That's right folks, Items of Power are coming closer and closer! Been reading on the boards that it really isn't terribly hard. You fight an AV with a PFF which you can take down by defeating these obelisk thingies and his minions. Fusion Force was able to finish the trial in 14 minutes with 2 teams of 7. They were awarded the Debt Recovery IoP (you burn off debt quicker in sg mode). Max amount of people allowed in the trial is 20 and it appears you can bring non-SG members with you.
If someone has a SuperGroup Computer could you place it in the control room? I had to delete the last one cause there was no where to store it when I bought the upgraded room.
Heal farm is close to success I think. Our status bar disappeared however so I can't track it anymore (I contacted support and they say the bar disappearing is a bug but it will still be tracking). We should be REALLY close to badge #2 at this point! Thanks to Chaud, Sword and Tech for helping with this!! Melqar has a red crystal mish on Villains if we want to do the same over there. Anyone have or want to roll a healing corrupter? :)
And here is a letter from ol' Positron about upcoming changes where he mentions I9 and I10.
Scroll to the bottom of this page for the veteran previews.
I have a Thermal Corruptor who I don't play too much. I will gladly lend him to the heal farm.
Could it be....BELLY SHIRTS!! Please ignore the icicle in my pants...
Great info as always, Az. I've been reading and following this as well. I can't wait for it to go live.
The healing farm is working out really well. If we can just keep it up we should have the second badge done & start working on the third one in no time.
Hmmm...I know no one with a healing corruptor. lol
I love the new rewards, but it doesn't say who gets the wings...goes out 12 months, which is what I'll be getting and no wings listed. :( All I need is a few more free costume changes..woot!lol
Other issues sound awesome! Making new costume's..hmmm.
Wish we could keep track of healing, but I think we are close to #2! :)
*Wishing for more toon slots (-.-;)
Pfffftt, dunno if i could possibly say what i am thinking about Colders comment so :::ahem::: i shall simply clear my throat and say this: Ummm Hello? I have a scary lil thermal corruptor that could help ya out...as long as its not in grandville! >.< hate that place.
And it would be an opportunity to visit with a cute lil penguin!!
The mission is in Sharkhead Miss Chica. However, like all SG business, your healer would have to be in Death Brigade for it to help us out. I know you have your Vixen Vice Squad over there and I imagine that's where she is?
Yes, no comment on what's in Coldie's pants!! LOL
Waaaay to much info about the pants Cold ROFL!!
I knew that comment would get people posting!!!
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