Planty Man checking in here. If you are having any issues with making a new test server folder and link, you have joined many COH customers. When you login, click the announcement for the Cuppajo event, then click the link for the Test Server install instructions. If you have City of Villians, follow instructions provided on the Forums page, but select the CoV updater to use instead of the CoH version. This seems to resolve the numerous issues going on with the install. If you do not have CoV, follow instructions to make a new CoHTest folder but only place the pigg folder and a copy of the CoH updater in it. Then follow instructions as normal from there. The character copy tool is either down or just remarkably backlogged after the annoucement, many folks are reporting no toons copied over after using the tool. Any more announcements will be posted as I learn more. If you are evil, look me up on the Death Brigade side. Planty Man--OUT.
I didn't have any issues with the test server. Had a sizeable update but nothing incredibly outrageous.
Love the new toon Baba! Planty Man looks awesome
Thanks! I stole the idea from Metoid, he made the original Planty Man on another server when CoV first came out. THe only issues anyone may encounter is when creating a new Test Server link, for example I have a new comp and had issues when creating a link for it. So far it is ok with the fixes I described from the forums page.
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