These cute jiggly-wiggly radioactive creatures are looking for a new and happy home! They are loyal, protective and even house-broken! (but not exactly the brightest bulb in the box!) If you have room in your tray for a new pet, come out Sunday afternoon 1 pm Pacific and enter Bloody Bay in relative safety with the SG to pick out the perfect critter! We will go in en masse to discourage those nasty villains and to easily take out the turrets and pop-up guns at the science stations.
Level 15+ (25 cap)
Sounds like fun. I haven't had one of these critters in awhile and thank god their lvl scales with your now!!!
Not sure if I can make it but I'll try. Where have you been lately Azzie dear?!?!
World of Warcraft?!?! :P
Chuz has been showing me the latest hotspots in FF. . .
Acutally, my DSL has been down for the last two days. (I miss you too, bay-bee.) :D
I thought we could do Adopt-a-Shivan maybe during the week as well. Or quite possibly, Adopt-a-Warhead. ::grin::
I have been hanging out in Bloody for a bit myself, but if I can, I will be there. I iwll let Metoid know as well, he needs to get his Warshade hooked up there and this would be a good chance as well.
Awwww...such a cute cuddly guy. Not sure we will be home in time to join ya. :(
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