Hey all just got back from a nice vacation backcountry hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains. Didn't get to see any bear, but it was beautiful with some spectacular views. Makin' Debt and I are still sore from the 3 mile non-stop 2,700 elevation gain we did in one day.
Yup it is true I was on Test Server (closed) with quite a few other Triumph toons.
As you all have probably found out by now, the salvage system is gonna be expensive everything costs big bucks. There was a lot of growing pains to get it where it is now and I am not at all happy with the concepts that were proposed and how it has come to be at this stage. Since I have been gone for five days I am sure the promised patch to fix some of our complaints has dropped, but it left the system well, still sucking for many. And well the concept of it being "something you can skip if you don't like it" well I was seeing loop holes with that...but not sure if that will be fixed by the patch will have to log on today to see. Another issue I have is making a huge system for issue 9 and selling it as something you can skip...hey thanks for offering me something that I don't want to do...nice to wait for that. As you can see, in the end after a few weeks with this invention system, I am not fond of it, much of it to do with how the Devs went with it and forced it into the game despite a LOT of objections and complaints by the testers. I am officially not a fan of Statesman--he pissed off a lot of people with his tone, attitude and approach with this system change. His spin on this? You can make a new kind of toon.. an INVENTOR! Once you do so many recipes you get badges that open you up to all recipes for certain levels etc. So then you can have a crafting toon! Thats right you can stand around all day while people tell you Hey make this! Hey can you make that? (Read: a cheap attempt to say there can be a new archtype--read CHEAP). Ya this is his take on WoW in City of Heroes/Villians. Hell he mentioned WoW many times in his posts. He even equated the system to Ebay. City of Ebay is not what I wanted. Many, MANY, testers had objections to how this system has turned out and how much influence you have to drop now (the very first version was by far the best...Positron took it away in 2 days and we never saw it back, despite about a 75% objection rate). In the end the attitude that Statesman took was "Hey my game, my rules, deal with it." I almost debated dumping my account from his 'tude. I was that pissed. One thing kept me coming back...new game content i.e. STF. Make that two things...game content and having fun with the DB and coalition buddies. I missed having the whole crew there and not being able to talk about it. But Triumph server had a HUGE showing on test. Seemed about a 1 in 5 was from Triumph. Might have just been my luck of the draw though.
STF is a RIOT. Tried it numerous times and have yet to get past Dr Aeon. Every team I had was short of tanks and apparently there is a temp power you get for doing the Thorn Tree mish and no one was too aware of it or would drop from the TF by the time we hit the mish. I ran it once (with Metoid in tow) and had Ghostwidow "ghosting" it (watching it while we suffered). She actually rezzed Metoid at one point to help us out. It was fun. What they did to mess up the game with inventions, they did the complete opposite with STF. I wish they had invested more into new content such as this STF. It will be quite the reward for high level toons.
Hami? I gave up. It is a whole new ball game and except for the die-hard Hami addicts, we all stopped trying. Too hard ( he was later tweaked), too long, issues with the new inspriations to help defeat him (the drop rate for them was as borked as the drop rate for salvage at lvl 50---imbalanced and a pain to get) and the reward isn't quite worth it now with invention junk easier to craft. I will let the Hami-holics come with a new game plan and then maybe go waste time there. Hami is quite pointless now with inventions. He may drop something rare but then once you get it it? Then what?
New emotes to try are crouch, fish, wait, and a cell phone, they are in menu of emotes near chat bar under options I think. (Pic is of Baba in Wentworth's watching all the sucking of influence for a stupid common salvage).
I didn't do much on Villians side, my high level CoV toons are on my second account so not much testing done by me on the dark side.
Az, wish you could have been on closed testing, you would have had some sound input with you experience. For that matter all of the Debt Brigade could have. But at least we got to represent. Well see you online soon.