Monday, December 17, 2007

Cmon Out and Play!

Big thanks to Azrhiaz for setting up a couple of great events, a PvP event in Warburg with Ex Libris from NCSoft and the Jade Spider TF, which is yet another great new content item for City of Heroes/Villains...I would do this TF again in a heartbeat.

The PvP event was great fun, and thanks to the help of good Empath (Generic Healer Guy!), the squishees stayed upright and laid the smack down.

I encourage all to join up for these, we have a lot of fun with them. I am looking at doing the Leviathan Strike Force for villains (lvl 25 min) and if someone wants a lowbie event on either side, I will be glad to help. Shout out if want something.


Ebon Mauler said...

Sounds like fun! Count me in for the new tf next time as long as it's within my times I can play.

Anytime I'm online, anyone from DB can ask me for help and I'll lend a hand. As long as I'm not knee deep into something :). This includes PvP. The only thing that gets in my way of showing up for any of the events posted here is my schedule.

Azrhiaz said...

I had a great time at both of these! I was pleased with our performance in WB and was sad when Generic left! LOL Thanks to Metoid, Generic, and Baba for coming out to work on the Fusion Generator badge! I know that bar moved, even if it was just a little.

PLEASE DROP OFF BASE SALVAGE! We have room for a ton of new weaponry but need salvage, especially Unstable Rad Pistols (only available in Warburg missions)

Azrhiaz said...

I just recently discovered that by defeating Lord Recluse in the Jade Spider TF, we can earn the Scorpion Surprise gun for the base. I hope it's better than the Rikti Plasma Cannon! If one more person does the TF in SG mode, we will have gotten another gun! wheee