Just got some random stuff to post. Put a base down for ill-mannered. Only has an inspir and salvage storage to hold Halloween extras. Put a few event salvage in there for you rude and crude types, so please help yourself! Megeara will be decorating a room for it, so cross your fingers he is better at it than Baba! LOL j/k
There is a tenative 2x2 Halloween arena tourney if anyone has an interest. It's for level 30s and under. Was gonna bring Melqar and he needs a good partner (hero or villain doesn't matter)! Who wants to smash a few faces in? Winners gets an HO. Will be held on Sat Oct. 28 at noon pacific. Anyone want to join in, let me know and I will RSVP. Details here
Planty Man is hosting the Silver Mantis SF on Sunday at 2:30 pacific. Level 20-25. Got 4 so far for it. Incidently, we still need to run the final 2 zulu TFs too. Post an idea of when you wanna do it!
Announcement comes over Triumph watch "Jack in bricks" responses flying...we are on our way. I went from Talos to Bricks....Jack down. :( Oh my are people upset, Jack is going down before you can even get to him. So we made three teams (could have been four) and we just killed Eochai over and over again...think we got him 7 or 8 times before Jack spawned. Woot, new shiny badge!
I'd love to do the zulu ones...they are long, so I think we either need a few nights in a row, whole weekend, or something. Plus I'd like to beat that dang Hydra! We'd need four toons in trial range and the rest 50's (I'd be willing to do it twice so we could switch who was lower and who was higher).
I got the regular Jack a while back but I'd love to take down the Halloween monstrosity.
I would love to put the Hydra Trial away but that thing is so dang hard!!! I hate it!!
I'm game for the SF...it will be my first villain SF...be gentle!!!
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