Saturday, March 10, 2007

Kickin' Ass in the DB Base!

Well what a blast of a good time!! Thank you to all who participated, especially our friends on the villain side! It was good to have some fresh blood in the mix and a little variety with ATs! It is clear that a high level toons and/or good team balance is important. Get those raid toons leveled!

We didn't really raid to win since we didn't have big enough teams, but we thoroughly enjoyed a battle royale twice in a row. Thank you to those people who switched sides so we could run it!

Force fields, force fields, force fields. The first raid was a bunch of force bubbles shooting various people across the base! I was getting dizzy from everyone flying about! Melqar took great advantage of his foot stomp with toons that did not have knockback protection and as usual, the taunting tankers were a pain in the ass. However once the MMs got their bots out, we seemed to hold our own very well. Zandryne had a blast pushing everyone around and putting Melqar into detention. He would then chase her into the red room and stomp on her for it! Hell Butterfly also has a great debuff in rad, breaking through the to hit buff in rage even. Lucky for her since she liked to stay in melee range. (silly sword!) C'mon Knockout Blow!

Round Two was 3 against 5. Meg, Lumeir and Chaud Woman waited anxiously for the villains to come in and pummel us. Which they definitely did for the first few minutes! Lumeir did not bring enough breaks and was wrapped up tight in thorns. Planty Man hit domination and held a surprised Megeara through wet ice and even Chaud Woman could not withstand his swarms when he got through integration. But Debt Brigade doesn't go down easy and once we got our groove on and camped the spawn point for a few minutes, our confidence soared and we started to let them back into the base and enjoyed the resulting battle. Especially when they came after us in the Hall of Death. :)

Lumeir and the chill cannon hold Got Debt? way up in the air!

Everyone did great! I was very impressed with how well the MMs did and Baba's work with Planty Man definitely paid off. Chaud Woman has taken first place in kills, outranking Colder and Deep, so congrats to her! I'll hold 'em, you fold 'em! POW! It was a lot of fun! We will definitely be holding another event like this very soon! It was great to have some teamwork and we all learned a few new things!


Unknown said...

I had a blast last night. Most of Melqar's victories were from me for sure! LOL We have to do this again soon.

Baba Kanoosh said...

Score board says it all. Planty Man will crawl back to his lair to plot on his revenge. Also to scold his pet, he saw it run away from Lumeir's pet. Bad Flytrap! Bad!

Everyone had fun, which is key to this--expect the worst (bubblers) and be ready to have a lot of laughs.

Thanks to Az for reminding me when things get bad we could always drop a Nuke. I come!

Colder said...

Damn...seems like a missed a hell of a time!

It seems like the Hero side did better due to my abscence :P

And where the heck does Chaudy come from with 31 frickin' kills!!

Deep and I are fearing your butt-kicking legs!!

Azrhiaz said...

Well Sword, Mel doesn't like looking like Kermit the Frog. It ain't easy being green, dammit! :) A small suggestion: stay out of melee range on your troller. Green or no green, you are still might squishy and with no knockback protection, you were very vulnerable. Getting on the empowerment station for KB protection is the first thing I do on my toons with no acrobatics!

Ha ha Colder, you missed it! See? RL is definitely less fun! :-P Meg would taunt them, I would hold them, and Chaud came in and kicked the bejesus out of all those squishie butts! Regens FTW!

Yes, as Baba said it really WAS a lot of fun. Posse Commesomething wants to raid with us now. (that's Makin Debt's other SG and our coalition mates). So we'll get that set up!

Chaud Woman said...

It was an awesome good time!! :)

First off, we got a little happy on the heroes side, even Zan killed Mel and tech, to begin with. Then doom hit, let's say when you rez in the base and are smacked to the wall by the bubbler, have 10 bots shooting at you and Mel comes in for the smack die, over and over again. All I could do was detention anyone I could see and die. Once those villians could get their pets out we were sunk.

Second time around, they came in and planty confused me..then held me. Let's say those plants got a bit friendly, and with intergration I don't carry breaks (dang it) and I was dead quickly. That's when the teamwork came in play. Meg had them taunted and focused on him, Lumi held them (especially Mr. planty) and I could sneak in and give them a good kicking. Lets say confuse and bubbles can't stop a determined scrapper, I just kept running in until I finally hit something :) Then came the point where we decided to let them come all the way into the base, we danced in the Hall of ran planty, oops did we forget to mention the cannons :D don't think we stopped dancing and he was gone.

Funniest moment: Lumi yelling "come see Debt this is so funny" I ran in just in time to see her final hold seconds and a bouncing debt in the tpers. :D

Now I'm off to shine my new trophy.

Unknown said...

I was more in it for the fun of it. But I plan to respec Hell for raid be sure of it. But if I wanted a real fight, I would've had Sword. LOL

This is SPARTA!!!!

Baba Kanoosh said...