Come one, come all, Colder *still needs his Taskforce Commander Accolade. Come beat the tar out of ArchVillain Jurrassik. You know, the big DE guy with the car hammer!
Numina Taskforce Saturday August 5th
Noon Pacific (that's 11 am for you Cap)
Level 35+ (ex'ed to 38 if over)
By the by, who wants to build two pain fields for the base?
A big welcome to Mari Blade and Lost Senapi to the Debt Brigade blog!
Blog-o-licious. I am full of stupid posts today...I am on Fiii-ya!
lol....I'll come, will bring whatever toon you need to fill in. Anything to help sexy legs get his nice shiny badge. Ü
Welcome Lost and Mari!! Good to have you two back!!!
Help me get my TF Commander Badge!! i wanna be one of the *cool kids...hahahahahah
I hate myself...
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