It's near midnight. I'm about to log and send a good-bye tell to Deep. And you know what he always does: challenges you to an arena match when you are one eyelash drop short of falling asleep. Being on my earth/storm controller, Lumeir, who I haven't done too much PvP with and having been recently "controlled" to annoyance in the InstaRaid, I thought it might be a good test of her holding powers. Deep --on his scrapper-- doesn't think it'd be fair, but since it's only practice, I agree to the match. I might not be able to defeat him, but maybe I can stay alive?
Not only did I stay alive for the entire 10 minutes, but I pwned Half-Inch Bicep three times! You wanna superspeed around? Mmm no, I don't think so! Splat down some quicksand and attach a snowstorm to slow his powers and movement. Think you are gonna get close to me?! HA! Gonna hurricane your ass, buddy! So with the lightning storm and the tornado a-flying, Half-Inch soon found himself held in a fossil with ice raining down and Stoney beating the tar out of him. Deep falls at my feet in utter defeat.
I think we were both shocked. And me? Well, simply delighted!
The only controller to ever beat the illustrious Half-Inch Bicep! Three times in a row! Boo YA!
Congratulations! I'd like a piece of you now I think... say noon, at the OK Corral?
Welcome to the blog, Lion!
Sure, you're buying shots after, yes?
Woot! Gratz to you Azzie! I was positive Lum was gonna be a monster in PVP...too much lockdown and some good offense to boot. She's more than welcome at the next instaraid :P
Az, you pvp devil you!! Woot for Lumi! I hope I never come across her in some dark pvp alley. :)
Beat him a few times did you? :D sounds like we might need to try a few rounds of pvp lol
Omg i was in shock.. lol i couldn't do anything but watch my guy get held. Her slow is nasty and combine with her hold = ownage O.O Last night Azr owned the arena and the air that i breath lol. *bow down to Azr
Only if i have range attacks..
Wanna try against Ice? ^.^
WOW!! Scrappers Beware!!!!!!!
Half, im disappointed =/
What up with Dat!!???
Guess we'll have to practice ;)
Boy oh boy, do I sense a next victim!!
Come over here a second Chica, my dear!!
What's PvP? Never heard of it.
Congratz Az on the Pwnage!
Woot!! Never underestimate the power behind the toon.
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