Friday, October 06, 2006


This box does nothing but confound me!

Meg needs tech savvy, please!

Here's the deal. I'm tooling through the AP mayhem mish with a baby mm when I get mapservered three times in a row. When I er-log in after the third, the game starts verifying files. But now when I pick a server all of the characters are there but the "Go to Paragon/Rouge Isles" button is greyed out. Its that way on all of the characters, on all of the the servers. When I hit roughtly the third or fourth server to check, the game drops to a sound loop and crashes.

My tech quotient is frightfully low, I keep more than a few tech services people busy. Anyone with more education than I have any ideas?



Azrhiaz said...

I had some issues today myself Meg. It said it couldn't connect to the DBserver, whatever that means. Sounds like a NCSoft issue and I was able to log on after a time.

Baba Kanoosh said...

See my Blog dated 07/01/06 on how to make a link for skipping the updater. Useful when this issues arise. To see it go to main page for the blog and select view previous 100 posts.

Baba Kanoosh said...

Actually after careful review of your post and then having your exactproblem happen to me, disregard the above post as a possible fix for your problem. Good vs Evil vs Debt Brigade. This may as well be another issue drop. We will have plenty of patches now lol.

Megeara said...

Ok, then. I've opened a ticket with NC sort. We'll see how they respond. Bummer. Don't count on my for Sunday unless you hear different from me.

Computer challenged Meg

Megeara said...

Will try this tonight.

BEGIN: bad southern belle accent

Well! I do declare! I think my honor is being besmirched, besmirched I say!

What kind of woman do you take me for!?! You, you bounder, you cad, you, you scruffy RUFFIAN!

Besides, I get dinner and a movie first.

END: bad southern belle accent


Chaud Woman said...

I agree, it was the game. There were so many issues yesterday that they shut down a ton of zones. The zones that were left were filled with tons of "I can't move" and "What the heck?" broadcasts. I tried to tp...well I did disappear, but I never came back :) Hope it's all working well on Sunday.

Colder said...

Yeah, I ran into login issues as well. It worked after about 45 min :D

I think it's partly caused by the influx of Good versus Evil purchases and activation of accounts.