So since we've been batting the idea around a bit, I did a little research. Ventrilo is a cross-platform, downloadable program, that seems to look a lot like an instant messaging program. So you install it, create a log in, don your handy dandy headset, and away you go. It's a free service. However, you need to rent a server that everyone can connect. For 25 people, it runs about $8.75 a month. For 10 people, $3.50 per month. So it's not really that expensive.
Colder says he has a voice as smooth and as sexy as Barry White's so I think I wanna hear it! LOL
Anyway, so post and let me know if you are interested. I'll get the first month if you just want to try it out to see what we think. I wonder if Cap's puns get too bad if I can just put him on mute? heh heh

Sounds good to me. But if you don't like my voice..well tough!! :)
I'd be willing to work out some system on paying for it...we could all send you some $'s or something.
I'd be willing to try this out...although I'm afraid everybody will want to hear my "sexy" voice now lol!!
I hear TeamSpeak is a really good as well. I'd go for whichever is cheaper. I always thought the everything was free but I guess that goes to show my ignorance when it comes to this kind of stuff :D
"Can't get enough of your love babe..."
I am in as long as I got a job lol. I agree with Colder's view I am good for either version, I have heard of Team Speak as well so either is good. Let me know and we will press on from there.
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