What's up with Tech and all these Malta missions, sigh! Last night we had a bit of fun doing some close examination of the floor in a Malta building, we also took out Anti-Matter and some really flirty Carnies! Joining me from the DB were Tech-Blade, Ngine, Elitess, Colder and Afro (with a special guest appearance from Cap). It's always fun to run missions with friends, even when the missions are yucky. Took these pic's of our very own Ngine last night, isn't he so handsome!

Between sappers and a huge volley of heat seeking missles, yep. Malta suck.
Oh and let's not forget the slap in the face from the gunslingers!
Down with Malta!!
Malta are one of the worst foes for an unprepared team of heroes. A little caution and patience is needed (yes I'm talking to YOU blasters!)
Anyone up for Giant Monster hunting?
I'm all for Giant Monster hunting. I still need the giant ol'Pumpkin Head!!
Malta do suck indeed...from the sappers to their Knockback, they can all kiss my icy butt!
I need the the Croatoa Pumpkin dude too.
But I think Cap was referring to the Devouring Earth monsters off PI or in Eden.... (I think)
The DE monsters were camped outside the portal entrance last night, two of them like big twins. I need some monsters for badges, have the pumpkin one though, but I'm all for doing it again!
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