Tech-Blade, Afrodiety, Chaud Woman, Colder, Elitess, Sword of Artemis, Lumier, Captain Thundar
What an awesome PVP night we all had. Nothing like ponying up two teams and kicking villain butt all over Siren's. Huge thanks to Alpha Team (a new coalition member no less) for the much needed heroes. Also, good ol'Cap was there to lend us a hand (I think he's the first unofficial member of the DB :)
I forgot how much fun Siren's could be. I love the whole chaotic warzone atmosphere and it's a blast to be fighting next to a bunch of Longbow. I'm not a huge fan of PVP but I did enjoy fighting off villains last night. We bagged quite a few of them and showed some excellent teamwork. I only wish one of us got the Bots/FF MM. He just would not go down because of his Personal Force Field!
However, we did tip the warzone in favor of the heroes! Where's my badge!?!?! :P
The bounties were flying left and right so gratz to those who cashed out. I would have but being absent-minded I went to the base after being AS'ed and lost my bounty points :*( Let that be a lesson gang :P
We even got a new SG member..all because she saw us taking a group picture. I can't blame her for wanting to join. We have a very tight-knit group and I dare say we are one of the closest SG's out there. We should definitely make more PVP trips on top of our TF's. Great job gang!

I have to say I've never really stayed in Siren's, only flying fast getting to missions.Ü It was awesome, except for those dang assassin's! Collected a few bounty's and got some new inspirations! Nice job everyone! We do have an awesome sg, who wouldn't want to be in it!!!
You know after leveling Azrharn to 40 that night, I was feeling kinda tired and wasn't even sure I wanted to do the whole PvP thing. But boy! I'm sure glad we did! It was a blast! I never would've guessed that we'd have 2 full teams beating the forces of Archanos into a pulp! Though however, like Colder, I was a bit disappointed after taking over the entire zone, not a damn thing happened! lol! I kinda expected *something. :) Well at least in the new level 50 zone, it will change according to who has control of it.
A big shout out to Alpha Team, Tentacles of Justice, and new coalition member, Alpha Force. Everyone did a bang-up job of taking out villains and being a part of an awesome team. I swear I thought I heard someone say that they took down that pesky MM, Xi Wang-Mu. I actually sent her a tell praising her PvP skills! Who'da thunk a squishie could be so slippery! lol
Favorite moments:
Saving Elitess: Just gotten out of the hospital and noticed Elitess' health bar dropping (having 3 healers, it's become automatic now), I target her and was wishing I'd put another SO in Fly "Hang on Elitess!" I think! Fortunately, I made it there in the nick of time, giving her an O2 boost and helping her take down her tormentor. Whew!
Ice Dominator Kill: I get attacked by an ice dominator and everyone is taking off to the next hotspot. I fossilize the bugger and am like "What now?" having virtually no damage attacks. I yell out for help and Larissa Sue comes to add to our team's bounty. Woot!
BOING! Captain Thundar jumping solo into the biggest pack of Arachnos in the zone. "I love tanking!" is all I could think with a smile. For someone who says he's no good at PvP, I think he acquitted himself rather well!
KABOOM! SoulBleeder's massive uppercut knocking my lights out. Big jerk. lol
Hats off to everyone. I'm bringing Azrhiaz next time so I can do more killing and less holding. :-) Hey, what happened to Doc Mercy? She was there and then gone! I almost thought I imagined it!
Doc Mercy was there Azr. didn't stay long tho.
My strength is in the team and Player vs Environment. I CAN do pvp, but often find to much difficulty with MM and stalkers. they seems to make up the bulk of villans in Sirens for some reason. Against the other villans, I can hold my own well enough in a straight fight :) You should bring Azr next time, just watch out for Lil'Pain :P
as for me.....
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