Well, I got a few of my hordes up a level or 5 this weekend. This almost made up for all the silliness of issue 7. ALMOST. So what was the count Az? Can the base afford gold-plated toilet seats now? Did anyone blaze up to 50? I found that doing task forces were crazy great. Started Eduardo out at 15 on Synapse and finished it at 21. Woot!. So report in on how you faired.
PS: Dev's had an additional surprise, all SG members received anadditional 20,000 prestige!
We had a good weekend Baba. With the 20k per member bonus, we were able to pay the rent, upgrade to the 3rd plot size, have Tech-Blade put down an SG mission computer (that isn't online yet) and I placed my crafted elite energy turret. So the base is much larger now. We really didn't need to go up, but placed prestiege is not "taxed" as heavy as banked prestiege so that's the reason we upgraded. We are saving for the first secure plot which runs 11 million prestiege. We need a little over 7 mill to get it. Now Baba if you could use your sing to keep the place clean, we'll be in business!
On the villain side, we finally have a bare bones base. We had power and energy prior, and we have added 2 TPers, an infirmary and a workshop. We need the zone beacons (which are acquired by getting the exploration badges in each zone). So if you can go into any zone, minus Mercy (which we have) and get 'em, we'd applaud you forever and ever.
Toon wise, I got Burnt Umber to 40 (from 36), Ahne Toreph to 18 (from 12), Dunizel to 48.5 (from 47), and Melqar to 20 (from 16). Oh and Azrharn went up to 44, but he really wasn't my main focus. We just needed a mentor for Chica! :D
I would like to put out a big THANK YOU to all who supported the SG on this rare opportunity. It is because of you we grow stronger and when Items of Power are available we will be getting as many as possible to make you as a hero stronger.
However, to those who did not, please be advised, a coalition member (Dark Justice Legion) may be disbanding thier SG to join ours. If we do not have room for all of them, you will find your pink slip when you log in. That is all.
Uh oh..should I pack my bags now?!!? :P
Gratz to everyone who lvled during the double xp weekend. I unfortunately only got to log on once but I did lvl SolidFade 2 lvls in an hour. Not too shabby.
Great to hear about the base and a credit to you Az for putting it together. I teamed with Chaud a little earlier and she said she got one of the tp beacons (for Cap Au I think). Gold-plated toilet for her!!
As of last night, we were only missing the beacons for Shark and Nerva.
I'm getting a bit nervous about our rent on CoH. We usually pay about 120K. Any guesses to what it'll be now after our 2 million increase?
Woot! What a weekend! I did get beacons...Cap, PO and Sharkhead! So we are in tp business. lol
Toons for me...was able to get Chaud comme l'efner to 42 from 39 (thanks to Az, Sword and Cap for helping me with my patron missions!), Calmar Chaud 38 (from 34), Radiant Remedy 15 (from 10), Casual Agent 21 (from 18) and Chickadee Chaud 14 (from 5).
New base size sounds exciting, gonna have to acutally go into the base and check it out! Ü
Now if we can just convince the devs to have double xp week! oÜo
P.S. WOOT on the gold-plated toilet!! I've always wanted one.Ü
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