So I never quit the Silver Mantis SF from a weekend or so ago. I don't play my stalker much so I kept popping in from time to time. I have the last map half cleared when low and behold Spellfrost shows up. So we commence the effort to draw out the ol' purple Col all by ourself. I discovered a nice hit and run tactic to take out the lowbie turrets. After about 3/4 of the guns are gone he shows up. Bad news, he is an AV. He spawns bosses (Jump Bots). I pop a shiv, Spellfrost tries to squeeze the last of her Domination out...and we get smacked. Spell quit and being a glutton for punishment (and remember, I don't play my stalker much so what is another bar of debt?), I go back for some photo ops. I did manage to dent his health bar. But a lone villian versus an AV who spawns two bosses aint a fair shake. I would like to schedule this SF again. I have the recipe for us to win. I just need a full crew. Saturday is good so far, send me a shout on times that work for you all. Try to click on the photos to enlarge them. His closing line stung a bit.

I'd love to try this one again, Baba. Wanna shoot for Saturday afternoon?
Nice to see all that hot air in ya makes ya float! :D
awww, no trying again for chaudy. Well have fun, he looks evil.
If we need to push to Sunday for you Chaud I should be able to. Let me know. We will need at least four anyways.
Are we starting over? I quit the sf, that was my issue....if we start over I can be there. :)
Sunday would probably work best for me. If you guys can get enough for Sat though, go right ahead. Take out a turrent for me!
Well let's go for Sunday then. Around 2ish? A total restart will be in order since Melqar quit.
Ya total restart..someone send an email to Shatter!
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