Meet Baba "I am Cursed as a Minnesota Viking Fan on the Test Server" Kanoosh. Test server is fun, you can try things out, such as exorcising the football demons your parents cursed you with one Christmas day when you were 6 years old and they gave you a football hat. A purple football hat. Four LOST super bowls later, an a stretch of recent scandals and POW! I am here trying to make the bad man go away. It almost worked! So come to test server and play around, it ain't gonna count and so it ain't gonna hurt. I have done some traveling to get some SG badges for teleporters, as has Metoid. We have vounteered to be the Test Brigade SG badge hunters! So far I have Atlas, Striga, IP, Brickstown and opened up the Mega Monitor thingy (sorry had to use a technical term there). Base is cool and Metoid is stoked Az is gonna let him decorate a room. So c'mon in and check it out. Az got all jiggy with the colors and emblem so dont freak out.
Thanks for getting the beacons guys. At least we'll be able to sneak in and use the base when new issues are there and get a sneak preview! And now you'll all know what 35 million will buy you. That fusion generator is HUGE!
He's welcome to decorate the one workshop. I'm sure he'll do better than you did in the infirmary Baba! LOL! j/k
Hope to see you all there this Friday afternoon. I've got my "coffee inspired" costume all ready to go! Maybe your Viking one can go in the "DoooOOoom" contest since they always lose? :D
We are DOOOOOOMED. Hey all, Vidiotmaps.com has new map patch up. Includes mayhem additions et al. If you want to load the patch to your test server, just download patch as normal but when destination option comes up, save it to the folder you have test server in.
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