Fellow Villains and Friends of Azrhiaz:
Just a quick note from my trip to the newest isle taken over by our Lord Recluse, Grandeville. I have just yet arrived but thought I would send off a postcard to let you know that I and the demon hoard have arrived somewhat safely and to let you know my intial perceptions of the place.

Grandville was very quiet this morning when I arrived so I took a fast fly around. Up the tower and around the sidestreets. I also took a brief trip inside the Patron facility to check out what the lords of the realm had to offer.

Under each statue of the patrons is a plaque that lets you know exactly what each lord can provide you upon swearing allegiance to them. I am not currently ready to commit myself to any of these slackers since as of yet, I am not impressed with what I have heard and seen. However, with further perusal of the zone (perhaps at threat level 41) I will undertake one of their tasks. You can see Black Scorpion behind me. I think he needs to go on a diet frankly.
My welcome here was anything but. They must be living under a rock as they did not quake at my passing as they well ought to. In fact, some arachnos dared attack me in the square shortly before I took the next photo. The grave knights were still sleepy so it was not a pretty site and indeed, the lot of us were cranky by battle's end. However, we showed those dolts who was top dog.

I then briefly met my beloved daughter, Azrhiaz in Recluse's Victory. Being that *she was there, it was understandably controlled by the Freedom Corps. Her allegiance with them I will never comprehend, but she is still of my and Dunizel's blood, so how could I not love her, misguided as she is. Over cocktails, she told me of her exploits in the zone. She took over two "pillboxes" with the assistance of a small team. Pillboxes are large military structures with 4 very powerful turrets protecting them. When she demolished the turrets, she was able to take control of the device and had at her disposal 4 large weapons. However, there were no targets in the area (her reputation must have preceeded her, unlike mine (which I find bizarre)) so she went off in search of better amusement. She checked out a Heavy Hitter and walked around with it creating a bit of mayhem (she IS my daughter after all). Heavy hitters are very large walking robots (think X-men Sentinels) with a nice array of weaponry and are good at taking aggro. She also was excited to tell me of her beating down of an ice corruptor who tried to unsuccessfully put the moves on her. (what's *with her and the ice men?) A Longbow with storm powers assisted her with the lout, which pleased her to no end. She was unable to stay long, but in any event there really wasn't a lot happening she told me. She was lonely for her SG apparently and her camera was with the lovely Chaud Woman, who was detained in Peregrine Island.
So that's currently my happenings over here on test. I will update you should the need arise.
Very nice post! Cool views of Grandville, will be awesome when I finally get a villian that high! Sorry about the delay, when I did show up (after my comp took forever to do the updates!) I remembered I'd DC'd in there earlier...lol And right in from of me was Lord Recluse, woot! So I helped kick some butt when he suddenly (fearing for his life no doubt) disappeared! Then I went in search of Az...but sigh she must have been in the coffee shop! There's always next time I guess.
I'm glad you tooled that ice corruptor. There's only room for one ice man in Azzie's life!
All of the I7 stuff sounds really neat. Alas, I won't be able to enjoy the mayhem missions for quite awhile :*( I guess it's off Recluse's Victory for me! I got an Ice Corruptor that's needs to be set straight!
Great I7 posts by both you and Chaud! I gotta do an in-character post sometime! All of this talk is making want to jump on the Test Server.
If you have 5 hours for the download, it's pretty easy. :) (no, I'm not kidding about the time!) I thought there'd be more to it then there actually was!
Any TFs this weekend, guys?
For Mayhem you just have to get a mission from your broker, they have replaced lot's of the "get the loot" missions with mayhem ones! I did it at level 7! As for this weekend, I don't have anything scheduled...a villian respec would be nice, Colder!! Or maybe Ernesto Hess...whatever.
Recluse Victory? HA!! Only for the moment, until I decide to take it from him muahahahahahahaha!
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