Lost Senpai has escaped from the Malta Group! Got a message from him today saying his computer fried and he should be be back in Paragon in a couple weeks. Woot!
Manticore TF on Saturday at 11 am Pacific. We're going to get Colder his TF accolade if it kills us! :) Don't forget to invite all your superpowered friends to RV AV night Wednesday the 19th @ 8:30 pm pacific.
Also, are we going to start designing the base for raids? Is anyone interested in this at all? You've all been so quiet...
Dang it Az! I was gonna post about the Manticore TF :P You get their first againt as usual!! After Manti, Numina should be the only one left for me.
Great to hear about Lost. I can't wait to see his face when he gets a look at the base after all of these months :O
As for raids, I could go either way. If we want to get raid-rdy, I wouldn't mind. If not, I won't be crying about it. However, I do love the PVE aspect of the base and everyone has been doing a great job in gaining pres and making it work. A special nod to Az though for her wicked designing skills :D
Well I like the Manticore picture you added! :) I was so excited about Lost, I couldn't help myself! I hope he likes the way the base has evolved. I've seen quite a few bases, and I like ours the best. And no, not just because I designed it! And thank you for the kind words, Colder! PS: I'm still waiting for your bday gift to arrive so I can send it to ya!
Well if we are going to do raids, we will probably want to buy "Secure Rooms" that will allow us to place weapons. They are very expensive. Currently only the TP room is Secure. We will have to build Flames of Hephestus (sp?) for all 6 tables to greatly increase our survivability of base items. So Baba feel free to place any now, I promise I won't delete them. :D
The SG computer can be placed if anyone has it now (tech version in the control room) However, it's missions are not online yet. As you all know, this is how you get an Item of Power. IoP missions do not give anything other than debt and the IoP (if successful). So no XP, no influ etc even if you aren't a 50. If you go back to the June posts, you can find out what IoPs there are and some of them are very cool. Also note, that SG missions are available only 5 days out of every 60 days. I know you can take more than one team in, however, I'm not sure if it has to be all SG members or if you can bring in other people. IoPs also disappear after 60 days (I think it is) and we can/and will be open to raids if (and WHEN!)we get one during that entire time.
Currently, our most active members are all damage dealers with the exception of Baba. It would make me nervous to raid without a few more trollers, defenders and maybe a tank or two. I know we are currently, or nearly, full in the roster, but we will need our other SG mates to get involved a bit more. Maybe some of you are better acquainted with them than I... Please note: coalition members will *not be able to defend our base with us. So no Captain Thundar allowed unless he's on a DB alt. BoooOoooo.
I will put out an email to Lt.Rage to see if Alpha wants to do some practice raids with us. It's like PvP only much more intense. When Alpha raided the Nukem High girls, it was mayhem. We'll really need to hone our PvP skills, as well as our team and strategy skills. I would also like you all to consider getting TeamSpeak or Ventrillo if we decide to go in this direction. Typing and PvP just do NOT go together. I don't know too much about these voice systems so maybe someone can enlighten me...
I think it would be fun to add raiding to our CoX experience. But we *have worked mighty hard to get where we are. If the turbine generator gets destroyed and the worktable auxilleries don't save it, we'll be hurting! But it's not like we can't replace it again....
Just a few words on the teamspeak and ventrillo you mentioned...and I think I have a squishy in DB right now??? ;)
Although I won't admit that on some subjects I am a total ditz but I have tried out teamspeak. I tried it out playing with Dr. Earl Grey and his crew the Unpredictables, and it was, thank goodness, a great experience. As exciting it is to finally "hear" and see the player you are teamed with, let me warn that it could shatter some preconceived notions. **Don't ever do it with the Kinky Killers** :::shivers:::
BUT if you are prepared, and I think you are (for crying out loud you have been playing with each other for how long???) It would be an awesome experience!!! and I agree that it would be perfect for pvp. HAHA then I wouldn't get hit with Half-inch's souldrain because i stopped to type: "BIYATCH!!"
I believe the downloading of TS is easy and you just set up an ip address or some such thang and you are ready to rock!! Oh ya, after you have invested in some mighty good ($75 good+) mic/headphone set.
I at one time suggested to Mondaag that Alpha try it out but who wants to hear Rage and Mon cuss?
KK Tisall from this Chica
Seriously, I have no clue how that all works...but it sounds cool to me! We might even have a couple of mic/headphone sets around here I could use. lol Not sure on the raids, but I wouldn't mind practicing.
Lady Life has been jamming away and is like a 39ish lvl toon. I invited her to our SG when 46 n 2 was like a lvl 10. He has bloomed to about an 18, so I believe she has more dedication than me. Anyways she is a healer too. Afro needs to win the lotto so she can get back with us. Next time you see Lady Life on talk to her about the raids etc. and I will email her about the blog site.
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