Monday, April 09, 2007

Fun and Games in CoX

Dunizel checking out the new DBR digs

First order of business: Attacking Raid on DDoC on Saturday the 21st @3pm Pacific. As always, please RSVP! We've got some great people with us so we should hopefully rock their socks off (and wreck their stuff).

There's an interview with Lord Recluse here. And issue 10! Could it mean a level hike? What exactly does he mean!!

Don't forget the Lethal Lottery this weekend, Saturday @ 3pm Pacific. Lvl 47+. I'd actually like to start running some of the games with our coalition that I've learned about at the pvp meetings that sound like a lot of fun. "Capture the Flag" being one, where there are two or more teams in WB and whoever launches a specific nuke first wins! Imagine the mayhem! Another Warburg one was "Tug of Warburg" which is a game when two sides fight over a scientist and the first one who gets him to the top of their alloted scaffold on the launch pad wins. CRAZY! We can also run a lethal lottery of our own and lower the level so more toons qualify if you prefer some arena action. Anything for a bit o' fun, ya?


Chaud Woman said...

Well I'm in for the raid as soon as I get a real comp up and running. Sigh...I miss my CoH! Good news is Tech ordered me a new comp, since the old one is having such a hard time being fixed, anyway according to them I should have a shiny computer by early next week! (darn still can't afford an alien one :( )

"Focusing on a level range" hmmm...maybe a level hike, but then we'd need higher enhancements and with all the hami's and new invention stuff seems silly to give us all new enhancements and then make us level and get even newer ones..course devs have never been known for smartness....rofl

Dr. Earl Grey said...

Some very ineteresting ideas there Az. As for I-10, I really think they are referring to the level 35 to 45 content, since it is really easy to stagnate in those levels, granted Safeguard missions have helped, but I can still run out of content if I'm playing anything less that invicible. Post Lv. 50 content, forget it, this game encourages Alt-aholism, maybe down the road when they start running out of ideas, but really..., I'm happy with the lv. 50 content, we just need more stuff to do with them.

Oh, and Sign me up for the base raid as well, same with Lady Firma, we'll be there ready to dish out the pain.

Azrhiaz said...

Well Chaud, would seem silly to max out a 50 and then have nothing to do with it. I say Bring on the 60s!!

Azrhiaz said...

Boooo! Castle says no to upping the level cap

Chaud Woman said...

It's not that I'm against a level raise, just wouldn't make to much sense now with all the new ehancements for 50's coming out, to much work. lol

Yes, Dr. looks like they are probably talking about the 35-45 range. I only had a problem runnnig out of missions once and that was with Chaud cause I solo'd a lot.