A big congratulations goes out to Deep on his winning ticket in the Lottery with Alpha Radiation. He also cleaned up and took first place in the Treasure Hunt sponsored by the Paragon Regulators. Granny VXN tied for 2nd with 3 others with 6 statues and Deep Fryd had 7. If anyone needs a loan, hit him up! :grin: He won 10 million, an HO, and some wings! Lucky duck! The Treasure Hunt had you looking for "statues" all over Paragon with very vague clues to where they were! Was rather infuriating LOL!

Don't forget the raid on Saturday! I hope we get about 8 people! So far I have interest from Deep, Chaud, Chica, Colder, myself, so we need a few more!
Sunday Night Smackdown was a lot of fun last night and there was a great turnout! Was fun caging Cap and blowing Chili Penguin dead with a well-timed inferno!
I will try and make the raid on Saturday...shouldn't be too many distractions this weekend :)
Woo hoo! We've missed you!
Sorry I can't make it :(
Dang surprise party...if only my friend was born on another day!!
Get some kills for me gang :)
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