Well in a stunning and graceful way, DB stomps Dire Disciples of Chaos by destroying their lair and taking them down in our own house. DB reigned victorious by winning their attacking raid by destroying the generator and then laying pylons down in the vulnerable DDOC base! With Amazingman, Mercy Mercy and Ebon Mauler taking the brunt of the attack, we were able to sweep in and do a bit of cleaning by mopping the floor with the villains. Great job to all!

Round 2 found them invading our base. Tanks gathered in the generator room and the rest of us fanned out and did the dance of face-smashing against our foe. They were able to get a few pylons down and take out the green infirmary, but with 2 in the hizzy, that's just fine! DDOC did a great job and went from a measly 5 to a clan of 12 and were able to do very well against 13 heroes. What a gathering! I was so proud of the SG in coming together and kicking ass! Thanks to: Garl Darklord, Ebon Mauler, Deep, Violet, Amazingman (Earl), Sarah Queen (shatter-storm), Dr. Bowen (what a trooper!), Akima Shinjo (divine), Copykat (Di), Ulti-Chica and Lil Minx! Also thanks to Metoid and to Silicdan for volunteering when we could take no more players. Next raid we are planning for the same time on November 4th. Be there!

Ah yes, meat shielding can be fun. Can't wait until I ding my tank up a few levels so he has an alpha strike and some more slotting on defense. Good times by all, and a great showing of the SG.
Wow! Mucho fun had by all. When you put two MM's together with a set of caltrops, and some debuff it seems a regen has a bit of trouble. I am with you baba. I would like to give it a go with my tank in a few levels. Grats to everyone on being the first raiders to take down someone else's base. It was tough to concentrate on the generator and resist the urge to pound someone when little suishy toons were so close. Great time and I will be there for the next one. Who is it agianst this time?
I think we should all chip in a dollar and buy Garl a name change so he can use Garl DEADlord. :) heh heh heh
Probably the same group. There's also a hero group that is interested in raiding. I have to get in touch with them.
If your look at the victories/defeats it's easy to see which team worked more together. Just like Garl Deadlord said concentrating on key base objects put us on top. Great job by all!
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