Dang you Azzie! You and your lack of job has beaten me to the punch :P However, my post was from an interview Matt Millar (Positron) did with GameSpot regarding Issue 8. The info is pretty much the same but I'd thought I would post a link to the interview anyways. Enjoy!!
Positron speaks to GameSpot
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Issue 8: From the Desk of Cryptic
Issue 8: To Protect and Serve, the eighth free expansion since the launch of City of Heroes® in April 2004, introduces a host of innovative features, gameplay improvements and player programs. Issue 7: Destiny Manifest allowed villains to wreak havoc in the PvP zone Recluse's Victory and physics-filled Mayhem Missions. Now it's the Heroes' turn to take back the streets!

Safeguard Missions (Heroes only)
Vandals are creating mayhem and destroying Paragon City while high profile villains are attempting major bank heists! Emergency broadcasts from the new Police Band scanners (see below) call Heroes to action, resulting in a frantic new twist on Mayhem Missions. Heroes must stop the mayhem (in massively destructive versions of Paragon City zones) and prevent the heists from occurring.
Police Band (Heroes only)
Offering similar functionality to the Newspaper Missions in City of Villains®, new Police contacts throughout various Hero zones grant Heroes Police Band access, opening a plethora of new missions and rewards.
Pocket D Arenas (Heroes and Villains)
For the first time, Heroes and Villains can officially battle each other using Arena kiosks set within the neutral ground of the Pocket D nightclub.
Faultline Reborn (Heroes only)
Faultline transforms from a hazard zone to a city zone! Paragon City's Measure X has passed, reconstruction of Faultline has begun, and the effort has revealed some major surprises.
Veteran Rewards Program (Heroes and Villains)
Launching together with Issue 8, the Veteran Rewards Program retroactively* rewards City of Heroes and City of Villains players for their past active playing time. Specifically, for each increment of three months played, players will unlock special costumes, powers, badges, and more! The program is retroactive by player account and rewards will be applicable to all characters within each respective account.
*This means time that players have already played counts towards their rewards!
But WHEN is it launching?!?!

Safeguard Missions (Heroes only)
Vandals are creating mayhem and destroying Paragon City while high profile villains are attempting major bank heists! Emergency broadcasts from the new Police Band scanners (see below) call Heroes to action, resulting in a frantic new twist on Mayhem Missions. Heroes must stop the mayhem (in massively destructive versions of Paragon City zones) and prevent the heists from occurring.
Police Band (Heroes only)
Offering similar functionality to the Newspaper Missions in City of Villains®, new Police contacts throughout various Hero zones grant Heroes Police Band access, opening a plethora of new missions and rewards.
Pocket D Arenas (Heroes and Villains)
For the first time, Heroes and Villains can officially battle each other using Arena kiosks set within the neutral ground of the Pocket D nightclub.
Faultline Reborn (Heroes only)
Faultline transforms from a hazard zone to a city zone! Paragon City's Measure X has passed, reconstruction of Faultline has begun, and the effort has revealed some major surprises.
Veteran Rewards Program (Heroes and Villains)
Launching together with Issue 8, the Veteran Rewards Program retroactively* rewards City of Heroes and City of Villains players for their past active playing time. Specifically, for each increment of three months played, players will unlock special costumes, powers, badges, and more! The program is retroactive by player account and rewards will be applicable to all characters within each respective account.
*This means time that players have already played counts towards their rewards!
But WHEN is it launching?!?!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Hey all! I'm unemployed so if I get annoying tell me to go look for a damn job already.
Anyhoo, just wanted to let ya know I went on a shopping spree yet again. I upgraded our vault to one where we can place a defensive item in it. I moved the elite energy beam from the TP room and replaced it with the elite chill cannon. I asked Coldie to make some auxilleries for the chill cannon. For those of you who do not know, the Items of Power will soon be available. However, until the raid system gets fixed we will not have to worry about anyone coming in to steal it! Yay! At our current plot size, we will only be able to have one IoP. But all good things in their time. For those of you who are a bit afraid of raids, please know that much of our crafted stuff will be "rebuilt" if it gets destroyed. When all the worktables are placed with a Flames of Hephestus/Robotic Fabricator attached we will have close to 100% recovery on anything destroyed. I have one each but we still need 2 FoH and 2 RF more, so if you feel like crafting something, make one. Don't place it!!! They cost 100k to place and we don't need 'em quite yet!
I have talked to Alpha Team and am trying to set up an insta-raid for practice. I would also like to get a raid TPer over on the Death Brigade and test out our weapons. But our prestiege is very low over there. Perhaps we can finally do some of the StrikeForces? I known Azrharn needs the Ice Mistral one for an accolade, Although he isn't in DB. We can do that Cap au Diablo one again with Infernal and Baht'zul?
Does anyone know anyone in the SGs SPHERE or Team-America? If not, I would like to remove them from the coalition because they either don't pay their rent or denied us access to their base.
Congrats to Tribal Age on reaching 40. Also major props to members like Jake Mathers, Slasheery and Tribal on getting promoted for prestiege earning.
Get your headsets on! We will be implementing a Ventrilo system very soon. Probably within the next week!
Anyone want to run Positron? ::shudder:: What's our next event? Getting rockets maybe? Arena night? PvPing? Speak up on what you think would be fun.
Anyhoo, just wanted to let ya know I went on a shopping spree yet again. I upgraded our vault to one where we can place a defensive item in it. I moved the elite energy beam from the TP room and replaced it with the elite chill cannon. I asked Coldie to make some auxilleries for the chill cannon. For those of you who do not know, the Items of Power will soon be available. However, until the raid system gets fixed we will not have to worry about anyone coming in to steal it! Yay! At our current plot size, we will only be able to have one IoP. But all good things in their time. For those of you who are a bit afraid of raids, please know that much of our crafted stuff will be "rebuilt" if it gets destroyed. When all the worktables are placed with a Flames of Hephestus/Robotic Fabricator attached we will have close to 100% recovery on anything destroyed. I have one each but we still need 2 FoH and 2 RF more, so if you feel like crafting something, make one. Don't place it!!! They cost 100k to place and we don't need 'em quite yet!
I have talked to Alpha Team and am trying to set up an insta-raid for practice. I would also like to get a raid TPer over on the Death Brigade and test out our weapons. But our prestiege is very low over there. Perhaps we can finally do some of the StrikeForces? I known Azrharn needs the Ice Mistral one for an accolade, Although he isn't in DB. We can do that Cap au Diablo one again with Infernal and Baht'zul?
Does anyone know anyone in the SGs SPHERE or Team-America? If not, I would like to remove them from the coalition because they either don't pay their rent or denied us access to their base.
Congrats to Tribal Age on reaching 40. Also major props to members like Jake Mathers, Slasheery and Tribal on getting promoted for prestiege earning.
Get your headsets on! We will be implementing a Ventrilo system very soon. Probably within the next week!
Anyone want to run Positron? ::shudder:: What's our next event? Getting rockets maybe? Arena night? PvPing? Speak up on what you think would be fun.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Test Server Chores

CoV Hidden Contacts

At last, a list of the unlockable hidden contacts! Was tooling around with Azrharn in P.O. looking for a plaque and stumbled across the old pirate stronghold (which I'd never seen in all my Rogue Isles traveling) and when I found Veluta, thought I'd find out what she was all about.
Veluta Lunata- lvls 5-10 Port Oaks located 300 yards SW of Fort Hades Marker (-2509, 108, -823) must collect Pirate badge by trapping 10 ghosts. (you must kill them ON the traps in the Keep)
Henri Punmont - lvls 20-25 Sharkhead Isle 195 yards NW of Hospital (853,32,-261) must collect Strike Buster badge by defeating 100 Scrapyarders
Doc Buzzsaw - lvls 25-30 Sharkhead Isle 47 yards NE of Natural Store (693,32, -1342) must collect Bling badge by earning 1 million infamy
Archmage Tarixus - lvls 25-30 Sharkhead Isle 173 yards SW of Magic Store (793, 16,1781) Must collect Lorekeeper History badge. (*note - You need Soul Taker for the Born in Battle accolade which this dude gives)
Crimson Repenant - lvls 30-35 Nerva on top of Tsing Guns building 102 yards W. of the door used to access Science Store (-4, 103, 6636) must collect Hammerdown badge by killing ghost of scrapyard
Kristof Jaeger - lvls 30-35 Nerva by bridge 166 yards NW of base portal (2123,16,7712) must collect villain badge
Slot Machine - lvls 30-35 St Martial Casino only selectable slot machine (-1927,-159,2247) must collect Gangbuster badge by killing 100 Family Bosses
Jonny Sontana - lvls 35-40 St Martial Casino in back office (-1700,-160,2116) all you need to access this contact is hit 35
Good job on all the fun this weekend! We blazed through some Villain badge mishes, did the Katie Hannon TF, and Cap and I ran a tiresome Synapse TF. We also had a very smooth time in Bloody Bay rescuing those abandoned Shivans. Fun, fun! I still have Couch Potato. Might run it tonight if Colder shows up.

Saturday, August 26, 2006
Ooo Shiny Badges
I got tired of always going all over the place for Accolade info, so I compiled a list here I just cut and pasted a lot of this stuff off the web, so if you see any mistakes let me know. I will also stick this in the sidelinks here so it's easily accessable.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Adopt-A-Shivan Sunday

These cute jiggly-wiggly radioactive creatures are looking for a new and happy home! They are loyal, protective and even house-broken! (but not exactly the brightest bulb in the box!) If you have room in your tray for a new pet, come out Sunday afternoon 1 pm Pacific and enter Bloody Bay in relative safety with the SG to pick out the perfect critter! We will go in en masse to discourage those nasty villains and to easily take out the turrets and pop-up guns at the science stations.
Level 15+ (25 cap)
Mask Maker (CoV) badge mish up

Planty Man cordially invites you to the Mask Maker badge mission on Triumph CoV this Saturday at 1400 EST (2pm fer you civilians). Bring your sass and look out for Deathsurge. He stings a bit when you fly over him too close. This is a lvl 14 mish, but any villian lvl or type are welcome to those who want it.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
New Costume Slot

The Test Brigade
So I figured since we were all discussing about hopping over to the test server to send Cuppa Jo off in a proper fashion, I'd start us a little SG there. Please welcome ::drum roll please:: The Test Brigade.
They give you 35 million to play with. Even addicted as I am to base building, I couldn't do it all! Below is the first secure plot:

The problem is that I copied Azrhiaz over with only what she had existing. So I didn't have enough salvage to build the turbine generator and so power is an issue. But I *did place all her remaining weaponry and the advanced database. Whee! However, I did grab everything from storage on Lumeir and copied her over. Now I just have to get her invited! They also give you a few basic Items of Power so I placed two Anger Monuments which buff you (in SG mode) an extra 4% in damage. They have 3 others: restistance to psionic dam, debt protection, and an xp boost. I figured if we were PvPing, what use do we need of any of those?

Anger Monument with the Elite Chill Cannon
So recopy yourselves and let's go have a bit of fun with Cuppa!
On a side note, nice job to all who did the Citadel Taskforce today!
They give you 35 million to play with. Even addicted as I am to base building, I couldn't do it all! Below is the first secure plot:

The problem is that I copied Azrhiaz over with only what she had existing. So I didn't have enough salvage to build the turbine generator and so power is an issue. But I *did place all her remaining weaponry and the advanced database. Whee! However, I did grab everything from storage on Lumeir and copied her over. Now I just have to get her invited! They also give you a few basic Items of Power so I placed two Anger Monuments which buff you (in SG mode) an extra 4% in damage. They have 3 others: restistance to psionic dam, debt protection, and an xp boost. I figured if we were PvPing, what use do we need of any of those?

So recopy yourselves and let's go have a bit of fun with Cuppa!
On a side note, nice job to all who did the Citadel Taskforce today!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Test Server having issues..some fixes here

Friday, August 18, 2006
You Will Be Heard
So I saw Doctor Mercy on for a brief moment this afternoon. (BTW, her global is one of the ones that got destroyed so you can send an offline tell to @doctor mercy, if you are so inclined.) She is still alive and well for the most part, and has been spending time on an alt in the SG F.R.O.N.T. She sang high praises of their Ventrilo service and said it made the game much more fun and brought a cohesion to the team.
So since we've been batting the idea around a bit, I did a little research. Ventrilo is a cross-platform, downloadable program, that seems to look a lot like an instant messaging program. So you install it, create a log in, don your handy dandy headset, and away you go. It's a free service. However, you need to rent a server that everyone can connect. For 25 people, it runs about $8.75 a month. For 10 people, $3.50 per month. So it's not really that expensive.
Colder says he has a voice as smooth and as sexy as Barry White's so I think I wanna hear it! LOL
Anyway, so post and let me know if you are interested. I'll get the first month if you just want to try it out to see what we think. I wonder if Cap's puns get too bad if I can just put him on mute? heh heh
So since we've been batting the idea around a bit, I did a little research. Ventrilo is a cross-platform, downloadable program, that seems to look a lot like an instant messaging program. So you install it, create a log in, don your handy dandy headset, and away you go. It's a free service. However, you need to rent a server that everyone can connect. For 25 people, it runs about $8.75 a month. For 10 people, $3.50 per month. So it's not really that expensive.
Colder says he has a voice as smooth and as sexy as Barry White's so I think I wanna hear it! LOL
Anyway, so post and let me know if you are interested. I'll get the first month if you just want to try it out to see what we think. I wonder if Cap's puns get too bad if I can just put him on mute? heh heh

Screw you Manticore...we're playing in the sewage!!!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Manticore or Sewer?
Lost wanted to know if anyone wanted to do either the Manticore TF or the Sewer trial this weekend. Any takers? FYI, Lost only needs the Manti TF in order to get the TF Commander Accolade.
I personally woudln't mind taking another crack at the sewer trial...althought I'm pretty sure I know how it's gonna turn out :P
I personally woudln't mind taking another crack at the sewer trial...althought I'm pretty sure I know how it's gonna turn out :P
CuppaJo's Going Away Extravaganza!
To say thank you to everyone who has made my last two years in City of Heroes and Villains so great we are throwing a huge party on the Test Server, September 1st from 12pm to 12 am Central time!
W00t Radio will be broadcasting live as the day unfolds with DJ Jester and CuppaJo on air. The following is the listing of events and contests we'll be holding. W00t Radio will announce their prizes and any event changes as we get closer to the big day.
All Events take place on September 1, 2006 on the City of Heroes Test Server. We highly reccomend you install the Test Server well before the 1st and use the Character Copy Tool asap to copy your character(s) over to test that you wish to bring to the party.
Events Listing
Noon - 1:00 p.m. Central (1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Eastern)
1st Cup of the Day: No one likes to get up too early, so lets start the day off right with some coffee talk in Pocket D! Come - Chat - Wake up!
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Central (2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Eastern)
The Java Rumble: Ever wanted to test your mettle against other Heroes and Villains including CuppaJo? Here will be your chance. In primarily 10 minute timed battles we'll hold several arena fights at varying level caps and restrictions. (In a 2 hour duration 7 battles should be possible, please remember there is a max of 64 players per 10 min timed FFA battles it will be a first come first serve basis)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Central (4:30 -5:30 p.m. Eastern)
Recluse's Victory Dance: Lord Recluse is dancing for joy over the departure of one of the biggest thorns in his side, CuppaJo. He's called for all the villains to take Recluses's Victory and keep it from the now weakend heroes. CuppaJo and the heroes will do their best to keep this from happening one last time!
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Central (7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Eastern)
CuppaCloning: Best Coffee-themed character contest in Pocket D.
8:00 - 12:00 p.m. Central (9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Eastern)
Party of Dooom!: Doom Themed Costume Party in Pocket-D - wear something that inspires DOOOM!
All Day Contest by W00t Radio! -
The CuppaCode: On going code decipher event. Code will be posted on the w00t Radio website before the party (and during). Listeners will be given keys to decipher the code throughout the day on air and in game. A prize will be awarded to the first person to solve the CuppaCode.
There will be surprises along the way - so come out and tune in as we have one last Super-Powered hoooorah!
W00t Radio will be broadcasting live as the day unfolds with DJ Jester and CuppaJo on air. The following is the listing of events and contests we'll be holding. W00t Radio will announce their prizes and any event changes as we get closer to the big day.
All Events take place on September 1, 2006 on the City of Heroes Test Server. We highly reccomend you install the Test Server well before the 1st and use the Character Copy Tool asap to copy your character(s) over to test that you wish to bring to the party.
Events Listing
Noon - 1:00 p.m. Central (1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Eastern)
1st Cup of the Day: No one likes to get up too early, so lets start the day off right with some coffee talk in Pocket D! Come - Chat - Wake up!
1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Central (2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Eastern)
The Java Rumble: Ever wanted to test your mettle against other Heroes and Villains including CuppaJo? Here will be your chance. In primarily 10 minute timed battles we'll hold several arena fights at varying level caps and restrictions. (In a 2 hour duration 7 battles should be possible, please remember there is a max of 64 players per 10 min timed FFA battles it will be a first come first serve basis)
3:30-5:30 p.m. Central (4:30 -5:30 p.m. Eastern)
Recluse's Victory Dance: Lord Recluse is dancing for joy over the departure of one of the biggest thorns in his side, CuppaJo. He's called for all the villains to take Recluses's Victory and keep it from the now weakend heroes. CuppaJo and the heroes will do their best to keep this from happening one last time!
6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Central (7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Eastern)
CuppaCloning: Best Coffee-themed character contest in Pocket D.
8:00 - 12:00 p.m. Central (9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Eastern)
Party of Dooom!: Doom Themed Costume Party in Pocket-D - wear something that inspires DOOOM!
All Day Contest by W00t Radio! -
The CuppaCode: On going code decipher event. Code will be posted on the w00t Radio website before the party (and during). Listeners will be given keys to decipher the code throughout the day on air and in game. A prize will be awarded to the first person to solve the CuppaCode.
There will be surprises along the way - so come out and tune in as we have one last Super-Powered hoooorah!
Die Ghost Widow, Die!!!
HAHA we defeated Ghost Widow in Recluse Victory!! I must have gotten lucky with my team when I got in there. We were able to take down the Dread Lady herself in combat! WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!
got a shiny badge for doing it, a little bit of luck and skill paid off :D
Sadly, the rest of the night was spent dieing repeatedly in Cov. Oh well, all luck has a price to pay. At the end of the night, Psycho Armormonger got the power to Fly. ;) Maybe luck hadn't abandoned me completely.....MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
HAHA we defeated Ghost Widow in Recluse Victory!! I must have gotten lucky with my team when I got in there. We were able to take down the Dread Lady herself in combat! WOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!
got a shiny badge for doing it, a little bit of luck and skill paid off :D
Sadly, the rest of the night was spent dieing repeatedly in Cov. Oh well, all luck has a price to pay. At the end of the night, Psycho Armormonger got the power to Fly. ;) Maybe luck hadn't abandoned me completely.....MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Resistance and Mez Info
Here's something on I found on the official forums and I thought I'd share it with the gang. See, I'm earning my stay as Grand Pooh Bah :D
Mob Resistance and Mez numbers
Enjoy fellow DBer's!!!
Mob Resistance and Mez numbers
Enjoy fellow DBer's!!!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Congrats to our Newest 50
Welcome to level 50 Karrnage! You're all grown up now! :D
Sounds like we need to take him into RV so he can experience the bliss of never worrying about debt again. . .
Congrats again!
Sounds like we need to take him into RV so he can experience the bliss of never worrying about debt again. . .
Congrats again!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Chronos Titan Defeated!

It was a hard fought battle by Paragon's mightiest heroes. After enduring endless battles and deaths with Malta, the Chronos Titan appeared. It seemed as if its health was regenerating faster than a team of regen scrappers. But we would not be so easily thwarted. Once we were able to gather other heroes to the spot, we began turning the tides on the fight. With 20 or more heroes, we successfully defeated the Chronos Titan. I would like to thank all of you again for helping me get through yet another battle. It's always so much fun with you guys no matter the situation.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Couch Potato
Thursday, August 10, 2006
OOOooo New Stuff
I *was just gonna cut and paste this, but it was really long. Below is a link to a summary of Positron's interview off of Woot Radio. He talks about near future and other things that they are working on. New powersets, new costume options, a new type of Mastermind Pet ("no, it won't be clowns!" LOL I hate clowns, but that does seem like relatively entertaining idea) And there's stuff coming up that you won't be able to access with your oldie but goodie, so you'll have to make more alts. More alts? But I only have 2 slots left! They also talk about the new unlockable Villain Archtypes and much more. . .
Upcoming Changes and Issue 8
Upcoming Changes and Issue 8
Chronos Titan Anyone?
After a long stint of not playing as often plus missing out on teaming with the best Supergroup I know, I have put my foot down and real life will be taking a back seat for the next couple of days or so. I still have this badge mission, if there are any takers, let's try to pin down a good day & time this weekend. My schedule is wide open. I can bend to the will of the West Coast and can do anytime. I so glad I've come to my senses. Let the gaming binge begin!!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So, Nefarious Tech was assigned by Technician Naylor to head to Mole Point Bravo! What fun we had....Not! I entered the picture when Tech sent out a help message, seems after killing tons of Rularuu and saving two prisoners, he encountered the Expedition Commander, who was a longbow EB! He had obviously taken extra courses in Longbow school cause he knew just where to hit a villain (if you know what I mean!). With a few debuffs he was no match for anyone and we took him out quickly and painlessly. But Technician Naylor wasn't letting us off that easy, he sent us right back to Zulu! Seems some spider, named Operative Rimsey, got himself captured by the Longbow and needed some help getting out, Noob! Unfortunately, he was surrounded by Longbow wardens....Which meant Tech died a bit and I was stuck in hold way to many times.(why do longbow always want to hold me, I'm not cuddly!) But with a little villainy and the ability to TP a "fight at all costs" spider we got him out of there in one piece. The one plus to being a villian in Zulu was the beautiful sunsets to enjoy with my evil loved one.

Next Patch
I deleted the new "rooms" for the base since they don't apply to us on either side. I am grumbling a bit that Spirit Masks are now farmable through missions after I worked so hard in Talos and BB to get my damn badge! lol I am also annoyed that hidden plots can only house one IoP now. On the bright side, the beacons will be nice to have for the CoH zones. We can put down one more TPer, so I vote FF and PI. And take off Boomtown and put in Talos. Who else is voting? :D
Now Testing in the Training Room -8/09/06 - 6 pm Central
-Extended Duration of Empowerment Station Buffs to 60 minutes
-Increased the lifetime of the attackable portion of Trick Arrow Oil Slick. This should fix the failure to ignite issue.
-Swift, Quickness and Lightning Reflexes now grant a bonus to Flight Speed, in addition to their existing Resistance to Flight Speed debuffs.
-Teleporting is no longer allowed in Pocket-D
-Reduced Endurance Cost for Power Pool Flight
-Prestige rewards (while playing in Supergroup mode) increased approximately 25%
New rooms available:
- Unsecure Base Plots are now limited to 1 Item of Power. Secure Base Plots are unchanged (there is no artificial limit to the amount of Items of Power a Secure plot can contain).
- Fixed rare crash related to certain global chat channels.
- Fixed the AI for inanimate objects (such as the Mole Machines) which were moving under certain conditions.
- Fixed rare bug that could cause character data (powers, badges, costume) to be corrupted.
Fixed bug that sometimes made characters invisible in the Tailor window.
- All boss-level Rularru Overseers (Eyeballs) now count towards the Visionary badge.
- All Portal-generated Banished Pantheon Spirits now count for the Banished badge.
- Coralax Gladiator badge should now be obtainable.
- Teleport Beacons (Tech and Arcane) added to City of Heroes. All Paragon City zones are now accessible through the Base Teleporter. To get a zone's beacon for your base, simply hit all of that zone's "explore" badge locations while in Supergroup mode (it doesn't matter if you personally have that exploration badge already or not). The zones added are: Croatoa, Eden, Terra Volta, Kings Row, Founders Falls, Peregrine Island, Galaxy City, Brickstown, Rikti Crash Site, Independence Port, Talos Island, Steel Canyon, Skyway City, and Atlas Park .
- Altered Dr. Vahzilok mission to complete when the Dr. is defeated.
City Zones
- The Hive: Fixed bug in the Hamidon encounter that caused some players to drop off the damage done list and therefore get no reward when the Hamidon was defeated.
- Scirroco's Patron powers should now allow proper enhancement slotting.
- All Legacy of Chain minions now count toward the Ember Legacy of Flame gladiator.
- All Legacy of Chain lieutenants now count toward the Lucent Legacy of Light gladiator.
- Gladiator: Crab Spider Longfang now awarded for completing a Patron Arc
City Zones
- Grandville:Fixed Arachnos Flier so that it will respawn properly (should appear much more frequently).
- St. Martial: Fixed inaccessible/missing mission door.
- Fixed bug in King's Row Mayhem Mission where rescued Villains would not follow players.
-Fixed several Arachnos mission maps where defeated players would resurrect at the location they were defeated when they tried to go to the Hospital.
- The Freedom Phalanx members in the Recluse Strike Force will no longer Drop enhancements. This should help alleviate the issue of players' trays being full when the Synthetic Hamidon Enhancement is awarded.
Now Testing in the Training Room -8/09/06 - 6 pm Central
-Extended Duration of Empowerment Station Buffs to 60 minutes
-Increased the lifetime of the attackable portion of Trick Arrow Oil Slick. This should fix the failure to ignite issue.
-Swift, Quickness and Lightning Reflexes now grant a bonus to Flight Speed, in addition to their existing Resistance to Flight Speed debuffs.
-Teleporting is no longer allowed in Pocket-D
-Reduced Endurance Cost for Power Pool Flight
-Prestige rewards (while playing in Supergroup mode) increased approximately 25%
New rooms available:
- Unsecure Base Plots are now limited to 1 Item of Power. Secure Base Plots are unchanged (there is no artificial limit to the amount of Items of Power a Secure plot can contain).
- Fixed rare crash related to certain global chat channels.
- Fixed the AI for inanimate objects (such as the Mole Machines) which were moving under certain conditions.
- Fixed rare bug that could cause character data (powers, badges, costume) to be corrupted.
Fixed bug that sometimes made characters invisible in the Tailor window.
- All boss-level Rularru Overseers (Eyeballs) now count towards the Visionary badge.
- All Portal-generated Banished Pantheon Spirits now count for the Banished badge.
- Coralax Gladiator badge should now be obtainable.
- Teleport Beacons (Tech and Arcane) added to City of Heroes. All Paragon City zones are now accessible through the Base Teleporter. To get a zone's beacon for your base, simply hit all of that zone's "explore" badge locations while in Supergroup mode (it doesn't matter if you personally have that exploration badge already or not). The zones added are: Croatoa, Eden, Terra Volta, Kings Row, Founders Falls, Peregrine Island, Galaxy City, Brickstown, Rikti Crash Site, Independence Port, Talos Island, Steel Canyon, Skyway City, and Atlas Park .
- Altered Dr. Vahzilok mission to complete when the Dr. is defeated.
City Zones
- The Hive: Fixed bug in the Hamidon encounter that caused some players to drop off the damage done list and therefore get no reward when the Hamidon was defeated.
- Scirroco's Patron powers should now allow proper enhancement slotting.
- All Legacy of Chain minions now count toward the Ember Legacy of Flame gladiator.
- All Legacy of Chain lieutenants now count toward the Lucent Legacy of Light gladiator.
- Gladiator: Crab Spider Longfang now awarded for completing a Patron Arc
City Zones
- Grandville:Fixed Arachnos Flier so that it will respawn properly (should appear much more frequently).
- St. Martial: Fixed inaccessible/missing mission door.
- Fixed bug in King's Row Mayhem Mission where rescued Villains would not follow players.
-Fixed several Arachnos mission maps where defeated players would resurrect at the location they were defeated when they tried to go to the Hospital.
- The Freedom Phalanx members in the Recluse Strike Force will no longer Drop enhancements. This should help alleviate the issue of players' trays being full when the Synthetic Hamidon Enhancement is awarded.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Devouring Earth Get Rocked

Another fun taskforce all! Had a super strong team with a nice balance! Coldie finally got his accolade and the Devouring Earth were chopped down to size. Someone post the group pic cause I didn't get one (Colder's edit: Done babe!) Wanted to put a shout out to everyone who helped Mighty Thorn and I get to 35 so we could do it!

If anyone has any interest in doing some other TFs with your younger toons, let me know. I know I need Positron, Citadel and Synapse with Lumeir. I'd also like to go take down another sig villain in RV.
I'd also like to introduce the newest member of the Debt Brigade, Lucifer. He just wants to hang out in the base, so you'll have to go visit him there. Better than a Rikti monkey, I'll wager!

Friday, August 04, 2006
Lets Hear your Feedback

So I have been playing this game for one year now. Seen issues 6 and 7, CoV, and learned a lot. I have meet some great people, and some typical loner goobers too (also fun to mess with). My entire family got hooked on the game, a major feat for NCSoft, as my wife who other than Myst, could care less for video games. It has filters so I am not to worried about my kids on it, besides they are level headed--to a degree (you reading this Metoid?) So the game is nearing another advance. What to do with this MMORPG concept to keep the interest? RV and Mayhem mishes are fun. New powers will keep it going too. But CoH is limited, buyers from two years ago bought it with older min. specs for computers and the company has stated they want to keep CoH inside that limitation for those costumers. So I smell a potential expansion pack for CoH and probably CoV too. What would be in it or issue 8 that you want to see? I am interested in your thoughts. I have a simple idea. I like this game not only for the online game play, the fact is isn't a revolving door of stuff you see after a little while (well some of it is but soooo many options it can be worked around), but mainly, it is based on growing up an avid comic book reading kid. Almost every type or genre is covered save one, a famous one. Blue Shield stands in Kings Row and I am digging the shield, just like ol' Cap did. What cool defender wouldn't want one? Or a blaster chucking a shield around? Another idea came from Az discussing an underwater zone. WOO_WOO_WOOOOO I summon a MULLET FISH! Too cool. So throw out your ideas or wish list for the game, big or small, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you all would like to see. Until then, as the loner goobers say when Baba gets hammered in PvP, don't get pwned.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Numina Taskforce

Come one, come all, Colder *still needs his Taskforce Commander Accolade. Come beat the tar out of ArchVillain Jurrassik. You know, the big DE guy with the car hammer!
Numina Taskforce Saturday August 5th
Noon Pacific (that's 11 am for you Cap)
Level 35+ (ex'ed to 38 if over)
By the by, who wants to build two pain fields for the base?
A big welcome to Mari Blade and Lost Senapi to the Debt Brigade blog!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Can it be....? 2 levels in 24 hours?!
How I solo'd the LORD!!!
Coldie bags a HO!

A Hamidon Origin Enhancement that is. Geeze gang...I am commited to Az after all :P
A special thanks to Cap and Chaud for inviting me to the raid the other night. Poor Afro just couldn't make it in time :*(
The Raid itself went pretty smoothly. Granted, I wasn't entirely sure what was happenning. I just kept listening to the Broadcast Chat and would fire off all my Holds whenever someone yelled it out. Once they started hollaring everyone to attack, I just started blasting away. A few minutes later, a HO falls into my lap.
...And a got a Dmg/Rng enhancement :P
You pervs...
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