Sunday, July 02, 2006

Movie Stars in our Midsts

Tzadi sent me this video he did on MySpace and thought I'd share it since it's very cool. Chaud Woman and Captain Thundar are major supporting roles! I think you saw the back of Dunizel's head once, but now I'm incredibly jealous!! I wanna be a moviestar too! lol!

"Boom" featuring Tzadkayle

*edit- You'll need a current version of Flash Player to view this apparently.
Go to: here and download the latest version


Cap said...

I couldn't view it for some reason, didn't see anything

Azrhiaz said...

Nothing at all? Maybe you need an upgrade on your video player? Dunno....

Too bad... you're a superstar...

Chaud Woman said...

WOW! That was really awesome! I didn't even know you could make video of CoH! He's really got talent! Ü

Colder said...

Great video Tzad! Great choice of music...great timing on all the shots with the music! Everytime I watch a highlight video and if there's no big boom/impact with every cymbal hit, I die a little inside :P

Great job!!

Baba Kanoosh said...

I have recorded stuff for us but couldn't get a playback. Check the old paper Game Manual should have slash commands for recording videos. I have done that but for some reason cant get a playback to watch them. Az, any knowledge?

Azrhiaz said...

What is the extension on them, Baba? Perhaps you don't have the proper player to view them? I'm afraid to know how it works!! I waste too much time on this game as is!! But it would certainly be fun!

Unknown said...

This was really awesome!! Great footage of some butt-kicking heroes!

Tzadkiel said...

Ah now i'm a magician here giving up his tricks. The command to record scenes for in-game demos is /demorecord "filename" (without the quotes). It dumps a demo into your CoH folder next to your screenshots under the file extension .cohdemo. The file itself is small because it contains nothing more than a set of instructions for the CoH engine to run. The hard part comes next.

Here's the official page from CoH's website on how to do that:

Watch out though, it's buggy, you have to have a LOT of patience a robust computer andit uses the game engine to play the demo out. There's another catch, when you do a demodump it throws sequential targa files onto your harddrive that are incredibly huge so be prepared to have your harddrive space eaten up very quickly. Each FRAME is a targa file which is about 2mb EACH, and at 30 frames per second - Azhri, you know the math on this, your harddrive will be gone in mere seconds.

But the end result is crystal clear and beautiful and you don't have the menus in your face. I have an extremely high resolution version I did for kicks on this video and you can see every litle bumpmap on the Warhulk.

Finally you have to get program to edit those TGA files together, say Combustion, After Effects, Premier. I used Premier because it's quick and easy and I was just goofing off.

But as an alternative as the page suggests, you could use Fraps as a video-capture tool but the downside is that it captures EVERYTHING, power trays, health indicators, target, nav and chat bars, even the chat bubbles. But it's REALLY user friendly and easy to use.

I plan on doing more in the future for fun and Azrhi suggested a really good song too that I might use.

Wow, I published a book for my first response, huh?

I'm really glad you guys enjoyed that.


Cap said...

After I saw it, it was cool. I didn't know you could make videos with the game....
Then again.....what I know about computers could be written on the head of a pin--with LOTS of room left over

Baba Kanoosh said...

Now the trick is to have the bug where your toon is naked, the bug where villains are in CoH, then have a naked rav with Debt and Death Brigade all done up to some bow cheekie bow wow soundtrack. The plot thickens.

Azrhiaz said...

::takes away Baba's magic mushrooms::

Enough of that, Sir!
