Thursday, June 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Colder!!


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Faathim the Kind?

Tzadkayle is trying to organize a TF on Saturday night. Faathim the Kind takes approximately 5ish hours (according to the boards). However, I'm willing to gamble since it's about 20 some missions, it'll be a bit longer.

I can probably make it at night. I have to work unfortunately but will *probably get done around 6. So if anyone has an interest, please let me know and I will relay this info on to him.

However! PvP Training is STILL ON!!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Woot! AVs and GMs fixed (allegedly)

Patch downloaded and TFs are officially back on. When are we hitting RV? I am making a stalker so maybe I won't suck in PvP land on the CoV side. Or I could use the villians favorite tactic of camping out at your base to flee to when things get rough.

Monday, June 26, 2006

"Danger Room" Training

Terrified to enter PvP? Do you get ganked on every turn? Join the Debt Brigade on a weekend training session in the security of the arena! Bring your favorite hero or most terrifying villain and we'll test each other's limits and find out stategies to defeat the enemy in PvP zones! We'll work in teams and individually!

Or you can just beat up on your favorite Grand Poo Bah! lol

Saturday: 11 am Pacific
Sunday: 4 pm Pacific

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Salvage/Crafting Guides

The Debt Brigade Lobby

There is a great salvage guide online:
Salvage Guide

Here you can find the recipes for the various stuff. And who/where drops what kinds of salvage. Just use the drop down menu. :)

Lowbie weekend! Let's get on our lowbies and run some missions! Saturday @ 11am Pacific on CoH. Let's aim for 15-25 (with SK or EXs) OR we could take our lowbies into Bloody Bay 17+

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What were they thinking??

This is the email I received from the "support team" reguarding the SF we tried to do on Sunday. Notice how much they have buffed these monsters/AV/Heroes up! Now if they want to do it to a monster running around a zone where you can get help from many players, fine...but in a mission or TF where you are limited to 8 players!! Crazy! It says on the forums that AV's now resist -regen too, but can't find anything else on it. I really hope they fix this soon so we can be back to kicking some AV/Hero butts!!

Thank you for contacting PlayNC Support Team. With the release of Issue 7, Arch Villains/Heroes and Giant Monsters have been adjusted and now ignore threat level damage multipliers for different Archetypes. They have also had their health and regeneration rates increased, as well as the damage they deal.

Upon further review of the change, and your empassioned pleas, we are going to scale back the regen rate buff of the Archvillains and Giant Monsters by 80%.Basically they will be tougher than they were before, but in comparison to how tough we made them in Issue 7, they will be only 20% tougher. (Example: if prior to I7, an AV had a regen rate of "100 points per second", and afterwards it was "1100 points per second" we are making it "300 points per second".)I want to thank you all for your constructive posts. We used many as examples and tested those exact scenarios here in the office. Giving us solid data to compare against like "we went up against Positron who was Level 41, and we were a Fire/Energy Dom, Energy/Energy Brute, etc." goes a long way.Thanks again. --Positron Lead Designer, City of Heroes

Currently there is no time frame for when these changes will be made on the live servers, but the Development team is working on game balance adjustments based on feedbacks received for a future patch. As the Support Team does not make any changes to design aspects of the game, we ask that you continue to post your constructive opinions/feedback/suggestions on the City of Heroes or City of Villains Official Forums ( or where your fellow players and the development team will be able to view them first hand.It is important to note that the Support Team does not have the ability to assist players in defeating these Arch Villains/Heroes and Giant Monsters.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Stuck like a bug in a rug!

Meet Eduardo Foster. He is my new Dark/Dark Stalker. Ed hates issue 7. Ed thinks there are more than 7 issues wrong with issue 7. One of these issues is where he spent a day and a half. Ed had crummy load times on zones and missions (another issue 7 issue) so he tinkered with his graphics and had the need to go to a new zone to see if things got better. Pocket D happened to be right there. Ed was surprised when he stepped into (yes into!, a new feature that probably caused this mess) the elevator. However, when Ed stepped out, well, he almost lost his lunch (some left over pasta from Carino's, a nice chicken pasta with a creamy sauce, yummy). You see Ed was floating in space. A new dimension like a space-time contiuum gap. A gap much like the one the Dev's had putting issue 7 out. So Ed was stuck. Couldn't go out, couldn't go in. For over a day. Then one fine morning will trying to get a support weenie to answer his call ( never happened) a young villian stepped in with Ed. Well at least Ed had compnay for all of eternity. But the young villian had plans to escape (like all villians do). Teleporters she said. Teleporters. A shout out was rendered, friends lists scrutinized, and finally, thankfully, an answer was heard from the other side of the fateful 'vator doors. Teamed up and TP'd out, Ed is ready to lag his way back to Mercy with a message that some Dev coulda and shoulda posted: DO NOT GO INTO POCKET D--BUGGED! You can still use the shortcuts though.

PS Thanks to Chaud for chatting with me while trapped, kept me company while our rescue attempt was underway.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Strikeforce Strike!

em protest!!

Well after two failed TFs this weekend, I will not be touching another one until the devs fix their blunder. I started Faathim the Kind with buddy Tzadkayle (from Ruladak if you recall) on a damage heavy team (2 granite tanks, 4 blasters, a PB and a healer). We couldn't scratch the first AV, Malaise. He regen'ed so fast it was just silly. Here is a screenshot from within the halls of the Chantry where Faathim resides. He must be related to the Carnie Illusionists because look! No feet!

And here is a special little shot of "Randie" who has a costume bug that is worse than your skirt clipping, Chaud! Even with it on, we couldn't beat Malaise as he was undeterred and undistracted by it!

And finally, here is a shot of Bat'Zul raised from the depths of his firey tomb to fight Infernal. They couldn't even kill each other (even with 2 huge rad debuffs on Infernal), so how are 6 puny villains like us supposed to do anything? And who would've thought 6 missions could take so long. Grrrr.

Anyway, if anyone has any missions you want to run, let's get together and do them. It would be fun to get our lowbies in the Death Brigade to run amok in the Rogue Isles.

Postscript: I was reading on the boards how a new SG member went and cleaned out a salvage storage unit of his new SG. Currently, we have it set that 2nd tier and up can take stuff from the storage units. Should we change it higher? I'd hate to cut the newbies off from the inspir dispenser but I also don't want to lose our salvage either. Suggestions? I need 8 Weapons of Mu. Anyone have any?

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Sunday Strikeforce

Sunday at 2 pm in Cap au Diablo! Level 15-20 Strikeforce. Bring your villain, especially if they're part of our sister VG, The Death Brigade! Lord knows we need an energy source in there! lol Send tell to Azrhiaz (who'll be playing the always dying stalker, Axcellis)

Saturday we will probably be taking a venture into Recluse's Victory. Around noon perhaps?

Happy Birthday to Grand Insecte btw!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Lowdown on Mayhem Missions

Boy, it's slow at work today! This is some information gleaned from the PrimaGuide. If you want co-ordinates or maps of the zones for more clarification (they list where to find the keys and where the sides are also), that's where you'll find it

Level 5-9
Atlas Park

Temp Power: Flight Pack
1 Side Mission
Badge: Global Threat
Located near Top NE corner (by drop off)

Level 10-14
Kings Row

Temp Power: Jump Pack
Side Missions: 2
Badge: King Maker
Located: Top North between 2 buildings

Level 15-19
Skyway City

Temp Power: Self-Rez
Side Missions: 2
Badge: Road Raged
Located: Bottom of "U" in middle of map

Level 20-24
Steel Canyon

Temp Power: Group TP to your location
Side Missions: 3
Badge: Steel Worker
Located Southern part of map between 2 bldgs

Level 25-29
Independence Port

Temp Power: Movement Increase
Side Missions:3
Badge: Tyrannical
Located: near bottom SW corner

Level 30-34
Talos Island

Side Missions: 4
Temp Power: End increase
Badge: Talon of Talos
Located: Mid Map (in alley to right of jewelry store)

Level 35-40

Side Mission: 4
Temp Power: Health Increase
Badge: Brickhouse
Located: mid map, East side

Level 41-45
Founders' Falls

Side Missions: 5
Temp Power: Debt Protection
Badge: Anacharist
Located: just north of center point on map

Level 46-50
Peregrine Island

Side Missions: 5
Temp Power: Regeneration Increase
Badge: Gate Crasher
Location: lower sw corner

Achievement Badges for MM:
Hero Slayer*: defeat 50 heroes
Impounder*: destroy 200 cars or trucks
Invader*: get all exploration badges
Outlaw*: defeat 1000 Police
Safe Cracker*: blow open 10 vault doors
Firebug*: Set 5 buildings on fire
Force of Nature: get all *badges
Bow Breaker*: Defeat x Longbow
Vandal*: destroy 25 mailboxes, newspaper, phones and fire hydrants (each)

There are also some temporary powers to be had. In Atlas, I got an EMP glove. In Talos, there's some cyronite armor. Please feel free to add to this list.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tips for Recluse's Victory

Tips and Stratagems, Recluse's Victory
By Thomas Foss (aka Archon Voss) -- Senior Staff Designer & Zone Director

Recluse's Victory is much more of an Epic war zone than a PVP arena. With this in mind, you need to think more like a player on a larger battlefield, and less like someone street sweeping other players. This is an area where Super Groups will be able to really show their teamwork abilities and gain prestige in the presence of their peers; Solo players can be of special importance making sure that flanks are secure, scouting sectors and infiltration behind enemy lines. Support players can speed up recoveries to players as they emerge from the hospital reclamators, getting more boots on the ground faster.

Basic Strategies
Listen to the contacts
This zone has a lot going on, it is not just PvP. There are three NPC information contacts stationed throughout your base that will provide you with valuable information. Reading what they have to say can prevent several trips to the Hospital. These NPC informants can be identified by the green rings at their feet.

Know your ground
Entering into the zone you will be in a secure base of your side. Take time to look around your base, finding the reclamation chambers, the OPS map, the contacts, and the base teleporter that will take you into the battlefield above ground. Use the teleporter to go topside and see the staging area, or the above ground area of your base. Note that there are two exit points that lead out into the zone proper, with a vis blocking wall so you cannot get camped very easily at a time when you are vulnerable.

Sally ports
Too many of the enemy camping your base can be an issue; If you find that there is a blocking force waiting at your base, use the alternate way out. Each base is set up with a back door or sally port. These are located on the bottommost level of the bases across from the main portal. Using one of these doors will take you to one of 5 randomly picked exits. This is a quick way to get past the enemy, but it is not secured, so be careful!

OPS maps
In your base you will find an operations situation, or OPS map, located next to one of the NPC information contacts. This map will instantly provide you with:

Location of your base
Location of all 7 pillboxes in the zone
Location of your side's Heavy support platforms
Color coded Sectors of which side owns and captured what
Blue for Hero
Red for Villain
One quick glance of this map and you will be able to formulate where the enemy has been, and where you want to strike next, all within the safety of your base. The OPS map is also a perfect meeting and regrouping location. This is the only place which shows you where the heavy support platforms for your side are located, so take note.

How many times have you come out of the hospital or your base and got sniped, stealth attacked or teleported? If it happened to you, it probably happened to the guy before you.
Communication is a huge factor in base raids and in a Task or Strike force, and just as important in PvP.

As you leave your base and enter the staging area above ground, you are only in a semi-secure area, so be ready, and go out in groups if at all possible. If you are attacked or there is a threat, make sure to communicate it to your side. Many times a sniper or a stalker lives to get another kill due to nobody calling him out as a threat.

On the Battlefield
Secure your area
Like many other PvP games out there, Location is everything. There are key rooftops and alleyways that make for great fields of fire. If you know that there is a Mastermind or a controller camping a rooftop and Teleporting Foe (because some one on your side called them out to you) then make a concerted effort to take him out with a show of force that says the area is untenable for them. Do this enough times, and that sweet camping area quickly becomes sour.

Heavies - your new best friends
Each side has at its command 3 Heavy Class robots that can be utilized as pets. The locations can be found on the OPS map in your starting base. Think of these as the tanks of this particular battlefield.

As far as firepower and the amount of damage taken, a Heavy can go head-to-head with 4 elite bosses and emerge victorious most of the time.

A Heavy can take out most players in three shots, and are not to be ignored.

These Robots can be used by any class, and work exactly like a mastermind pet; remember that these are slow movers, so if super speed is your thing, you will have to wait a while for it to catch up with you.

To acquire a Heavy, locate a platform and click on the control panel. If there is no Robot on the platform, someone has already taken it. A Heavy will re-spawn on its platform only after it or its controller has been defeated, or it has been dismissed. Be careful not to camp the spot too much waiting for one to appear, as these areas will no doubt be camped by the enemy after they discover them.

Heavies are very good at helping. One of the best uses for Heavies is to capture pillboxes. A single player with a Heavy can defeat the turrets of an undefended pillbox fairly quickly, without too much risk. If attacking a defended pillbox, set the Heavy to take down the turrets or send it straight at the pill box controller to help draw fire away from you as you attack.

When attacking players, each heavy has special attacks particular to it. The Freedom Corps Cataphract has excellent medium and long range AoE capabilities, where the Arachnos Blaster has great medium range hold attacks and is extremely dangerous in hand to hand combat; and is no slouch at long range.

The best thing to take out a Heavy is another Heavy.

If you are I.D.'d as the controller of the Heavy (and your name does show up on its target bar) the enemy will be looking to take you out as quickly as they can, so make sure that you are in a position such that you cannot be easily spotted, or if in the open, that you are properly defended by your team. If you have a team set up, make sure the person with the best chance of survivability has control of robot.

The main Goal of Recluse's Victory is to secure the Temporal Anchors, aka the pill boxes. Pillboxes are cross shaped platform with a central open topped control area, with a turret on each of the 4 arms. In their neutral state, pillboxes boast a defense system of 4 boss ball turrets with amazing range, accuracy and firepower. In order to take over a pillbox all 4 turrets must be destroyed, which will enable the holographic control system to be clicked on. Once clicked on (a 5 second timer, interruptible) the temporal anchor will be set to your side, and the Pillbox and surroundings will change to either Hero or Villain under your feet. Remember that everyone knows what you just did, so expect company.

Note that pillboxes, as their name states, are static defense areas. This makes them perfect targets for Warburg missile strikes.

When a pillbox converts, a defense bubble will pop up around you, and 4 new boss turrets, two long range slug throwers and two medium range missile bays, will be under your command. The Defense shield will give you defense buffs and make you immune from teleportation. The turrets give you the fire power to do some extra damage, while giving you the freedom to use your own powers.

Hand of God - you control 4 bosses; aiming these at one target can do a large amount of damage very quickly. The range of the turrets makes them particularly good at hitting flying enemies, with the bonus of the missiles having a chance to drop them out of the sky. This is a very good tactic against Heavies coming at you, or if you have team support.

If you are only one person to defend the pillbox, put the two missile turrets on defense, and use the longer range gun turrets as your weapon of choice. This will let you still reach out and touch someone, and have good support on covering your back when attacked. Your job is to survive the attack long enough to call out to your side for help. Any AoE defensive powers like caltrops should be spread out near the pillbox to optimize slowing your attackers and allowing you to rain fire down upon them.

Should you need to leave the center of the pill box or are knocked out, you will lose control of the turrets. They will revert to defensive mode. Simply jump back in and regain control by clicking on the control panel again.

If no one is controlling a pillbox that has been set to your side, and it still has turrets, anyone on your team can gain control by clicking on the control panel.

Signature Characters
When one side has captured 4 pillboxes, Signature Characters from the losing side will join in on the battlefield to help out. They will make a beeline for the nearest enemy held pillbox and attack anyone there, especially after taking down the turrets. There are two tactical options here:

Follow them!
Take a look at the pill box that they are attacking (the information as to which pill box they are going to is displayed in the chat menu) to see if there are many of the enemy around. If not, when the SIG's clobber the turrets, jump in and take the pill box. They will then immediately run to another Pill box and cause the same carnage.

Use them for a Drawing force!
Everyone wants to take down a Signature Character, for the Kudo's as well as the Temporal points and the badge: If you find that your reinforcements have drawn a large force of the enemy to them, then they are not paying attention to other pill boxes - go and attack one of them.

Game Win

Once a side has captured 6 pillboxes and wins the round, a timer clock of 5 minutes starts. This is hunting time.

Winners: you get double temporal points for each enemy slain - now is the time to bring that up to 1000, which will gain you a Temp power Robot when the game resets.

Losers: The battle is lost but not the war - you have the ability to reset the clock and position yourself for the next battle. Killing 100 things (enemy, NPCs, and turrets) not only gets you straight up temporal points values, but also resets the clock. Remember, if you have 1000 points when the temporal reversion happens, you too get a temp power Robot.

These strategies will help you thrive in Recluse's Victory in particular, but are helpful in all the PvP zones in City of Heroes and City of Villains. Like all information, it is only good when your team knows it, so make sure to share!

Follow these guidelines, use your head, and your team will have a better chance of stopping Lord Recluse's evil plan - or stomping those tight-wearing capes into the pavement.

Monday, June 12, 2006

AVs am tough now

So I watched as my daughter (Dark Calling) duked it out with the AV from Moonfire for 2 HOURS. A tank, a scrap, a blaster, 2 defs, and a controller. They paused after an hour of stalemate, went out for all to buy as many Rage inspirations they could, and tried again. Blaster stacked about 12 reds and did not dent ol Arakhn or whatever that council AV is called. They sighed, huffed and sent petitions. What is the point of a TF that limits the number of heroes then make the AV unbeatable by that team? Rumor has it the AVs and monsters will be nerfed soon (dropping 80% of the improvements recently given to them).

So that begs the question--Until then, how many heroes will it take to drop the most vicious monster of them all--Sally?!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

ngine, you will be missed!

I've been getting behind in my posting! I just wanted to let everyone know (although by now I'm sure everyone does know) that ngine is off in Iraq right now. He shipped off earlier this week. I just want to say on behalf of the DB we wish you all the best and to most of all stay safe. Hopefully he can pop in from time to time. Chaud says that he'll be emailing her to let us know how he's making out. He says he'll be gone for for about 575 days :0 but don't worry ngine...there will always be a spot left open for you :D

Note: I got to snap a pic of his Warshade right before he left. The WS is named ngine02. Oh and your crazy naming skills!

Look up in the sky...It is Baba Kanoosh!

I am the chunky one in the middle without a dog :-(. The price of promotion is a lack of fun.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Saturday Happenings

I thought we could do some more Illusionist Decoy farming (sigh) and then when we get bored of that, take the team into Recluse's Victory and stomp on some villains. Now that's NEVER boring! (except when we lose of course!) Maybe we can get some coalition team members in on the action! We can start at 11 am and then hit the PvP zone after an hour or so....

I'd also like everyone's thoughts on the future of the base. Do we want to become an SG that raids? There's not anything else we can really do to it to make it more PvE friendly other than stocking the inspiration dispenser and trying to get our next healing badges. (Baba and Afrodiety work *harder!! lol) So if we would like to start in that direction, it might be fun. It might be disasterous. IoPs give some interesting benefits but bases that contain them are vulnerable to raids. Base raids will be scheduled and anonymous -- that's right, you won't know who's attacking you until it happens. Raid sizes will be limited to 8, 16 or 32 people, determined by the attacker -- and it will cost the attacker Influence of Infamy to schedule a raid. So we could get our asses kicked and our base destroyed. We can do an insta-raid with our coalition groups if you want a taste of what they are like. I'd wager Alpha Team would be up for it. (Insta raids return everything to the way it was pre-raid, so no worries on losing anything.

What do you think? Below is some information from the boards about IoPs and whatnot:

What's the trial like?
The trial is on a 1 hour timer (but you can make as many attempts as you want during the 5 day window) and supports up to 24 players. It's against Rularuu. Minimum 1 person, max 24, no level restrictions. It seems non-SG members cannot enter the trial. There are rumors of teams having completed the trial in 18 minutes, while others found it very difficult. We’ll have to see what its like when all the adjustments are completed.

How many IoPs can you have?
One SG can have at most 5 IoPs at any time. There are conflicting reports that between 1-3 unique IoPs exist per server, but the lesser IoPs are hypothetically unlimited.

How do I get a rare one?
It's believed to be random, all luck as to which one you get, but i wouldn't be surprised if changing the Trial's difficulty level and the number of people you have with you would change your chances of getting a better IoP, as well as the time you complete it in...

What does the IoP do for me?
While the common ones have buffs of 1-2% to a single attribute, there are a few (server wide) rare ones. One in particular, 'The True Furnace' gives everyone in your SG +10 end points and adds a million power to your base. In addition, IoPs reduce your rent. The rare IoPs reduce rent by 50,000 while the lesser IoPs reduce rent by 40,000.

1-2% that's stupid!

Consider the fact that you can have 5 of them. 5 x +2% dmg = +10% PERMA damage boost!

What IoPs are there?

Monument of Fury: +2% Damage Buff
Monument of Iron: +1% psychic damage resistance.
Name?: +1% XP gain
Name?: +1% Reduced Debt

True Furnace: Gives everyone in supergroup mode +10 end, and provides your base 1 million power.

"crystal of resilience". Provides everyone in supergroup mode protection to immobilize, sleep, hold, and disorient. [note: Bug Report suggests that when working in the base edit mode, the iop was not called "crystal of reslience" but "monument of iron", but it provided the protection from status effects.

Book of Rularuu - complete chronicles of Rularuu that give all SG members 20% Debt Protection while in SG mode. (aka "the True Book"?)

Book - unknown (different graphic then the book of rularuu)
Heart - unknown
Cube - unknown

Well I've Come Out Of Hiding!

Seems as if we are all coming out....sort of! NO! Not that way. I know what you were all thinking. I'm talking about the recent revelation of our true identites. Not something a hero, or villian for that matter should really do. Families could be compromised, etc. But on the other hand, we've all become great friends, and I've decided to let my defenses down and show who's behind the blade.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Well here she new Elec/Elec brute, Constant Flux. Only a level six, but she's fun! Those with villians on triumph, join the Death Brigade (our evil sg) we need members and prestige!! Plus you know we're a fun group. Ü

Recluse's Victory--Fun and Frustrating

Background: Well been tinkering around, as my has my wife (Veterinarian), in Recluse's Victory. The skinny on what I know of the Heroes and Arch-Villians: When heroes spawn, I have confirmed Positron, Synapse, and Sister Psyche (they are a team) are out. The AVs I have dealt with are Scirocco, Ghost Widow, and Capt Mako (they are a team). Seperate from that, Black Scorpion and Lord Recluse will also spawn. May be more but I haven't seen it.

Strategy: As soon as you exit the portal to enter the zone, there is a platform to get a "Heavy," an elite boss pet. Only three allowed total for the zone so good luck getting one unless you camp out. They are s-l-o-w movers they will go away if you out run them. You can TP them, buff etc, but no rez. The pillboxes, once captured, can be controlled. Jump in the middle of it click it and you can control the turrets like pets. The AVs. Oh the so difficult AVs. They require several teams to defeat. Ghost Widow is kind of like a controller with fear based attacks. She also heals. Ghost Widow also has the coolest hold ever, she can lift two heroes--they flip and twist slowly in the air--then BAM you usually end up dead. Lethal but awesome to watch. Scirocco is a scrapper (stalker) of sorts with some AoE attacks, one is a massive sandstorm. Mako has some debuffs and holds and some hardcore damage dealing. Lot of shark graphics with him. Best bet is to get a few tanks and a healer to distract Ghost Widow from the other AVs. I did see a team of 5 tanks and 3 squishees defeat Lord Recluse and Black Scorpion(I think that is his name), but my team mostly of squishees did not fair as well. You can see the success rate by the screen shot above. So the Ghost Widow led AVs are much more difficult, as she keeps them up with heals. As for Hero spawns the trick is that any Hero or AV spawns whent the opposite side gets four pill boxes. So, problem is that when Posi and Co. were taking out the auto terrets that protect the box, heroes would click the box and take it back. As soon as that occurs, they are gone (along with the fun). This problem also occurs conversely, while heroes are fighting AVs, CoV villian players recapture pillboxes causing AVs to go away. Lastly, much like all the other PvP zones, accomplishing goals will be complicated by players attacking you with fighting AVs and or pillboxes.

Summary to date: Almost everyone I spoke with agrees: Of all the PvP zones, Recluse's Victory is the most fun to play in, but the goals will be very difficult to accomplish. Which, for a bunch of 50's, I guess is the way it should be. Hope to see the SG there soon.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

OK folks it is freaking

Folks, this push on making Archvillians is an understatement. Here is the skinny...Pillboxes in Atlas. You drop four of em and the AVs spawn, Scirocco, Ghost Widow, and Captain Mako. They fight as a team. We will need about 3 to 5 teams of 8 to win. Villians haven't hit the area to hard...yet. When you come out of hospital, there is a giant robot Freedom Corps Elite boss, that is if someone hasn't grabbed him yet. If he is there click glowie and pow, you get awesome pet that you can control like a Master mind. So call the coalition, cause just 8 of us ain't gonna put a dent in the AVs. Word is all AVs are very hard to beat, glad I got all the Praetarian's done before this. I haven't confirmed this yet, but word is if villians get 4 pillboxes some heroes spawn.

PS Defeat each AV twice and get a badge for them. Near the base of Atlas globe is an exploration badge, close to where the plaque is in "normal" Atlas.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Issue 7 Out Finally

According to the boards, Issue 7 was uploaded to live today! It's a miracle!!

I was reading thru that free d/l of the PrimaGuide of Issue 7 in the badge section that the Illusionist Decoys badge is 500, not 200. I guess we'll find out if they
changed it tonight when we look at the bar. I'll cry if I have to kill extra 350!

In retrospect, we probably should've done Chica's carnie mish (lvl 48) instead of mine. That way we could've controlled the 2 Masters a lot easier. Ah, hindsight....

Ruladak the Dead...and Coldie hits 50!!!

Debt Brigade with Az'rial, Tzadkiel, and Proto

So on Saturday The Debt Brigade completed their first Zulu TF!! Woot! Unfortunately, it took about 7 and a half hours!! Holy Positron that's that a lot of time!!

It took place in good ol'Zulu (sans phallic shaped monuments now :( and of course the required sexual innuendo ran rampant (Chaud said she was drawn to my "balls"...) The TF would have been shorter but of course you had to go from Zulu to the F'N HOLLOWS!!! It also didn't help that the mish sites within Zulu were miles and miles apart. Thank god for Fly/Recall. However, our tank Proto1 (Invul/EM aka Kyla Steele) made a very impressive jump that I got to witness. Bounced off one rock and landed on another. Take that Spider-Man!!

The mish went pretty smoothly. We had 3 Blasters, 2 Scrappers, 1 Defender, and 1 Tank. Ngine was with us for the first half but sadly he didn't make it back it time for the rest (I guess he really was suppose to be in Texas :) We didn't have any controllers for lockdown, a non-Stone tank and the Defender was Dark/Dark so no Emp heals. However, we did great with minimal deaths so this "unconventional" set up did great in my opinion.

The boss was Ruladak the Strong. He's a giant AV who could glitch through a small room and stomp you to death. That and he shot some pretty powerful bolts of insta-debt from his hands. Az says she got a good picture of him while I got a red smear that would be great for a catatracts example in a medical textbook. He took more dmg faster than I thought and one toe stomp later (courtesy of Chaud) he went down.

Azrhiaz lights Ruladak's ear hairs on fire while Tech sticks him in the toe

Other accomplishments on Saturday? I got my badge for beating up the Overseers which was nice. Of course, what was even better was HITTING LEVEL 50!!!

See those sparkle things? That's me HITTING 50!!!

Thank you to everone in the SG and my Flist for helping me achieve this. I'm happy that I got to hit this milestone with some of my closest SG mates around. Here's to another 50! :P

Congrats also to the amazing Ngine for also hitting 50 on this taskforce as well! Zulu is the charm!

Pictures on the DB

Here I pic of me with my little neice! Isn't she cute!! And then another one of me...with my 80's hair, hey it's not THAT big! lol Now post your pic....old or otherwise so we can laugh at ourselves. Be brave!

Monday, June 05, 2006

Just a badge mish

i cant post on metoid so im asking if 1 of u could post that i have docs ally mish

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Illusionist Decoy/Spirit Mask Hunts

Well, I got my mask badge today, but am willing to help anyone out who still needs it. Hunts begin:

Wednesday night 6/7
9 pm Pacific

There's a sweet spot in Bloody Bay for masks if you are willing to risk getting AS'ed. And at 125 prestiege per mask, it MIGHT be worth the risk! ::smile:: And Chica Vaga has some Carnie mishes that we can farm that crap out of.