It is time and vegeance shall be ours!
I was thinking of doing taking the coalition into RV over the weekend, but since Cap is out of town, Deep works, and Mon needs to get his ice tanker to 40, I thought we could do RV during the week. How's Wednesday July 19th at 8:30 pm Pacific sound? Most of us are on around that time anyway. Let me know if that works and I'll put out the word to everyone in my friend list!
Maybe we can do Manticore over the weekend? Saturday at noon pacific perhaps?
How is this for dedication...i am in the middle of an electronic store typing this on my vacation!
An RV event on Wed sounds great!! I am going through coh withdrawl at the moment...maybe I should just buy the laptop i am typing on!!!
Woot, I'd love to take some of those dang AV's down. Going to be gone Mon-Wed (leaving tech alone with the kiddos!) but should be back in time to make it!
Now Colder, rotflmbo!!! Go and have a RL vacation! Then get back to help us kick some bootie.
Count me and my wife (Veterinarian) in! If we aint there it is cuz we are smoochin!
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