So the mish computer is up and everyone was ready to give the Silver Mantis SF a crack. At only 6 mishes long, it looked to be fairly simple and we had many high level villians to keep the mobs in check. It seemed each map was new, an unseen layout and design (a check on the web confirms this fact, all original maps just for the SF). When we arrived at the last mish, folks were ready to put the AV down, pin on the badge and...hold on what the heck is this? The Sky Raiders base? Surrrounded by Sky Skiffs and turrets? Oh. My. An hour and a half later and about a half dozen team wipes later, the Death Brigade was hurtin'. Melqar had run into a dozen turrets and was riddled like a a target at the range. Spellfrost was seen with a smoke trail plummeting to the ocean. Chaud? Held. Mercy Mercy? Belly-up. Solid, Kamikaze? Fleeing laser-guided missles. Doc? D/C'd...i.e. Dead and Conscious-less. Tech? Standing there with a red health bar looking left and right for a teammate, any teammate that was standing. So with a heavy heart--and more likely--heavy eyelids, folks had to pull chocks and head back to the real life. The SF is still up and I shall be logging in to see if the map can be respawned. I am also going to scout the map, I read on the 'net the AV will spawn after an unknown number of turrets are taken out but he hides high in the air in the corner of the map. More to follow.
Post a time we can try to finish this or to re-accomplish.
OK I did some research and had some luck. Our results are atypical it seems. Most teams have a lot of trouble with the turrets. Good news is the map respawned! What does this mean? No Sky Skiffs, no massive mobs. Bad news is turrets are all back though. I have parked inside map so if anyone wants to log on and try to finish it, please do. I will be back later tonight. The AV will show up after an undetermined number of turrets etc have been taken out. He flys around and may fly away. He hides in the SW corner of the map wayyyyy up in the air. So, have at it. If we want to reschedule no problemo with me.
I can come tonight if you want. Hopefully the others will have read this. I'll probably be on around 6 pm pacific.
Sorry about being so pissy. I hate not being able to keep my word. Fortunately my PvP team seems nice enough not to throw rocks at me. :)
P.S. The league said they were taking more free agents so if you want to sign up go to Old School Forums and post in free agents. Or you could probably post in a relevant thread on the boards.
Awww...with all the back and forth over when we were doing this again or not. I quit the SF, oh well...go on without me...I was just held anyways. :)
I simply logged out but if enough people can meet for the SF then by all means finish it off. I can't predict when I'll be on next so if anyone can get the darn thing done, go right ahead.
I thought the last map, although difficult, was a blast and a great design. I hope Cryptic makes more fun maps like that (damn I wish I had fly at that moment :)
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