I took the respec and got around to using it earlier today. Here's what I've gained/dropped:
Dropped: Combat Jumping, Ice Storm, Shiver, Cold Mastery (Flash Freeze)
Gained: Stealth, Invisibility, Freezing Touch, Munitions Mastery (Cryo Freeze Ray)
I also made sure I took Fly at 14. Even though the Postitron TF is out of the way I want my travel power as early as possible in case we some som low lvl shennanigans.
So now I have 4 holds (one melee) which I'm excited as heck about. Both Ice sets give you a nice pseudo-control aspect which I love. Sure, Freezing Touch is melee, but I've heard a good tip about leaving it on auto-fire so as soon as a goon comes up to you (which they invariably do), you have a nice way to counter them.
A part of me wanted to keep Cold Mastery because of my ice theme, but I found Flash Freeze not that effective. The other 3 didn't seem that interesting either. I went with Munitions Mastery beacause a) another single target hold....ice no less :D b) Body Armor isn't a bad option for a squishy like me and c) I finally get a snipe move with LRM Missle!
I'm not crazy with carrying around that junkyard supersoaker but I decided to be practical this time around.
Finally, everyone has been dogging me to talk about our official SG mascots. Thanks to a mission that involved rescuing 3 Rikti Monkeys, we now have our newest in-joke. Meet Pogo, who is also standing in for Mr. Wiggles and Chippers (they went down faster than a Regen Scrapper). You 3 better be in SG mode ;P

After the grind that was Positron, how uneventful and boring was that respec mish?!?! We blew thru it like a hot knife thru butter! :) Yes major props to Baba for great heals. I think that had the least amount of death for us ever!
You got rid of ice storm?? No more 1's?? Booooo! But I'm glad you got rid of the combat jumping and the ice epic set. Someone told me Munitions was probably the best and that the armor is super. I am trying to decide what to get rid of myself so I can take recall. I'm thinking it might be my EMP blast. I don't use it that much, and when everyone comes out of their disorient they all chase me down and stomp on me. Though I *am tempted to try another epic!
There's another respec at 44-50. I'm definitely up for it when everyone gets into that range.
What's next? Cavern of Transcendence?
That respec was awesome! Trust me, had some go bad. Baba's heals were just the kick we needed.Ü As for the respec...got rid of some stuff, added some stuff...like invis, will see how that does on tf's. Now for the important thing...Chippers! He was an awesome monkey, so fun. We got very close in those few floors, my pants have the stains to prove it. To bad those things don't have any sort of defenses. Mr. Wiggles and Pogo were okay, but Chippers will always be special.
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