A moment of triumph and glory as a few of the best of PDC's heroes gathered to savor their well earned HOs. For me, a rare moment to grab a screenshot with my Mentor Deep Fryd. Its all to rare to have so many of us active at the same time, so I wanted to remember the moment

Kudos to the Paragon Defense Corps!! Great job at the Hami Raid.
One last thing...CAP!!!!!!!!!
If you need help getting your pic up, get me on vent, or email it to me. I'll talk ya through it! :D
Dang it!! I missed a Hami Raid!!
Coldie must have HO's!!!!
I'll email the pic then, I get to confused when messing with computers. Last time I tried to do anything more than sign on and read my emails I think I almost launched a missile
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