Azrharn has the badge mission for Couch Potato off the Television. You need this badge for one of the accolades (Headline Stealer which gives you the Crey Freeze Gun, I think). Was thinking of running it Monday night if you want to join me. This is certainly flexible though.
Woot! Sign me up babe!
Another gun that freezes (sure it's an Immob but I'll take it!)...it must be my birthday again.
I don't think I have any of the other requirements for the Crey Pistol but hey, you gotta start somewhere :D
Cold, you need Conspiracy Theorist Accolade to get the Crey Pistol. Ask me about it another day and I'll see what badges you need for it
From my understanding, you will need for Headline Stealer:
Couch Potato
Electrician (kill 100 gremlins in Cap)
Strike Buster (kill x demolitionist)
Surging (Deathsurge monster)
Lobbyist (explor badge in BB)
Media Junky (explor in Cap)
Crimelord (explor in St M)
I was there Monday for a bit...did I miss it? No matter I solo'd Skyway mayhem and then picked up two badge contacts in Cap...I will post when they come available!
No, we have not done it yet. Last night we were running missions in Warburg trying to get some unstable rad pistol salvage so we can make an Elite Chill Cannon.
Need 3 more! :)
So the badge mish is still there. Maybe we'll do it this weekend when more of are around.
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