So I have been playing this game for one year now. Seen issues 6 and 7, CoV, and learned a lot. I have meet some great people, and some typical loner goobers too (also fun to mess with). My entire family got hooked on the game, a major feat for NCSoft, as my wife who other than Myst, could care less for video games. It has filters so I am not to worried about my kids on it, besides they are level headed--to a degree (you reading this Metoid?) So the game is nearing another advance. What to do with this MMORPG concept to keep the interest? RV and Mayhem mishes are fun. New powers will keep it going too. But CoH is limited, buyers from two years ago bought it with older min. specs for computers and the company has stated they want to keep CoH inside that limitation for those costumers. So I smell a potential expansion pack for CoH and probably CoV too. What would be in it or issue 8 that you want to see? I am interested in your thoughts. I have a simple idea. I like this game not only for the online game play, the fact is isn't a revolving door of stuff you see after a little while (well some of it is but soooo many options it can be worked around), but mainly, it is based on growing up an avid comic book reading kid. Almost every type or genre is covered save one, a famous one. Blue Shield stands in Kings Row and I am digging the shield, just like ol' Cap did. What cool defender wouldn't want one? Or a blaster chucking a shield around? Another idea came from Az discussing an underwater zone. WOO_WOO_WOOOOO I summon a MULLET FISH! Too cool. So throw out your ideas or wish list for the game, big or small, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you all would like to see. Until then, as the loner goobers say when Baba gets hammered in PvP, don't get pwned.
Nice post Baba. FYI, I've heard on and off that Shields will be a Tanker set. Just someting I've heard throught the boards so take it for what it's worth.
What would I like to see in upcoming expansions? Good questions but alas, I don't have the time to answer that right now.
I can't believe I've been playing for a year myself. I'm still having fun (the company I keep is a huge reason :)
Agreed! I've never been into or good at video games...until now. I have so much fun on CoH and CoV. Of course, 80% of that is having awesome friends like you guys! The rest is kicking butt :)
Heard that i8 will have lots of new content for 50's. I'd like to see a few new power sets, to mix things up...not sure what though. Underwater would be cool :) With my birdies fin I'm already a shark. lol Maybe something on CoV that rivals the PB/WS you get on CoH with a 50. New costumes for girls...like some more cool hair! Hats that let you keep hair...lol And somethings that aren't so..well...ugly.
Look at Baba. Hiding behind Positiron's skirts! He was skeered. He said "Ain't no stalker gonna git me here!" ::grin::
I imagine most games have problems with trying to better by using new technology and risk shutting out a section of their clientele. I can't imagine if I hadn't upgraded my card and my RAM if 7 would even run for me. But I like the new environmental stuff.
I have always wanted my costume options, particularly hair. I'm a girl what can I say? I always wanted the "Godiva" cape that acted like a huge hair extension. ::grin:: I have also thought it would be better if your contacts gave you options that would change the arc. Do you a) go raid the Council base to get information or b) do you take down Countress Crey cause you know she has something to do with it. That way it would change depending on how you played it. I think making story arc seem more of adventure would be advantageous. Does anyone even read the clues? I don't. And if the text is too long, generally not that either.
I have read that there will be special things for long time users. For instance, a trench coat option will unlock after x amount of time subscribed. I have read that wings will be coming into play but it won't be a costume part or an AT (maybe a body type?) That underwater thing was a survey they did on what kind of zones we'd like to see. They had some neat ones, like the Moon, the desert, etc. I look forward to the new Faultline and the updates they are doing to the zones.
My biggest thing would be level 50 content. I think it would be fun to be able to earn some armor or special powers permanently. I'd also like to see new TFs since Azrhiaz only has a few left in Zulu. I really enjoy playing her and there's not much to do now.
Bases need help. There's gotta be something there other than IoP stuff. SG missions would be fun. More decorative stuff.
I also for some reason would love to see weather in the zones. Talos would be fun in the rain.
I also agree that having such a wonderful bunch of people to play with makes the game so much more fun. If it weren't for all you guys, I might actually have a "real" life. :)
To respond to Az's harsh accusation, well she was dead on. I was soooooo not getting AS'd while those three were by my side. Another power set I would like is an animal controller. Hardcore pets so to speak. Wolves, eagles for range attacks, snake for a hold. Rhino for a superior damage. Something along that traing of thought. Wait...train hmmmm.
I like the idea of the story arc tree...pick the right mish for a longer branch of options etc. As do I agree on the fun in more costume options. Winds would be da bomb yo. How's that for a lvl 50 CoV unlock? Get to be some kind of bat or vampire.
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