everyone for the great showing we had for Death Brigade (Villain version of Debt Brigade for those new folks) at the Tarikoss Strike Force. A Hero and an AV, man what more could a kid ask for? What a great SF. It was fairly easy going until the dreaded CoT map, but we managed to coordinate and overcome the issues. Smooth sailing into the final mish, where we squeezed Infernal for a few Behemoth spawns while badge slumming. Note in the picture above, Scourge of the Isles (aka Metoid) pays the price for excessive emote slapping of a Hero. Spellfrost (aka Marsara), then proceeds to protest the Hero's actions. Great fun and the East Coasters even stayed awake through the whole event. I will be posting an invite for the next SF which involves lots of Skyraiders, four unique maps not seen anywhere else in either CoH or CoV, and the peskiest AV I have seen yet. Until then, play in SG mode Villains!

Death Brigade still accepting recruits! Sign up today at the nearest Rogue Isles location nearest you!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Help a Villain out

OK folks we have a lot of scheduling to do! Az wants to knock out a Manticore TF and I would love to join in on that if it isnt too late, let me know if that is still available. Also I spoke with Colder earlier and we would like to line up the first SF on CoV side, lvl 15-20 for xp (min is lvl 15). It is very fun, heck most SFs are, and it can be done in about 2-3 hours. If you do the log trick it goes even quicker. Let me know what time is good for you all. Weekends are best for me but a late nighter on Friday isn't out of hand at all. Colder I don't want to do this unless you can make it so let me know bud.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Love is in the Air...and so was the Stench of Death
Well I cannot say enough about how well the Haunted House event on Test is going. Halloween may be ok with temp costumes on live servers but the real fun was had tonight on Test. Az and Co. did a phenomenal job designing a HUGE VG base as a dark spooky maze. The heroes hitting it definitely were at a loss finding their way around. A few toons made it through the maze with great time and fairly unscathed. Then it turned into a typical base raid after folks made their way around...the fight was on. Az, as a guide on her toon Dunizel, even found herself victimized by the loathesome villains of the Isles. A rough crowd, but then again, the heroes had some very solid PvP toons. Typical base raid until...

...A certain AV I am known to have a toon-crush on showed up and decided to sprinkle CoT throughout the base...

...If that wasn't enough, the heroes came around the corner to discover another obstacle in their path...

...A certain AV I am known to have a toon-crush on showed up and decided to sprinkle CoT throughout the base...

...If that wasn't enough, the heroes came around the corner to discover another obstacle in their path...
...Yes kids GW spawned ol dirty drawers himself, Jack of Irons. During the raid the heroes had to deal with him as well and after the raid the villains got to take turns smacking him around. Note how brave I appear on film.

In the end GW handed out some spiffy titles for all the participants and everyone was rather pleased with the fun had throughout the event. If you haven't had a chance to go through it, I highly recommend you give it a shot tomorrow if you can. And pass on to our leader, Az, how awesome she did putting the event on.
PS. Az as promised from the raid...

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Level 4 Fights and Stuff
This Saturday at 4pm pacific on the Infinity server, I will be hosting some level 4 PvP fights. We will be having a free-for-all and then also a Gang War (dress up like your favorite faction (eg: Carnies, Skulls, Trolls, Knives, etc) and win the neighborhood). Level 4 fights are great for leveling the playing field and evening out skill differences! I'll be on Azrionous of the Banished Pantheon! Prizes will go to the top 3 in kill counts in the Free for All. You could win a statue of Statesman or Lord Recluse, a timecard, or a CoX t-shirt! See this thread for more information and sign up!
Don't forget this is the final weekend of the Haunted House and I know some of you are helping "haunt" it with me. Please be on test at 5:45 pm pacific on the day you are helping.
I'll be planning a Mothership Raid soon, as well as a Manticore TF.
Chica and I will be attending the CoH gathering in San Jose, CA on Nov 30th if any SGers would like to come out and party DB style!
Don't forget this is the final weekend of the Haunted House and I know some of you are helping "haunt" it with me. Please be on test at 5:45 pm pacific on the day you are helping.
I'll be planning a Mothership Raid soon, as well as a Manticore TF.
Chica and I will be attending the CoH gathering in San Jose, CA on Nov 30th if any SGers would like to come out and party DB style!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Red Eyed Demon Army
Since our last raid against the Dire Disciples of Chaos, I began talking to my villain super-group and have arranged possible raids in the future. Akhenaten is their leader and I will begin talking with him more to see if I can't arrange some possible dates, etc...
As of right now they are ranked 87th overall but they have never participated in a raid yet, only PvP in places like Warburg and Bloody Bay. Akhenatnen has told me that he would like them to just raid us first (before we start raiding them) so that they can get the feel of it, and so that they get some time to build up their base's defenses. Their base is all show right now and no actual guns to back it up.
So expect the Red Eyed Demon Army to challenge us to a raid sometime in the future.
(FYI, if and when they start the raids I will most likely be playing Spellfrost on the villain-side.)

So expect the Red Eyed Demon Army to challenge us to a raid sometime in the future.
(FYI, if and when they start the raids I will most likely be playing Spellfrost on the villain-side.)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
I'm gonna hit you with my . . .
Hold on, let me decide first which I want to use.
A pictorial list of the new custom weapons in issue 11
A pictorial list of the new custom weapons in issue 11
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Well in a stunning and graceful way, DB stomps Dire Disciples of Chaos by destroying their lair and taking them down in our own house. DB reigned victorious by winning their attacking raid by destroying the generator and then laying pylons down in the vulnerable DDOC base! With Amazingman, Mercy Mercy and Ebon Mauler taking the brunt of the attack, we were able to sweep in and do a bit of cleaning by mopping the floor with the villains. Great job to all!

Round 2 found them invading our base. Tanks gathered in the generator room and the rest of us fanned out and did the dance of face-smashing against our foe. They were able to get a few pylons down and take out the green infirmary, but with 2 in the hizzy, that's just fine! DDOC did a great job and went from a measly 5 to a clan of 12 and were able to do very well against 13 heroes. What a gathering! I was so proud of the SG in coming together and kicking ass! Thanks to: Garl Darklord, Ebon Mauler, Deep, Violet, Amazingman (Earl), Sarah Queen (shatter-storm), Dr. Bowen (what a trooper!), Akima Shinjo (divine), Copykat (Di), Ulti-Chica and Lil Minx! Also thanks to Metoid and to Silicdan for volunteering when we could take no more players. Next raid we are planning for the same time on November 4th. Be there!

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Halloween Fight Fest
The PvPEC is proud to announce Halloween Fight Fest!
Due to Test being down, the Haunted House will be by invite only. If you have NOT been invited to i11 Testing and would like to tour the HH, please sign up here to win a chance at gaining access to the Test server!
If you are already on test and can help work the Haunted House, please let me know. We have adjusted our showtimes to the weekends (Oct 20, 21, 27, 28) at 6pm pacific. I would really, really appreciate any help you can give me!
Triumph Events:
The Terrible Two Battle Royale (lvl 38-40)
4pm pacific on October 21st.
One villain, one hero teamed together against as many other duos as we can find.
Debt Brigade Raid with Bandit's Brigade
Sunday, Oct. 14th at 2pm pacific
RSVPs: Ebon, Garl, Azrhiaz, Colder, Baba, Makin' Debt
Due to Test being down, the Haunted House will be by invite only. If you have NOT been invited to i11 Testing and would like to tour the HH, please sign up here to win a chance at gaining access to the Test server!
If you are already on test and can help work the Haunted House, please let me know. We have adjusted our showtimes to the weekends (Oct 20, 21, 27, 28) at 6pm pacific. I would really, really appreciate any help you can give me!
Triumph Events:
The Terrible Two Battle Royale (lvl 38-40)
4pm pacific on October 21st.
One villain, one hero teamed together against as many other duos as we can find.
Debt Brigade Raid with Bandit's Brigade
Sunday, Oct. 14th at 2pm pacific
RSVPs: Ebon, Garl, Azrhiaz, Colder, Baba, Makin' Debt

Saturday, October 06, 2007
Monsters, Ghouls, Fiends needed....

The PvPEC will be hosting a Haunted House on Test as part of our Halloween Event. You can come see this 55 million prestige behemoth base (made by yours truly) by signing up to work it! That's right! You need a job? We got one for you! We need villains of at least lvl 32 and up to staff the Haunted House and the signup thread is here! It promises to be a fun time! Scare or kill the Haunted House guests! woo hoo!
October 14th Base Raid with Bandit's Brigade. How does 2pm Pacific sound? That's *kinda in the middle?
I am going to do a Croatoa ghost farm on Monday night at 6pm pacific for anyone who needs this badge (you need it for Geas of the Kind Ones accolade).
TF this weekend anyone?
I have Monday off so I can stay up late two nights in a row! WOOT! Well if I drink a lot of caffeine. Anyone up for a TF? I would like to get my lvl 29 tank up a few notches for the base raid. He is close to lvl 30, gonna top him off to 30, so anything in the lvl 30 range would be good, (Katie Hannon, Manticore, or a respec Trial). Looks like anytime this weekend is good except early today (Saturday). Sound off Heroes!
Friday, October 05, 2007
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Base Raid Butt Kicking Time

I talked to linksys from Bandit's Brigade and we are going to set up another base raid for Sunday, the 14th. My question to you is: what time would work for you? We will be scheduling it between 1pm thru 5pm, so gimme some time in that frame that works for you. I personally would like to do it at 5, but am flexible! There is also a hero group hitting us up who wants to taste the wrath of the hall of death, so bring it on! :) They want to do it on February the 21st.
Welcome back Karrnage! I see Ngine has snuck back in too! Yay for family reunions!
There will be a Mixed 2v2 tournament Sunday if anyone would like to enter it. One villain and one hero against the same. Prize is 2 million inf, I believe. Hit me up for more details if you are interested.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Issue 11: A Stitch in Time
So who's excited?
It all seems pretty cool. Hopefully the power customization will extend to more powers in the future. In the meantime, my Cryo gun APP will at least look half decent :)
Redoing Story Arcs and badge mishes is what I've been dreaming of. Hopefully I can finally snag those missing accolades and powers (Crey Pistol for the thematic win!!!)
It all seems pretty cool. Hopefully the power customization will extend to more powers in the future. In the meantime, my Cryo gun APP will at least look half decent :)
Redoing Story Arcs and badge mishes is what I've been dreaming of. Hopefully I can finally snag those missing accolades and powers (Crey Pistol for the thematic win!!!)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Task Force: Force Stone Victorious!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sister Psyche Congratz!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Task Force Weekend
Hi all
I will be hopefully running 2 TF's this weekend, Citadel and Sister Psyche. These are required TF's for the TF Commander accolade ( +5% Health).Start times are Sat and Sun 1-1:30pm and 8-8:30pm pst. Let me know which TF you would like to do and what time and I'll try to get everyone together. Sis Psych is 20-25 and Citadel is 25-31.
Big time thx to Az for helpin me out with Posi TF and honorable mention to Shatter Storm and Infernal-Fires who tried to go the distance on a weeknight.
Thanks Guys
I will be hopefully running 2 TF's this weekend, Citadel and Sister Psyche. These are required TF's for the TF Commander accolade ( +5% Health).Start times are Sat and Sun 1-1:30pm and 8-8:30pm pst. Let me know which TF you would like to do and what time and I'll try to get everyone together. Sis Psych is 20-25 and Citadel is 25-31.
Big time thx to Az for helpin me out with Posi TF and honorable mention to Shatter Storm and Infernal-Fires who tried to go the distance on a weeknight.
Thanks Guys
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Triumph stomps Hami
I wasn't able to be there the whole time due to a tournament on Justice that I had to run, but I snuck in to second to last mito spawn. Led by Radiabatz, Triumph has finally beaten Hami. Global Heroics, Fusion Force, and the Wild Cards set this up so there was a big showing by them and lots of other friendly faces were there in the goo. Congrats to Triumph.
Incidently, who took all the EoE inspirations out of the base? I can only assume someone sold them for a pretty penny at WW cause there was no DBers with me last night. :(
Great fun on the Numina TF with Ebon! Today is the mothership raid led by moi. After which, Shatter-Storm has offered up the spelunker badge mission to anyone who needs it.
Incidently, who took all the EoE inspirations out of the base? I can only assume someone sold them for a pretty penny at WW cause there was no DBers with me last night. :(
Great fun on the Numina TF with Ebon! Today is the mothership raid led by moi. After which, Shatter-Storm has offered up the spelunker badge mission to anyone who needs it.
Numina Success
Friday, September 21, 2007
Numina TF

Hi All
I would like to run numina tf this weekend some time if anyone is interested. I will be on Sept 22 between 1:00-1:30 pst to get it together. If it doesn't happen then I'll be on that night around 8:00 pst to try again.
If anyone else is running a TF, look me up. My global is @Black Praetor and I'm online usually at the above times on both Sat. and Sun.
May the Debt NOT be with you :)
I would like to run numina tf this weekend some time if anyone is interested. I will be on Sept 22 between 1:00-1:30 pst to get it together. If it doesn't happen then I'll be on that night around 8:00 pst to try again.
If anyone else is running a TF, look me up. My global is @Black Praetor and I'm online usually at the above times on both Sat. and Sun.
May the Debt NOT be with you :)
Mothership Raid - Sunday 11am
Hey all! I am going to try to organize a raid on the Rikti mothership this Sunday morning 11am pacific/2pm Eastern, so if you need some merits, come join us!
6pm pacific there will be Sunday Night Smackdown. This week it will be in Bloody Bay so get yer butt in there and help us earn the fusion generator!
Ebon was talking about doing some TFs in the future so let me hear which ones you'd be interested in doing!
6pm pacific there will be Sunday Night Smackdown. This week it will be in Bloody Bay so get yer butt in there and help us earn the fusion generator!
Ebon was talking about doing some TFs in the future so let me hear which ones you'd be interested in doing!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Im Alive!
Hey everyone! How have you all been? Ive had lots of stuff going on lately sorry I haven't been around to post or even get on CoH. I should be returning soon HOPEFULLY! Been busy with a move and working and raising the two kiddies. There's only so much a Superhero can do by himself! I miss you guys and hope to see you soon :)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Splatfest Extraordinaire!
Wow! I'd forgotten how much fun base raids were!! I had an absolutle blast and I would like to give a very formal salute to Deep, Zero C and Minx for kicking some serious villain bootie! And thanks to Ebon for showing up, albeit too late to join. :(
We defended first and being our numbers were low, Bandit's Brigade loaned us an ice/emp troller. Things went pretty much by the numbers and we had a good time smooshing them. We only went 30 minutes since I figured we'd only have an hour or so and BB deserved a chance at smooshing us back.
So then we attacked their base. Rough start but we spawned right near the generator. We managed to remove some base defenses and Minx snuck in and hid behind the generator while the remainder of us died to keep her cover a secret! Usually using Azrhiaz in an attack, I am glad to have brought Lumeir. Nothing is quite as delightful as the ol' sand trap and a snowstorm maneuver! The AOE queen was quite the annoyance I'll wager! ha ha! You can't jump up here now, Sucker!
Deep pops elude and tears off into the heart of their base with 4 villains chasing him back and forth. Zero C is beating on the dominators for TKing her and Minx and I are busy with the generator! We go for more distractions and lay down 3 pylons! The generator BLOWS! They are running like mice before the cats! MEOW! But darn it! only 3 minutes left (we opted to do the entire hour). If we'd had Baba's pylon-laying finesse and a few more bodies, we coulda taken that base and spray painted DB all over the walls. :) SO CLOSE!
And no one DC'ed! What a great day! I had SO much fun and am so proud of the team! You 3 did an AMAZING job! Especially with the odds stacked against us, and all those MM pets!
BB would like to get raids going on a regular thing, so stay tuned for the next epic battle! :shakes the can of red paint:
Oh and if you are jonesing for some PvP, Sunday Night Smackdown is tomorrow night at 6pm Pacific. There will be a 5 Fall Last Man Standing event featured, but it's just casual night otherwise. We are 2/3rd of the way to the Fusion Generator so keep killing those baddies! (750 PvP kills nets us the badge)
We defended first and being our numbers were low, Bandit's Brigade loaned us an ice/emp troller. Things went pretty much by the numbers and we had a good time smooshing them. We only went 30 minutes since I figured we'd only have an hour or so and BB deserved a chance at smooshing us back.
So then we attacked their base. Rough start but we spawned right near the generator. We managed to remove some base defenses and Minx snuck in and hid behind the generator while the remainder of us died to keep her cover a secret! Usually using Azrhiaz in an attack, I am glad to have brought Lumeir. Nothing is quite as delightful as the ol' sand trap and a snowstorm maneuver! The AOE queen was quite the annoyance I'll wager! ha ha! You can't jump up here now, Sucker!
Deep pops elude and tears off into the heart of their base with 4 villains chasing him back and forth. Zero C is beating on the dominators for TKing her and Minx and I are busy with the generator! We go for more distractions and lay down 3 pylons! The generator BLOWS! They are running like mice before the cats! MEOW! But darn it! only 3 minutes left (we opted to do the entire hour). If we'd had Baba's pylon-laying finesse and a few more bodies, we coulda taken that base and spray painted DB all over the walls. :) SO CLOSE!
And no one DC'ed! What a great day! I had SO much fun and am so proud of the team! You 3 did an AMAZING job! Especially with the odds stacked against us, and all those MM pets!
BB would like to get raids going on a regular thing, so stay tuned for the next epic battle! :shakes the can of red paint:
Oh and if you are jonesing for some PvP, Sunday Night Smackdown is tomorrow night at 6pm Pacific. There will be a 5 Fall Last Man Standing event featured, but it's just casual night otherwise. We are 2/3rd of the way to the Fusion Generator so keep killing those baddies! (750 PvP kills nets us the badge)

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Marvel? DC? Pfft
A Day in the Life of a Rock Statue
Over on the Justice server, they are having The Amazing Race event that will be for characters level 1-4. Prizes seem pretty decent. Anyone want to do this avec moi? I'm thinking a bubbler might just do the trick! :)
Over on the Justice server, they are having The Amazing Race event that will be for characters level 1-4. Prizes seem pretty decent. Anyone want to do this avec moi? I'm thinking a bubbler might just do the trick! :)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Post report
Hello all, Baba checking in briefly in between mounds of boxes and packing paper. Move is going as well as moves go. We were in a state of panic...we live in the boonies ... like dial-up connection boonies ... like not even newer dial-up boonies. Almost ordered satellite internet but then did some homework and found out it is very bad for online gaming (latency issues). But it turns out our house sits on the edge of Verizon broadband connection, so with an antenna boost, I can pay a small ransom fee to play online again. We should be up and running in about a week or so, might try and take a break from unpacking this weekend if we can. Hope all are well.
The Kanooshes :-)
PS Tech and Chaud are coming back? Man I need to dust off my one liners for the reunion!
The Kanooshes :-)
PS Tech and Chaud are coming back? Man I need to dust off my one liners for the reunion!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Grats to Polar Gale and Lost Senpai
Please congratulate Lost Senpai on his reaching a million prestige! Way to go! According to a friend, DB rests around 25th in the Triumph rankings! Nice job to all!
Also a hearty grats go to Ebon Mauler on his attaining a new 50: ice/storm troller, Polar Gale! Woo hoo!
Also a hearty grats go to Ebon Mauler on his attaining a new 50: ice/storm troller, Polar Gale! Woo hoo!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Grats to Deep and Granny!

A big congratulations goes out to Deep on his winning ticket in the Lottery with Alpha Radiation. He also cleaned up and took first place in the Treasure Hunt sponsored by the Paragon Regulators. Granny VXN tied for 2nd with 3 others with 6 statues and Deep Fryd had 7. If anyone needs a loan, hit him up! :grin: He won 10 million, an HO, and some wings! Lucky duck! The Treasure Hunt had you looking for "statues" all over Paragon with very vague clues to where they were! Was rather infuriating LOL!

Don't forget the raid on Saturday! I hope we get about 8 people! So far I have interest from Deep, Chaud, Chica, Colder, myself, so we need a few more!
Sunday Night Smackdown was a lot of fun last night and there was a great turnout! Was fun caging Cap and blowing Chili Penguin dead with a well-timed inferno!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Mothership Raid
At 3pm pacific/6pm eastern, there will be a big mothership raid going on as part of Rush Weekend(look for Emerald Fusion's post). I think Catwhoorg is running it, but I will be there doing my best to earn some merits, so look for me! It's bound to go on for a while so come and kick some Rikti butt.
Reminder: Tomorrow (Sunday the 9th) is the official kickoff to Sunday Night Smackdown which is casual PvP event that will be held weekly at 6pm pacific. So if you are bored with the XP grind, come on down and do a bit o' PvP!
Reminder: Tomorrow (Sunday the 9th) is the official kickoff to Sunday Night Smackdown which is casual PvP event that will be held weekly at 6pm pacific. So if you are bored with the XP grind, come on down and do a bit o' PvP!

Sunday, September 02, 2007
Happy Labor Day!

I hope everyone has a great holiday! Glad to hear Tech got his computer fixed cause we've missed the Chauds immensely! :)
Chica is running Citadel tomorrow at noon pacific.
The Bandit's Brigade (remember them?) asked if we'd like to raid with them. He suggested teams of 8 and I figured we'd be able to pull that together at least. Tenative date is September 15th, Saturday, around 5pm pacific. Please RSVP in the comments and let me know if you are up to it.
Sunny Delight and I are starting a Sunday Night Smackdown which will be a "Come show up and PvP" type of gathering in Pocket D. No time or level requirements at all. It will start on Sunday, September 9th at 6pm pacific/9pm eastern. Our theme will be 2v2s so maybe Melqar and Zandryne can go kick some butt? :) This will be a weekly event so if you can't make this Sunday, maybe the following?

Best wishes to the Kanooshes on their move! Please welcome back Divine Angel to the fold. She was one of our founding members after all!
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