I thought we could do some more Illusionist Decoy farming (sigh) and then when we get bored of that, take the team into Recluse's Victory and stomp on some villains. Now that's NEVER boring! (except when we lose of course!) Maybe we can get some coalition team members in on the action! We can start at 11 am and then hit the PvP zone after an hour or so....
I'd also like everyone's thoughts on the future of the base. Do we want to become an SG that raids? There's not anything else we can really do to it to make it more PvE friendly other than stocking the inspiration dispenser and trying to get our next healing badges. (Baba and Afrodiety work *harder!! lol) So if we would like to start in that direction, it might be fun. It might be disasterous. IoPs give some interesting benefits but bases that contain them are vulnerable to raids. Base raids will be scheduled and anonymous -- that's right, you won't know who's attacking you until it happens. Raid sizes will be limited to 8, 16 or 32 people, determined by the attacker -- and it will cost the attacker Influence of Infamy to schedule a raid. So we could get our asses kicked and our base destroyed. We can do an insta-raid with our coalition groups if you want a taste of what they are like. I'd wager Alpha Team would be up for it. (Insta raids return everything to the way it was pre-raid, so no worries on losing anything.
What do you think? Below is some information from the boards about IoPs and whatnot:
What's the trial like?
The trial is on a 1 hour timer (but you can make as many attempts as you want during the 5 day window) and supports up to 24 players. It's against Rularuu. Minimum 1 person, max 24, no level restrictions. It seems non-SG members cannot enter the trial. There are rumors of teams having completed the trial in 18 minutes, while others found it very difficult. We’ll have to see what its like when all the adjustments are completed.
How many IoPs can you have?
One SG can have at most 5 IoPs at any time. There are conflicting reports that between 1-3 unique IoPs exist per server, but the lesser IoPs are hypothetically unlimited.
How do I get a rare one?
It's believed to be random, all luck as to which one you get, but i wouldn't be surprised if changing the Trial's difficulty level and the number of people you have with you would change your chances of getting a better IoP, as well as the time you complete it in...
What does the IoP do for me?
While the common ones have buffs of 1-2% to a single attribute, there are a few (server wide) rare ones. One in particular, 'The True Furnace' gives everyone in your SG +10 end points and adds a million power to your base. In addition, IoPs reduce your rent. The rare IoPs reduce rent by 50,000 while the lesser IoPs reduce rent by 40,000.
1-2% that's stupid!
Consider the fact that you can have 5 of them. 5 x +2% dmg = +10% PERMA damage boost!
What IoPs are there?
Monument of Fury: +2% Damage Buff
Monument of Iron: +1% psychic damage resistance.
Name?: +1% XP gain
Name?: +1% Reduced Debt
True Furnace: Gives everyone in supergroup mode +10 end, and provides your base 1 million power.
"crystal of resilience". Provides everyone in supergroup mode protection to immobilize, sleep, hold, and disorient. [note: Bug Report suggests that when working in the base edit mode, the iop was not called "crystal of reslience" but "monument of iron", but it provided the protection from status effects.
Book of Rularuu - complete chronicles of Rularuu that give all SG members 20% Debt Protection while in SG mode. (aka "the True Book"?)
Book - unknown (different graphic then the book of rularuu)
Heart - unknown
Cube - unknown
Alas, I have to cover some stupid conference for work :( Damn you Saturday work!!!
Have fun in RV for me...you could always bust out your Crey Pistols and pretend I'm there :D
I go to Hami Raids to work on SG healing badge. It puts serious dents in it. I will try to be there is Saturday.
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