Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Coldie bags a HO!

A Hamidon Origin Enhancement that is. Geeze gang...I am commited to Az after all :P

A special thanks to Cap and Chaud for inviting me to the raid the other night. Poor Afro just couldn't make it in time :*(

The Raid itself went pretty smoothly. Granted, I wasn't entirely sure what was happenning. I just kept listening to the Broadcast Chat and would fire off all my Holds whenever someone yelled it out. Once they started hollaring everyone to attack, I just started blasting away. A few minutes later, a HO falls into my lap.

...And a got a Dmg/Rng enhancement :P

You pervs...


Azrhiaz said...

See, I think they thought you were actually referring *to me. . .

Congrats on your first Hamidon Enhancement!

Cap said...

LOL baggin HOs now eh? *sigh* they grow up so fast....I remember when he was just a little snowball...now hes off baggin a HO!

Baba Kanoosh said...

I hope he was wearing a protective overgarment. HO's are know to carry communicable debt.

Tzadkiel said...

Well done! Hami-raids are a sight to behold, really with the amount of heroes to take down a gelatenous blob. Haven't been on one in awhile. I've 2 HO's slotted in Nova dmg/rng each.

Who wants the boom? :)

Gratz bro :)

Chaud Woman said...

Gratz Coldie!! Yes we missed most of the fun part, but this is my first hami since the new comp...and I didn't DC!! Woot!

I have no comment on the HO..... Ü