Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What were they thinking??

This is the email I received from the "support team" reguarding the SF we tried to do on Sunday. Notice how much they have buffed these monsters/AV/Heroes up! Now if they want to do it to a monster running around a zone where you can get help from many players, fine...but in a mission or TF where you are limited to 8 players!! Crazy! It says on the forums that AV's now resist -regen too, but can't find anything else on it. I really hope they fix this soon so we can be back to kicking some AV/Hero butts!!

Thank you for contacting PlayNC Support Team. With the release of Issue 7, Arch Villains/Heroes and Giant Monsters have been adjusted and now ignore threat level damage multipliers for different Archetypes. They have also had their health and regeneration rates increased, as well as the damage they deal.

Upon further review of the change, and your empassioned pleas, we are going to scale back the regen rate buff of the Archvillains and Giant Monsters by 80%.Basically they will be tougher than they were before, but in comparison to how tough we made them in Issue 7, they will be only 20% tougher. (Example: if prior to I7, an AV had a regen rate of "100 points per second", and afterwards it was "1100 points per second" we are making it "300 points per second".)I want to thank you all for your constructive posts. We used many as examples and tested those exact scenarios here in the office. Giving us solid data to compare against like "we went up against Positron who was Level 41, and we were a Fire/Energy Dom, Energy/Energy Brute, etc." goes a long way.Thanks again. --Positron Lead Designer, City of Heroes

Currently there is no time frame for when these changes will be made on the live servers, but the Development team is working on game balance adjustments based on feedbacks received for a future patch. As the Support Team does not make any changes to design aspects of the game, we ask that you continue to post your constructive opinions/feedback/suggestions on the City of Heroes or City of Villains Official Forums (http://boards.cityofheroes.com or http://boards.cityofvillains.com) where your fellow players and the development team will be able to view them first hand.It is important to note that the Support Team does not have the ability to assist players in defeating these Arch Villains/Heroes and Giant Monsters.


Azrhiaz said...

I got the same one.

Their changes made any sort of taskforce IMPOSSIBLE to do. You've all seen how hard it is taking down a monster even with THREE teams. Even with the *right build, a single team would be unable to take one down alone.

Exactly. What WERE they thinking? And why don't they have a time frame when to fix it?

Colder said...

The AV/Giant Monster buff was a little crazy. How many people did we need to take down Jack in Irons last night? The only reason we could do it was because of -regen attacks from others.

I don't mind AV's/GM's being harder but make them harder because of how they fight/powersets...not because they're Wolverine wannabes.

Quick question to Az darling: what the different between a Tier 1 Buff station and a Tier 2? Duration of Buff?

Azrhiaz said...

From my understanding, the higher tier stations just build different (more valuable/better?) buffs.

Weapons of Mu! Weapons of Mu! Where can I find these! Can I trade in some spells of power for them? ::grin::

Cap said...

for the most part, their lack of a time table for fixing the AVs and giant monsters doesn't surprise me to much. They're probably shocked that anyone complained. Bastards!

How many Mu weapons did you need Azr? I think I have a few somewhere

Azrhiaz said...

I think there's a new patch on test which has some adjustments to the AVs. There's a thread on the baords about it, so hopefully it will go live soon.

I need 8 Cap. :)

Cap said...

oh I can think of a few "suggestions" for the Devs alrighty....but I don't think they would be particularly constructive in nature

Baba Kanoosh said...

On ar with this thread I would like to tell my story of Nemesis the other day. We had a team of eight, mainly damage dealers but two healers as well. We were getting it handed to us. So I have a beautiful scheme. Two or three members quit but stayed in the mission. We recruited and had members quit until we had two full teams in the mission. Two members who were on the "proper mission team" went out loaded up on awakens in case we needed them fo rthose who couldn't go to the hospital. It took us forver to get two full teams, people are just done with fighting AVs and monsters now. So I am thinking we have two full teams and we can beat him. Thirty minutes into the foray we start to dent his health. Five minutes afetr that it starts moving, we have Nemesis. Then I see what happened. Vanguards, Gea, Crey Pistols. All used at once but abour 6 lvl 50s. We had him down to 25% health. Then the accolades went away. Ten minutes later, we all had debt and folks were using that profanity filter quite well. I echo the question...Just what were the Devs thinking? Did they test this using perfect matches only? Baffling.