So, Nefarious Tech was assigned by Technician Naylor to head to Mole Point Bravo! What fun we had....Not! I entered the picture when Tech sent out a help message, seems after killing tons of Rularuu and saving two prisoners, he encountered the Expedition Commander, who was a longbow EB! He had obviously taken extra courses in Longbow school cause he knew just where to hit a villain (if you know what I mean!). With a few debuffs he was no match for anyone and we took him out quickly and painlessly. But Technician Naylor wasn't letting us off that easy, he sent us right back to Zulu! Seems some spider, named Operative Rimsey, got himself captured by the Longbow and needed some help getting out, Noob! Unfortunately, he was surrounded by Longbow wardens....Which meant Tech died a bit and I was stuck in hold way to many times.(why do longbow always want to hold me, I'm not cuddly!) But with a little villainy and the ability to TP a "fight at all costs" spider we got him out of there in one piece. The one plus to being a villian in Zulu was the beautiful sunsets to enjoy with my evil loved one.

You two are just so cute!!!! Awwww!!!
I am relieved Nefarious Tech is over Blue Viola and has found love with the lovely Chaud Comme L'Enfer.
Tech Naylor's mishes seem to go on forever. If you want that nifty Chantry mission, I think it's through Mage Hunter Zakura.
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