Thursday, September 14, 2006

Prestiege, Influence and Other Good Stuff

Heal farm: a bust. At 8 am I awoke to find only Chynna and Sword still in the mission. The rest of us had been DCed. How annoying.

Well since Lost doesn't want to give his secrets away, I thought I'd do it for him. Here is a "guide" gleaned from many sources.

The Overview:
Influence is the currency in which toons outfit themselves with enhancements to better their powers and purchase new costumes. Typically, one will need around 700k to buy their first round of SOs at 22. At 47, you will need around 5 million to get your level 50 SOs.

Prestiege is the currency in which Supergroups use to outfit their base. Members need to be in SG mode (click super --> enter sg mode) to earn prestiege. You will earn normal influence and prestiege up until you reach level 25. At which point your influence will start to drop 10% a level until at level 34 you will no longer make a dime of it and only make prestiege.

Acquiring Influence: Most people say not to bother with TOs at all. Don't slot 'em, sell 'em. All of them. Some people say don't even bother with DOs. I am currently of a mindset that I will only use what I pick up along the way and not buy anything until level 22. With this method, I was able to completely outfit Ahne Toreph with SOs without an influence gift from anyone.

Oh and sell all your enhancements to the proper store (science enhancements to the science store, etc.) and if you can get to Talos, they give the best prices. You can make a couple extra grand by just selling at the proper store, and in Talos. Believe me, it's worth the trip and the time! Don't sell in Croatoa! Those cheap bastards!! lol

Also if you have no use for the larger inspirations, sell them at the Tree of Wonders in the Infirmary. A large awake can net you 10,000 influence. If you have extra blues or greens, sell them back to the Tree at 25 each.

Acquiring Prestiege: You all know the battle cry! "You better be in SG mode, dammit!"

The best way to earn prestiege at an accelerated rate is to hunt in PvP zones. Sure Rikti Portals are fabulous, but a spirit mask in Bloody Bay is half the time, half the risk and as much prestiege typically. According to Junkyard Dog of the Injustice Legion, (see his post here) he has never left SG mode, has never been strapped for cash all because he hunts in PvP zones where he will earn more prestiege and get more enhancement drops (more drops = more money) than anywhere else. You also typically get better salvage. So he is top prestiege winner by a long shot and has no money issues. Who knew there was such a thing?!

It is also my theory that once the level 50 content comes out, you will find yourself needing badges from PvP zones to access some of the "upgrades". All the villain accolades require a trip to these zones (example: the Born in Battle accolade (5% to health and end) requires the 5 hours in Siren's badge) so it is only logical for the devs to impose this on heroes to get them to spend time in there as well.

Hopefully this is helpful. If anyone else has and tips or tricks, post 'em in the comment section!


Baba Kanoosh said...

I make a toon with puppy dog eyes and beg like a politician at election time at the entrance to PI. Learned that trick from Metoid. Also have a good sob story like, "I had an Alienware rig but then we had to sell it due to an outbreak of all I got is an Atari."

Unknown said...

Excellent information, Az. Another tip also are the missions in the PvP zones. The xp/influence/prestige rewards are much higher than in the PvE zones. I try to get a toon at least to Bloody Bay to run missions & have leveled toons quite quickly. I plan to head to Sirens & Warburg to try those missions as well.

Such a bummer about the disconnections. We can try it again as often as we want when the opportunity becomes available.

Azrhiaz said...

Oh and I forgot to add that if you ever decide to delete a character, make sure you transfer the influence off of them before doing so. If you have a respec on that character, do it first and sell off the enhancements too for extra cash.

Azrhiaz said...

Oh and if you want to get a heavy in RV and destroy turrets, those are also excellent prestiege.