Well after two failed TFs this weekend, I will not be touching another one until the devs fix their blunder. I started Faathim the Kind with buddy Tzadkayle (from Ruladak if you recall) on a damage heavy team (2 granite tanks, 4 blasters, a PB and a healer). We couldn't scratch the first AV, Malaise. He regen'ed so fast it was just silly. Here is a screenshot from within the halls of the Chantry where Faathim resides. He must be related to the Carnie Illusionists because look! No feet!

And here is a special little shot of "Randie" who has a costume bug that is worse than your skirt clipping, Chaud! Even with it on, we couldn't beat Malaise as he was undeterred and undistracted by it!

And finally, here is a shot of Bat'Zul raised from the depths of his firey tomb to fight Infernal. They couldn't even kill each other (even with 2 huge rad debuffs on Infernal), so how are 6 puny villains like us supposed to do anything? And who would've thought 6 missions could take so long. Grrrr.

Anyway, if anyone has any missions you want to run, let's get together and do them. It would be fun to get our lowbies in the Death Brigade to run amok in the Rogue Isles.
Postscript: I was reading on the boards how a new SG member went and cleaned out a salvage storage unit of his new SG. Currently, we have it set that 2nd tier and up can take stuff from the storage units. Should we change it higher? I'd hate to cut the newbies off from the inspir dispenser but I also don't want to lose our salvage either. Suggestions? I need 8 Weapons of Mu. Anyone have any?
Set it at least a three level permission for salvage. Bottomline of security is if you don't trust it there leave the salvage on your toon until you can trade direct. As for nice bugs check out my new post...
Damn, sounds like you guys got a lousy run on those tfs. the Devs need to get off their asses and fiz this thing! what fun is being a hero if you can't beat the snots out of Archvillans?
For the salvage, I have no advise. If you can't trust your sg members, who can you trust?
Agreed, I don't know about salvage but inspirations I put in are meant for someone else to use...let the lowbies take them Ü I love the butt screen shot, what was she wearing so I don't get it?? lol The strike force was fun until the end...what were they thinking?!!
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