Well, we are getting low on TFs we have not done on City of Heroes. Baba suggested a lowbie one, but I am not doing the Positron one EVER AGAIN!! lol! I thought perhaps we could do a couple of the StrikeForces on CoV since most of us don't spend much time there and our Death Brigade base is small and pathetic. ::grin::
There is one in Cap au Diablo for levels 15-20 (6 mishes) and one in Sharkhead for level 25-31 (12 mishes) I have toons available for either, if you are interested.
Or we could perhaps do one of the big TFs on CoH. I hear they really don't take a lot longer than the regular ones. We could split it up over 2 nights during the week maybe?
On the boards I was reading about the Lord Recluse SF and the devs bragging about how hard it was. So hard in fact, that the first team on test to complete it would get a free year subscription. Hmmm.... Not sure I'd want to get involved with that one even if I *had a lvl 45 villain. Eeeek!
From what I hear on Coh, the longest of the TFs is the Faathim the Kind one in Firebase Zulu. 25 missions I think (roughly 16 hours of tf.
Never done that one, from what I hear its one of the worst
I posted a question on the coh boards and this is the answer I received regarding the length of the high level TFs:
Dr. Quarterfield's is the longest ever: 10+
Sara Moore is about 4-6 hours.
Justin's is so easy - 85% is delivery
3-5 hours
Faathim the kind is about 6-10 hours
So I'm guessing they aren't as bad as we thought.
Sorry I was a no show, once agin my life sometimes dumps on my virtual fun. Just ask Metoid...he will tell about those pesky porches that require cleaning. I am in need of all the cool stuff in CoV-I have a 17ish stalker that is getting old and a 12ish MM that got sidetracked by the clsoing gap on Baba and 50. Now I have a distracting Peacebringer. This and my family all has these same piles of toons themselves and we just have the one account. Amazing we got this far. I need to hire someone to handle all these toons.
PS Az you use Adobe to cut and crop that pic? My daughter is trying to do a SG drawing for us using Adobe and a Wacom drawing pad. Pretty cool stuff.
Yep, I like Photoshop. Fireworks for my web design work too. I can't imagine being without the Wacom! Anyone who uses a mouse for anything other than CoX is crazy! lol
Chaud, Deep and I did the 1st villain respec today. I'd done it before, but Chaud needed it so I got the nice chunk of xp at the end instead.
Hey! They deleted my thread on high level TF times! I wonder why. Glad I read it first!! General consensus was Dr. Quarterfield's is WAY long. The others they said, depends on the team and are similar to the times in my previous comment. And Sara Moore's is supposed to be the least taxing. Maybe we should do that next? They said a lot of the maps are really cool and the AVs are awesome.
Here's a thread on a team that is actually doing the Lord Recluse Strikeforce. It DOES sound impossible. Read it here: Lord Recluse's SF - Ouch!
Holy Crap! That sounds impossible! 5 Heroes in one mission!! I'm up for the higher TF's we can do them over a few days. Had fun on the respec SF too, villians SF's seem a bit harder to me...JMO.
I haven't done any SFs on villains. Just the respec trial which is admittedly, rather hard. It will suck even more after issue 7 when you can't play the "Set it for One" game. So I'm glad we got it in.
Found my thread on high level tf's today, not sure where it went, but it's back. I'm definitely up for a split day TF. Be nice during the week nights after work :)
Another update on their lengths from one of the players doing the Lord Recluse one:
I think we should quote 3 times for every TF. The first one is the super-fast ninja team, the second is an ordinary "good" team, and the third is a horrible PuG.
This is how I would classify them:
Quarterfield: 4.5 / 7 / 16
Sara Moore: 3 / 4 / 8
Justin Augustine: 1.5 / 2.5 / 4
Faathim: 3 / 5 / 8
I vote Sara Moore for this Saturday. :)
I was about to vote for Sara Moore and then remembered I will be TDY for the next two weeks. Uncle Sugar is holding back my leveling/badge hunts/prestige mongering. Boooo. Anyways hearin about multiple AVs in a mish makes me jealous CoH doesn't bring the heat like that. But the ploy is working. My feigning interest in CoV is not so feigny anymore. Feignering. Feignisting. Ugh. I am interested in CoV again thanks to issue 7.
I'm up for any TF on Sat. Especially any that gives XP. Eight bars to 50 and counting!!! :P
Here is a video from the Recluse SF. I had to set it on the largest setting to see anything, but you can get a feel for it. And the way it ends is hysterical with Mynx.
No one won the contest BTW
Recluse SF Video
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