Saturday, September 08, 2007

Mothership Raid

At 3pm pacific/6pm eastern, there will be a big mothership raid going on as part of Rush Weekend(look for Emerald Fusion's post). I think Catwhoorg is running it, but I will be there doing my best to earn some merits, so look for me! It's bound to go on for a while so come and kick some Rikti butt.

Reminder: Tomorrow (Sunday the 9th) is the official kickoff to Sunday Night Smackdown which is casual PvP event that will be held weekly at 6pm pacific. So if you are bored with the XP grind, come on down and do a bit o' PvP!

1 comment:

Azrhiaz said...

Well 800 merits later, Azrhiaz has everything she could ever want from the Vanguard merits! The costume (excluding headgear) and the 10 extra salvage slots!