You will need one of each for your 5th costume slot:
Lord Recluse Mask
Statesman Max
Hamidon Costume
Back Alley Brawler Gloves
We're a City of Heroes SuperGroup on the Triumph Server (#15 in earned prestige). We are always recruiting and are in it for the fun of the game and the thrill of a base raid! Send a message to @colder or @azrhiaz ingame with your email address to be added to this group.
A big thanks to Azzie for helping me get my costume pieces (enough for Coldie and Catalyst!)
I guess my nagging finally got Cap to come join us too :P
Imagaine my heartbreak when the Eochi in Croatoa was the Halloween spawn and not the Accolade one...I will get you soon pumpkin head!!! :shakes fist angrily::
Trick or Treat! Wow, what fun! We all needed those little pumpkin ToT buckets! lol Got enough salvage to outfit all my little heroes, now it's off to the villain side. :) Did anyone get Jack..sigh!
I decided to pop into Peregrine Island last night to discover tons of heroes running around everywhere, which by itself is kinda weird. But, what's this? Why is everyone running a few steps, stopping, running a few more steps, then stopping again? Even the citizens were engaging in this bizarre behavior. Even the cars were doing this! I see people running around like rabid dogs screaming "I HAVE A HAMIDON COSTUME, WILL TRADE FOR GLOVES!!!" At this point, I almost left PI for a more desolate location that was not populated with maniacs that run and talk strangely. However, I decided to stay and see what this trick or treat thing was all about.
I knocked on an unoccupied door and... nothing happened. I knocked again, and again, still nothing. Just as I was about to turn tail cursing the strangeness all around me, I heard an annoying BOING noise and the word "TRICK!" flashed in my mind. Huh, do what? Out jump 3 witches from the doors in front of me. Oh, real funny, I get it... TRICK, ha ha. They look like bad guys to me so I start to summon my awesome cool ice powers to "arrest" them. Much to my dismay, my powers did not work. Thankfully, it appeared that the witches were having the same problem. There we were, standing in place, staring at each other. It gave me time to notice that their costumes are actually kinda sexy if you look closely.
Just as I'm starting to wonder if I misinterpreted the word "trick", "SWOOSH!". My hand unleashes a Bitter Ice Blast followed by an Ice Bolt that nails one of the witches in the face. "Wtf?", I think. After a few more attacks I figure things out. Whatever force that brought out the spirits, demons, and other evil creatures has also affected my powers. I can no longer attack at will. I must concentrate very hard for a few seconds before I can use any of my powers. I found this to be extremely annoying but I got used to it after a while. I chalked it up to being a side effect of the evil magics being unleashed everywhere in Paragon City. They might be able to slow me down, but they will never stop me. TRICK OR TREAT! Go on, trick me, I dare ya.
P.S. After my PI experience, I decided that the name Halloween is not an appropriate name for this time of the year. I've decided to call it Hallolag from now on.
Try going to the Rikti Crash Site, lionshade. It's not near as bad. (but still kinda laggy anyway).
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