Well I cannot say enough about how well the Haunted House event on Test is going. Halloween may be ok with temp costumes on live servers but the real fun was had tonight on Test. Az and Co. did a phenomenal job designing a HUGE VG base as a dark spooky maze. The heroes hitting it definitely were at a loss finding their way around. A few toons made it through the maze with great time and fairly unscathed. Then it turned into a typical base raid after folks made their way around...the fight was on. Az, as a guide on her toon Dunizel, even found herself victimized by the loathesome villains of the Isles. A rough crowd, but then again, the heroes had some very solid PvP toons. Typical base raid until...

...A certain AV I am known to have a toon-crush on showed up and decided to sprinkle CoT throughout the base...

...If that wasn't enough, the heroes came around the corner to discover another obstacle in their path...

...A certain AV I am known to have a toon-crush on showed up and decided to sprinkle CoT throughout the base...

...If that wasn't enough, the heroes came around the corner to discover another obstacle in their path...
...Yes kids GW spawned ol dirty drawers himself, Jack of Irons. During the raid the heroes had to deal with him as well and after the raid the villains got to take turns smacking him around. Note how brave I appear on film.

In the end GW handed out some spiffy titles for all the participants and everyone was rather pleased with the fun had throughout the event. If you haven't had a chance to go through it, I highly recommend you give it a shot tomorrow if you can. And pass on to our leader, Az, how awesome she did putting the event on.
PS. Az as promised from the raid...

Aww thanks for the roses! The fertilizer was an extra special touch too! :swoon:
Was fun with GW there! :) Glad you all enjoyed yourself!
Baba please turn the gamma down dude. It's a major tease :P
The HH was absolutely HUGE! Great job Az. Must have taken quite a bit time to do that monster up.
Sorry but who is "GW"?
noob :-)
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