I hope everyone has a great holiday! Glad to hear Tech got his computer fixed cause we've missed the Chauds immensely! :)
Chica is running Citadel tomorrow at noon pacific.
The Bandit's Brigade (remember them?) asked if we'd like to raid with them. He suggested teams of 8 and I figured we'd be able to pull that together at least. Tenative date is September 15th, Saturday, around 5pm pacific. Please RSVP in the comments and let me know if you are up to it.
Sunny Delight and I are starting a Sunday Night Smackdown which will be a "Come show up and PvP" type of gathering in Pocket D. No time or level requirements at all. It will start on Sunday, September 9th at 6pm pacific/9pm eastern. Our theme will be 2v2s so maybe Melqar and Zandryne can go kick some butt? :) This will be a weekly event so if you can't make this Sunday, maybe the following?

Best wishes to the Kanooshes on their move! Please welcome back Divine Angel to the fold. She was one of our founding members after all!
Welcome back Divine!
im in for the base raid unless something last minute comes up again. =/
I'll be there! I'm glad tech's comp is running (keeps him off mine! lol) but I've been having issues with game stability. :( Won't let me log on and when I do it looses connection every 30 seconds or so. Tech tells me the patch he downloaded this weekend should solve that, I hope so!
Curses! I can't make the raid. It is the best part of the game IMHO. Welcome aboard/back Divine. Has there been any update on Items of Power?
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