Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Im Alive!

Hey everyone! How have you all been? Ive had lots of stuff going on lately sorry I haven't been around to post or even get on CoH. I should be returning soon HOPEFULLY! Been busy with a move and working and raising the two kiddies. There's only so much a Superhero can do by himself! I miss you guys and hope to see you soon :)


Azrhiaz said...

Karrnage! How funny you should post! I have it on my list of things to do to email ya!! You saved me a couple clicks!

So glad to hear you are alive and can't wait to have ya back in Paragon! Missed you lots!

Where's that darned ice/mace tank...hmmm gotta go hunt him down too! :)

Baba Kanoosh said...

WooT for adult responsibilites! Hoist a dirty diaper for all the parents who couldn't be here!