Chapter 1So, there we were.... waiting. The Brigade assembled, armed and ready. And waiting. Az had firm control on Vent, and the rest of us were relaying orders via the SG chat. And waiting. We made a few sorties to make sure Alpha hadn't bounced in in a back hallway somewhere. And waited.
ADD, who me? Nah. Well, maybe..
Suddenly the chill cannon opened fire and the game was afoot! A flood of black and gold uniforms appeared the hallway just off the teleport bay. I hefted my mace and charged in howling...
FWOOOOP!Hey! How'd I get stuck against the wall? Why did it suddenly get sparkly in here? Oh HELL! They had a bubbler! Thus began a long, no quarter, hammer and tongs, bare-knuckle street fight. And we were already outnumbered with our backs (literally) to the walls.
Chapter 2The first lesson so handily given to me in the base raid was the experience of a tether ball game from the veiw point of the ball. I'd sprint up, trying to keep the Alphas from smashing the chill cannon, get within a few paces and be summarily booted back to my corner, like the class clown being sent to detention. Bad tank, bad! No cookie for you!
To make matters worse, the Alphas had split us with the Dispersion Bubble. Half of us pinned in the teleport bay and the rest unable to close for support. A grim opening indeed. Lt. Rage came over to introduce himself to me and I looked forward to introducing him to my mace when...
FWOOOP!Hello again wall, we need to stop meeting like this. People will talk.
Rage closed with me. I made a single swing and discovered a fencepost sticking out of my chest. Chica had joined the Lt. Ok, I'm tank; I can take it. But when two other Alphas showed up to play " Squish the Midget" I was reaching the limits of my durability. I then had the small pleasure of introducing them to the wonders of Hibernate. For 30 seconds they used me as a speed bag. I returned the favor by dropping the Hibernate and used them as a pit stop with Energy Absorbtion. Ahhh, lovely endurance.
Just then, a spark of hope! Someone got in a lucky shot and the bubbler was stunned! The Dispersion Field dropped and we a had a clear shot the remainder of the Alphas who has been rummaging through the base looking for the anchors. I hit Chilling Embrace, Icicles and charged in, Taunting my tiny little head off, hoping that I would take the hits and allow my team to do some damage. Yes! Chynna gets in some solid blows and the Bubbler goes down! The tide has turned, we have snatched Victory from the jaws of Defeat, we...
FWOOOOP!Hello wall, my old friend. Fancy meeting you again.
They had a spare.
Chapter 3Things looked dire for the home team. Even with the home field advantage, we were getting stomped like a narc at a biker rally. Our taste of victory had been fleeting, the Alphas had a second bubbler.
The conflict began to blur to this poor tanks eyes, things were happening at a thick and furious pace. Colder dashing back and forth, leaving ice slicks in his wake. Slasheery would bolt into the fray for a furious assualt on a distracted Alpha, Baba would summon a Singularity in the middle of the Alpha's lines and cause chaos in an already frantic scene.
Meanwhile, on Ventrilio, there was an unusual display going on. Our Dear Leader, whom we all Adore and Obey, was showing an heretofore undiscovered talent for verbal profanity. In the words of Sam Jackson;
"Damn! You go into a bar and ten minutes later sailors come running out!" I can only offer the following advice; do not anger our Dear and Glorious Leader unless you wish to hear a blistering display of verbal barrages that will peel paint, cause cows to give sour milk and have the birds drop from the skies dead to the last.
And of course, there was the periodic reminder of our aggravation:
FWOOOOOP!Lord, please forgive me for all the nasty things I thought about the bubblers that night, because Az went and said them all anyway, so go punish her first.
I wish I could say that I witnessed the decisive point that turned the tide but sadly I was too busy trying to keep my graphics card from throwing in the towel and moving to Mexico. I saw several Alphas making a concerted effort to smash the Anchor in the teleport bay and I made a mad dash to try and knock one of them off our big stone head. I jumped up and tried draining endurance like Lindsay Lohan after some hooch at an open bar but was summarily shot off the top from somewhere behind me.
Then Lt. Rage called Time.
Things slowly wound down. The ice and the taunts quit flying, fears were no longer cast, the bubblers slowly put their shiny globes of frustration away (
thankyouthankyouthankyou) and the dust finally settled.
The Alphas had called it. Through sheer determination, we had overcome!
To my admiration, there was a solid show of good sportsmanship all around. In my opinion, this was the best part of the whole Raid, the solid show of fun and camraderie at the end.
I would like to say that this was, without exception, the most fun I've had in CoH in a long time. My hat is off to Az for organizing the event and a mighty thank you to Lt. RAge and the other Alphas who participated and were complete professionals about the whole thing.
I look forward to the next one with much anticipation.
Until next time, your humble Ice/mace chronicler bids you good hunting. :)