Sunday, October 28, 2007

Help a Villain out

OK folks we have a lot of scheduling to do! Az wants to knock out a Manticore TF and I would love to join in on that if it isnt too late, let me know if that is still available. Also I spoke with Colder earlier and we would like to line up the first SF on CoV side, lvl 15-20 for xp (min is lvl 15). It is very fun, heck most SFs are, and it can be done in about 2-3 hours. If you do the log trick it goes even quicker. Let me know what time is good for you all. Weekends are best for me but a late nighter on Friday isn't out of hand at all. Colder I don't want to do this unless you can make it so let me know bud.


Lady Dark Star said...

I would love to do the Tarikoss SF. I'm free Friday evening or Saturday so whichever day works for Colder I'm game for.

Azrhiaz said...

I'll do that SF. Can we farm Infernal for a bit? :D Azrharn needs Hero Slayer and the behemoth spawns that Infernal keeps popping count towards the badge. I can do either day but Friday would probably be my preferred.

Baba Kanoosh said...

OK Friday seems to be good, I am home from work around 6pm EST that day so lets say 7pm EST Friday if Colder can make it? Even if he can't I will do it twice :-). One of my favorites.

Azrhiaz said...

7pm eastern? Good lord, I WISH I worked 1/2 days.

Well, if you guys want to run it then, that's fine. I'll just sit at work and stew over it. :grin: No, no, really! It's okay.

Lady Dark Star said...

It's gonna be a sad little TF with just Baba and I whooping up on the Legacy :D

Ebon Mauler said...

I am down for SF's. I am always able to do SF/TF Friday's after 20:00 pst and weekends between 13:00 - 16:00 and after 20:00 pst.

My Villians on Triumph are:
Kostichee- lvl 50 stone/fire brute
Revenante- lvl 34 dark/kin corr
Stabuli Katan- lvl 24? NS/NR stalk
Demon Vine- lvl 15 plant/spines dom

Kostichee is great to help people lvl as large groups are his specialty.

Baba Kanoosh said...

Hmmm 7pm Eastern is the SOONEST I can play so later can be done with some caffeine and beating off rest of family for the accounts I want on.

West coasters let us know a good time for you...

Colder said...

Hey gang,

Sorry for the late reply.

Friday sounds good to me. At first, 7pm pst sounded great but since there seems to be some conflict I can push it a bit (remember, I'm four hours ahead of the west coasters...)

How long is the TF? A few hours?

Baba Kanoosh said...

The Tarikoss SF can be as short as 1 1/2 hours if we do the log trick. Metoid is working on his corruptor to lvl 15, he will have plenty of debuffs, my MM is TA so he has debuffs, we will be fine vs the AVs if we have damage dealers...and we will with everyone else. So west coasters let us know a good time for you. Ebon says 8 pm PST so that is 10 pm EST. YAWWWN. But I have plenty of caffeine. Let me know what time for you Az, and if 10 pm EST is too late for Lady and Colder.

Worst case scenario..I run it a couple of times, once with East Coasters and again with West Coasters. :-) It is fun and the VG needs the prestige.

Azrhiaz said...

8pm Pacific is actually 11pm Eastern.

I can probably make it home by 7 if I go in to work an hour early. If that works for everyone, please let me know so I set the alarm :) Or if 8pm is good, that'd be even better. :)

Lady Dark Star said...

I'm central so that's 10 pm my time (as Azr pointed out the use of time zones). However, since I play with west coasters I am usually on late so I'm good with whatever time you guys settle on. I will be bringing a poison MM so we will definitely have debuffs covered.

Colder said...

8pm pst would work for me (midnight over here).

I'll probably ex Solid down for the mish. I do have a lvl 8 corruptor but fat chance he'll be hitting 15 by Friday :P

Damnit..I need to move out west :P

Ebon Mauler said...

Sorry guys I'll try to get on ASAP but 8pm pst is the earliest I can guarantee.

Azrhiaz said...

So 8pm pst Friday? Woot.

Ebon Mauler said...

correction my plant/spines dom is 14th but only 2 bars from 15th. I'll try to get him there tonight. BTW Az does Azrharn have the Infernal mish? Kostichee might be perfect for the job

Lady Dark Star said...

I think she meant farming the Infernal in the last mission of the SF for the badge.

Azrhiaz said...

At the end of this SF we are talking about doing, there are two AVs. One is Infernal and if you don't take him down immediately, you can farm the behemoths he raises for the Hero Slayer badge.

Baba Kanoosh said...

OK 8 pm PST it is. I will be getting a case of Red Bull and some dark chocolates.

Colder said...

Poor the middle of the Infernal farm, I bet we're gonna see this in the chat log:

Baba Kanoosh: Okay guys, gather foraklfsmdaskl;maskld;aklfds