Sunday, April 22, 2007

Disconnects for the uh...never mind

Chaud destroying any chance of a Carnie Boot recipe drop by killing Ex Libris

Well all, as expected, as attackers we got a ton of DCs yesterday. It kind of trashed our strategy when half of Earl's team disappeared! It also didn't help that we couldn't get into the salvage bins. However, even with all that (and the enemy coming into the spawn point), we did a great job with the pylon placing with 3 at one time down! Woot! Go team! When 9 comes out we'll rock the house since we'll all be present and not watching a file verify screen! Ack!

Welcome to our new members! Monique', Maude d'Lynne, Terran, Blade and to those I might have missed. If you are here, make sure to check out the "About DB" thread to the right in the links. Vent info is there, as well as our SG uniform. If you'd like to be able to post on this blog, send me your email address ingame and I'll get you out an invite!

I think 9 may be upon us by month's end! That's my guess. Anyone else want to hazard one?

I'm thinking we can play Capture the Flag in Warburg on Friday night 4/27 if anyone wants to have a bit of fun? Maybe around 7 pm pacific? CTF will be one of the big PvP events this summer. You form two teams. First team to launch nuke #3 (the chemical burn one) wins. So invite the coalitions and we'll have a little slapfest. :grin: Warburg is lvl 30 minimum.

Oh for those who have any interest, I did the Lethal Lottery 3x3 today. Was one of the first to the bar, so I think I'm the true winner in the end!! :laughs: 2 controllers and a def, vs a blaster, a def, and a tank = I lose. 3 lines of debuffs and holds in my screen. :sigh: Even my test build couldn't have held up on that. Second match was a bit better: me, a def and a scrap against 2 ill/emps and a blaster. Superspeed allowed them easy escape but the blaster was from OS so even though I killed him twice, his build trumped mine in every way. Ah well, met some cool peeps. it's all good!


Dr. Earl Grey said...

Yeah..., it really wasn't pretty. I knew things were going to to go south when my Vent went haywire. For the first 10 or 15 minutes my computer seemed to be doing fairly good, then it all blew up. I had 4 client crashes and 2 hard locks. By the last one that happened, I knew it wasn't worth coming back (since by the time the last one happened there was only 3 minutes left), it was probably doing more harm then good on my computer.

I'm really sorry to let you down Az, hopefully with Issue 9 we will see major improvements with base stability.

Azrhiaz said...

You didn't Earl. At least we know it won't happen in 9 from our experience on test the other night! Don't despair! :)

Baba Kanoosh said...

Bah it is all good. I noticed the imbalance in the raid was much like Az's tourney...we are squishee heavy. Best tactic is a tight group but with the DCs and pylon groups having to spread out---well it gets tough. ROLL A STONE TANK TODAY! :-)

Chaud Woman said...

First off...that's soo not me... it was an imposer, sorta...maybe, I plead the 5th with a little cry for carnie boots. :D

Yea we were squishy heavy, Zan could do nothing, they didn't have any hallways in that base to camp in. :( Think we were more squishy heavy because all the hard hitters DC'd...hmmm, being the squishy bubbler I never DC'd...coincidence?? I think not. haha

I'm hoping the I9 stuff fixes this, while the test went off great no telling what will happen when all the servers are up and multiple sg's could be raiding. /e crossfingers

Baba Kanoosh said...

We should set up an arena night on test with EX...what sayeth thee Az? I also want to try a quick pylon drop in Test to see if those DC'd occur...I DC'd 4 of the 6 pylons I dropped in the raid.

Also I want the perfect PvP toon where I win and everyone else falls before me stinky feet in a heap. Az...see what you can do.

Garl said...

Well being super squishy during that raid, and opting to go for a modicum of stealth to try and drop pylons, I can say for sure that our rezzers in our base are working great. We got our moneys worth there for sure. Losing our heavy hitters sure stunk. I was very disappointed with group invis. With how wide open their base is it made it very difficult to try and drop pylons. I got 2 down at one point but then got killed really fast and just watched them get destroyed. I think I must have died 15 times... And I am glad you noticed about your feet Baba. I didn't want to say anything. What do you all think about just making a concerted effort to wreck the generator and rezzers in the base? With a tank taunting everyone so the scrappers/blasters are free to pound away I think it may work....

Azrhiaz said...

Oh now Baba, you never listen to my AT suggestions! tch tch. I think all ATs have their weaknesses. Tanks will stand but don't get kills that often. Blasters get kills but get killed often (and held and immob'ed, etc). Scrappers I think are the safest set to go with if you are looking to be somewhat sturdy and have some decent damage. And of course, there are sets that are better than others. I *told you to do a spine/regen or a spine/invuln but did you listen? noOOoooo! :grin:

Well destroying the generator is definitely an option. That way all weapons and rezzers will be taken off line. I still like the two prong attack where one team goes for the generator and the others try and drop pylons.

Invis is a tricky thing in PvP. Base defense items see through it. A few ATs cand as well. Especially with supression involved, it's a great tool that can be hard to use.