Background: Well been tinkering around, as my has my wife (Veterinarian), in Recluse's Victory. The skinny on what I know of the Heroes and Arch-Villians: When heroes spawn, I have confirmed Positron, Synapse, and Sister Psyche (they are a team) are out. The AVs I have dealt with are Scirocco, Ghost Widow, and Capt Mako (they are a team). Seperate from that, Black Scorpion and Lord Recluse will also spawn. May be more but I haven't seen it.
Strategy: As soon as you exit the portal to enter the zone, there is a platform to get a "Heavy," an elite boss pet. Only three allowed total for the zone so good luck getting one unless you camp out. They are s-l-o-w movers they will go away if you out run them. You can TP them, buff etc, but no rez. The pillboxes, once captured, can be controlled. Jump in the middle of it click it and you can control the turrets like pets. The AVs. Oh the so difficult AVs. They require several teams to defeat. Ghost Widow is kind of like a controller with fear based attacks. She also heals. Ghost Widow also has the coolest hold ever, she can lift two heroes--they flip and twist slowly in the air--then BAM you usually end up dead. Lethal but awesome to watch. Scirocco is a scrapper (stalker) of sorts with some AoE attacks, one is a massive sandstorm. Mako has some debuffs and holds and some hardcore damage dealing. Lot of shark graphics with him. Best bet is to get a few tanks and a healer to distract Ghost Widow from the other AVs. I did see a team of 5 tanks and 3 squishees defeat Lord Recluse and Black Scorpion(I think that is his name), but my team mostly of squishees did not fair as well. You can see the success rate by the screen shot above. So the Ghost Widow led AVs are much more difficult, as she keeps them up with heals. As for Hero spawns the trick is that any Hero or AV spawns whent the opposite side gets four pill boxes. So, problem is that when Posi and Co. were taking out the auto terrets that protect the box, heroes would click the box and take it back. As soon as that occurs, they are gone (along with the fun). This problem also occurs conversely, while heroes are fighting AVs, CoV villian players recapture pillboxes causing AVs to go away. Lastly, much like all the other PvP zones, accomplishing goals will be complicated by players attacking you with fighting AVs and or pillboxes.
Summary to date: Almost everyone I spoke with agrees: Of all the PvP zones, Recluse's Victory is the most fun to play in, but the goals will be very difficult to accomplish. Which, for a bunch of 50's, I guess is the way it should be. Hope to see the SG there soon.
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