Monday, June 12, 2006

AVs am tough now

So I watched as my daughter (Dark Calling) duked it out with the AV from Moonfire for 2 HOURS. A tank, a scrap, a blaster, 2 defs, and a controller. They paused after an hour of stalemate, went out for all to buy as many Rage inspirations they could, and tried again. Blaster stacked about 12 reds and did not dent ol Arakhn or whatever that council AV is called. They sighed, huffed and sent petitions. What is the point of a TF that limits the number of heroes then make the AV unbeatable by that team? Rumor has it the AVs and monsters will be nerfed soon (dropping 80% of the improvements recently given to them).

So that begs the question--Until then, how many heroes will it take to drop the most vicious monster of them all--Sally?!


Azrhiaz said...

I didn't realize that the AVs that were part of actual missions would be affected. I thought just monsters would be. Yikes. Glad we'd done that TF earlier!

Cap said...

I knew about the AVs being made tougher, but I didn't realize just how tough! just ask azr about that run in with Adamastor....

Azrhiaz said...

It took 3 full teams to take him down. Same with Paladin last night. And the sad part is the reward isn't even that great prestiege/influ/xp wise! It's almost like, why bother?

So um, what's our next TF so we can test our mettle out against an AV! :)

Chaud Woman said...

Darn it, I never find Adamastor out...but three full teams! Geesh! That's the thing the Devs say they want monsters to be harder so "the whole zone will buzz" but just getting one team to take on a monster is hard, no one wants to do them...not enough bonus in it. Unless you catch them building Paladin then you don't even get a badge. :(

Baba Kanoosh said...

Forget Paladin! Adam-who? Sally is where it is at. It took, 3,124 level 50 tanks to take her down. Woot! Issue 8 has level 2 Outcasts near invincible!

As for a weekend TF/AV's well can try Moonfire and see if we can beat it lol. But I am out for most of Saturday, I will only be in on Sunday afternoon.

Azrhiaz said...

Oh I thought you had to beat him 3 times, Chaud?

Baba Kanoosh said...

Well Chaud's view was proven true last night. I was cruising in KR and found Pallie stomping around. Took me FOREVER to get enough toons there, after a few showed, one toon's SG came to support. Took about 20 toons to drop him.