Thursday, October 25, 2007

Level 4 Fights and Stuff

This Saturday at 4pm pacific on the Infinity server, I will be hosting some level 4 PvP fights. We will be having a free-for-all and then also a Gang War (dress up like your favorite faction (eg: Carnies, Skulls, Trolls, Knives, etc) and win the neighborhood). Level 4 fights are great for leveling the playing field and evening out skill differences! I'll be on Azrionous of the Banished Pantheon! Prizes will go to the top 3 in kill counts in the Free for All. You could win a statue of Statesman or Lord Recluse, a timecard, or a CoX t-shirt! See this thread for more information and sign up!

Don't forget this is the final weekend of the Haunted House and I know some of you are helping "haunt" it with me. Please be on test at 5:45 pm pacific on the day you are helping.

I'll be planning a Mothership Raid soon, as well as a Manticore TF.

Chica and I will be attending the CoH gathering in San Jose, CA on Nov 30th if any SGers would like to come out and party DB style!


Ebon Mauler said...

Sunday is prep for halloween (carving pumpkins, draping spider webs all over,etc...) so no go.

Went were you thinking of the RWZ raid and manticore? I would like to try my brute out in the RWZ and my troller for the TF.

Wish I could make it to Cali. Have fun and REPRESENT! Maybe if they come up to NW states area, Garl and I could road trip it.

Azrhiaz said...

My bad... it's actually SATURDAY! But Halloween decorating sounds pretty fun!

Hadn't thought of when I wanted to run either of those. Any suggestions?

Colder said...

I have not done the RWZ TF yet so I would love to get in on that. If you guys don't run it, I'll try to schedule it in the coming week.

Baba Kanoosh said...

I am down for some TF action as well. Late Friday (after 5 pm EST), any time Saturdays, and anytime Sundays starting before 7 pm EST is fine with me.

Colder said...

A quick amendment...I have done the RWZ TF but we didn't finish it because The Honoree was being such a jerk. I need redemption. Also, Statesman's TF is leaving a hole in my soul as well. I'll try to work out some times and get back to you guys.