Meet Eduardo Foster. He is my new Dark/Dark Stalker. Ed hates issue 7. Ed thinks there are more than 7 issues wrong with issue 7. One of these issues is where he spent a day and a half. Ed had crummy load times on zones and missions (another issue 7 issue) so he tinkered with his graphics and had the need to go to a new zone to see if things got better. Pocket D happened to be right there. Ed was surprised when he stepped into (yes into!, a new feature that probably caused this mess) the elevator. However, when Ed stepped out, well, he almost lost his lunch (some left over pasta from Carino's, a nice chicken pasta with a creamy sauce, yummy). You see Ed was floating in space. A new dimension like a space-time contiuum gap. A gap much like the one the Dev's had putting issue 7 out. So Ed was stuck. Couldn't go out, couldn't go in. For over a day. Then one fine morning will trying to get a support weenie to answer his call ( never happened) a young villian stepped in with Ed. Well at least Ed had compnay for all of eternity. But the young villian had plans to escape (like all villians do). Teleporters she said. Teleporters. A shout out was rendered, friends lists scrutinized, and finally, thankfully, an answer was heard from the other side of the fateful 'vator doors. Teamed up and TP'd out, Ed is ready to lag his way back to Mercy with a message that some Dev coulda and shoulda posted: DO NOT GO INTO POCKET D--BUGGED! You can still use the shortcuts though.
PS Thanks to Chaud for chatting with me while trapped, kept me company while our rescue attempt was underway.
I've been put into the twilight zone a couple times. Usually /stuck works. Or if I get stuck outside the map (Usually under the street in the ocean), I walk/swim to the edge and jump!
One time with the DA base TPer bug, I couldn't get back in and had to get a DEV to move me. Put me all the way in Atlas, the big poo head.
I've had that happen a few times, usually I type /stuck and that works. if that fails, having a handy friend with Recall Friend is invaluable.
When all else fails, I hassle the GMs. its the simple pleasures in life that make it fun...:)
Anytime Baba, would have come to tp you myself but was busy pulling my hair out with a team of fresh noobs. lol I swear one of them had never leveled up because she "didn't know how"...eight levels!!Ü I guess no hanging at pocket D until it's fixed, stick to parties at the base...after all Az fixed it up all pretty like.
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